So with this whole Amnesia Fortnight thing going on at Double Fine, I've felt pretty inspired to muse over game design ideas myself. The developers at Double Fine came up with quite a few neat game design pitches, some were of course better than others. But watching this whole experience has been really inspiring! It brings me back to the days that I looked at games less cynically and I often liked to imagine how I'd make my own!
I guess in the spirit of Amnesia Fortnight I've came up with m
I made a new meme from this picture. Optimus Prime The Battle Brony.
So What Do You Think?
Edit: here's 5 more.
Plus DT's Christmas Avatar. needed some place to upload that, so, there.
#1 Free Will
It happens from time to time that I see a discussion popping up that tries to answer the question. "Do we have a free will?" Well, let me show you how you cannot possible answer the question.
You have to imagine the world as a chain of actions/consequences. It has been like that since the beginning of the universe. Now, "Free Will" makes us believe that this chain of actions/consequences originated from us. But how can you tell that you are the starting point? This would mea
It's been however long since I officially adopted the term "brony" while describing myself, and I JUST remembered that the mall in town my mother frequents has a Hot Topic. So guess where I went today?
The only rack of pony-gear the store had was right in the front window, so I was treated to the curious gaze of an elderly women sitting on a bench outside the store as I browsed. They had the ONE Doctor Whooves shirt I wanted, but of course, in every size but mine. So I ended up getting the L
I have been really gotan into shipping of late and thought "I think Aj and AD would be a great couple" so I have some pics of them to hand to you know (FYI I am going to do daily shipping entrys so keep an eye out for your fav couple)
i you don't know of what I'm talking about, read this entry before going any further:
I'm not gonna lie, I was very pesimistic about giving the lady the call to know more about my pen. But man! I'm glad I did. haha! If I seemed very exagerated in my latest blog, you have to understand that I am a male human version of Rarity, of course I will exagerate, it's better that way to seek for attention.
She told me that w
Hello everypony!
I wrote a Magic Duel review in the discussion thread, but since I really like doing this, I decided I should start blogging these for reference. Be free to give your own thoughts on the episode here below if you want though.
Wow, what an episode! I'm not kidding when I say Magic Duel could be one of my favorites in the whole series, surpassing even Lesson Zero when it comes to single episodes. Trixie's return was handled extremely well, making her a real threat instead of t
So all my Pokemon are at level 35 and somehow I still beat her! I battled her 1st Pokemon, Gyrados which went down easily with ampharos and her thunderpunch.then she sent out dragonair which I took took out with my newly evolved weezing and his gyro ball. Next was a level 41 kingdra which then I sent out ampharos. During that part of the battle I was lucky because kingdra used hydro pump and missed. I used thunderpunch and I got kingdra paralyzed.later on hydro pump missed again!i defeated him a
Amnesia Fortnight 2012 Review
So one of the coolest events in video game development is happening RIGHT NOW! And its called Double Fine's Amnesia Fortnight!
Essentially what Amnesia Fortnight is is when the Double Fine (known for Monkey Island, Brutal Legend, and Psychonauts, headed by the legendary Tim Schafer) decides to take a break and drop whatever they are doing, go into a development AMNESIA one may say, and start working on new prototypes for a full two weeks, or a FORTNIGHT som
I love some of the music the fandom picks out sometimes. Why is that? Well, some of the songs about love that get picked out sometimes just stand out so much you seriously can't help but love song that the pony picked out! Thus I came across that I think I would love to turn into another pony dance! Although i haven't made the other video for the other pony dance yet, it's great to get psyched up about possibilities! I know some of you might not enjoy this song and I am aware some of the lyrics
Today me and my friend held up in the lodge in Frosty pines with enough firepower to take over the whole server and started spamming chat "Party in frosty pines lodge" and about 5 minutes later players started spawning in near us and some already in the lodge. It was hide and shoot anything that moved for 2 hours then parties began to show up moslty 4-5 and snipers camp in the mountans near it. I did die by skype alt-tabbing me out but i was able to reach the lodge again in another server and th
Well I should be asleep right now but mlp is keeping me awake xD.
So yea, its finally december, yay! Now only if it snowed in California
Anyway, novemeber passed by fast, im glad its over, and yea. Because that means 1 month near summer vacation xD
when I just got home from a meeting from school the first thing I do is to look for my laptop, it was on it's usual place, on the kitchen's table. There it was the laptop, my optic mouse, my now usb keyboard and my tablet, but something was missing...
my tablet's pen.
Hours before leaving home, the cleaning lady was cleaning the house, she is a very fun to be around woman, and I enjoy drinking the coffee that she makes for me every friday while I have a conversation with her whilst I'm o
Hello everypony, and welcome to Super Brony Blog 64!
Although I've had a few entries before, only my second one had any success. After feeling some inspiration from various other blogs both here and across the internet, I now feel confident that I can keep a pretty good one going too. Anyway, expect mostly various MLP-related content, with of course my own twist throwing in a few of my favorite things here and there, such as gaming and music! So without further ado, let's get started!
For w
I've been making game-play videos on YouTube for a while now, but i've started a new series in-which i play Black ops 2 with some brony friends. Right now i only have 2 of these videos up under the series title of FiM (Friendship is Murder). The format i am using is to post 1 main video that has all of us playing in it and separate videos to watch from our points of view throughout the match.
I'm looking for any form of feedback an suggestions for how i could improve or change these video
So a while back I was told about a fresh new interesting Kickstarter called the LA Game Space. I wasn't quite sure exactly what it was, so I had to take a look into it.
And what I saw looks FANTASTIC!
Essentially the Kickstarter for LA Game Space is to help fund a huge video gaming project. Its a place, in LA of course, where developers of various Indie Games can come together and talk abo
Chickens and corn
Guy 1: How do chickens eat corn?
Guy 2: I gives it up!
Guy 1: Why, by the pack! (pack ,as in a pack of wolves or something)
And now, for a rant on politicals. I am pretty tired of those crooked politicans that run the US. I'm sure by now their crookedness has rendered them beyond recongization as a human being. I'm hoping some one will invent regeneration. And not zombies, I mean full generation. I would bring Thomas Jefferson from the dead and let him work his magic. I
I will rant in two parts here, don't worry.
I don't like team assignments, and this has many reasons. the first reason is, I tend to have to work with people who I would say have very poor analytical skills and generally don't seem to understand how certain good practice works. At times I just think they program things willy nilly, without thinking what the hell they are doing. I constantly feel like these people don't deserve their diploma's, very simply because I cannot understand how they
So, I finally got around to seeing the new Karate Kid, and was really pleased to find out that it was the story all about how Jaden Smith's life got flipped turned upside down. You see, he was chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool, shooting some b-ball outside of his school when a couple of guys (who were up to no good) started making trouble in his neighborhood. He got in one little fight and his mom got scared! And said "You're going to learn kung-fu from the maintenance man downstairs!"