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computer demo: lava and fail obsidian?

world: demo world (on comupter) mode: survivial played the computer version WHOO!! so i spawn next to a chest with items to help me get started, including wood. i found a place to build a house, but the house is really small. i later on found iron and made an iron bucket, with 1 more ingot. i went over to area i found that had lava earlier, and then i filled my bucket with water, then poured water on the lava and i failed. later i found a skeleton that dropped 1 arrow and 1 bone, which then i



Why I Like Rainbow Dash

Okay, so I have been asked by people why I like Rainbow Dash so much. Many people hate her with a fiery passion due to her arrogance and potential to be a complete bitch at times. First of all, I want to say that I completely admit that she acts like a bitch sometimes, mostly in season 2 and season 3 a little bit. I already made a rant about her being a bitch recently, so if you're interested you can go read that blog entry.   Anyway, I am now going to talk about why I like Rainbow Dash. Many

Champion RD92

Champion RD92

Worst dream I've ever had (Warning...sad..for me...)

A couple months ago I used to have extremely depressing dreams all the time. Since 2006 I had them constantly.   They stopped right around the same time I got into MLP. (Coincidence?)   But last night I had one of the worst dreams I think I've ever had. I usually remember my dreams and my mother told me from a young age to always record my dreams in a journal.   Well this dream combined a tragic event in my life with MLP. I woke up in tears and was having a panic attack. That hasn't happ

Dimitri Hammer

Dimitri Hammer

In Response to People Who Hate Cliffhangers

All I can say is...heeheehee.   Nah, that just seemed like a good place to stop the chapter and cause some drama. Which, judging from the PMs and emails I got, was just what happened. So in celebration of a finally finished chapter and renewed interest in this story, I offer this little teaser bit that I just wrote. Subject to change, deletion, and casting into the fires of Mt. Doom. But regardless, enjoy:         From what I have, that's about all I can say without spoiling any of the

Standard User

Standard User

First Impressions?: Paper Mario Sticker Star (3DS)

Now I can't quite call this an official review because well... I haven't personally played the title in question, which it sounds like a RIDICULOUS notion to review a game before you play it, but I still feel like writing my thoughts on the game anyway. I have played the other 3 Paper Mario titles and I have watched the beginnings of a Let's Play of the title in question. This alone I feel is enough for me to make an educated criticism of the game even without physically playing it myself. I l

Colon Leftbracket

Colon Leftbracket

floor hockey against the Calgary Hitmen? + Club Nintendo coin mess up.

As most of you know I am from Calgary, Alberta. So our CHL team is the Hitmen. So every year they have a competition or "Draw" to see which school will get a chance to play the Hitmen at lunch in floor hockey. My brothers school won. He is looking forward to playing floor hockey.     Now today in the gaming session we are talking about some Club Nintendo users aren't getting or losing their coins. Yesterday me and some of my friends noticed that when we entered in a club Nintendo code for a 6

Crystal Skull

Crystal Skull

My thoughts of episodes 4 and 5 of Littlest Pet Shop

Okay, so I've already posted my thoughts about these two episodes in the Littlest Pet Shop thread. Is it sad that I think I have more to say about these two episodes than I have to say on any new episode of MLP recently? Anyway:     Gailbreak: Okay, so this is the only episode so that made me think, "Wow, this show may actually give MLP a run for it's money." The plot, although cliched (aren't all of the episodes for this show just massive cliches?) is an excellent setup for action and humor,



Episode Reveiw- S3E6: Sleepless in Ponyville

Well, I have a few things to say about this episode.   (1) In no offense whatsoever to the Scootalove fandom, this was not what it was cracked up to be. People keep saying that the Scootalove was great, when, I guess it was a good episode, but it was a more sisterly love- nothing more, at least in my opinion. Just Rainbow doing sisterly things with Scootaloo.   (2- the actual review) This episode was okay, not the best ever, but pretty good. Rarity was a complete jerk, I was so surprised! I

Octavia's Cellozoid

Octavia's Cellozoid

So I was watching Season 3 Episode 6 of The IT Crowd

Love that show. If you don't mind a laugh track (and maybe even if you don't) you should totally watch it. The best part is, they don't play up the nerdy thing to much. The jokes aren't "Oh, I'm a nerd, look how I'm so nerdy and do "nerdy" things" as much as "I'm an IT tech and what is this?" Just give it a shot.   Either way, this episode was about Roy, a computer tech in a company, was going to take pictures for a nude calender of girls who were fairly attractive. Then Jen, who I consider eq



A rant on stickers on cartridges.

Now, this is exactly what the title says: A rant. More specifically, a spur-of-the-moment one brought on by the fact I just spend the last hour removing god-awful excessive labels from cartridges. There is swearing ahead. Be warned.   Why the fuck did people do this?! Was there no better way? I mean, sure, price stickers are reasonable BUT DO YOU HAVE TO FUCKING PUT THEM OVER THE GAME'S ORIGINAL LABEL? It makes it NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE to get them off without damaging the label. I've seen many gam

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy


Here are some bleach caracters as ponies! here is Torshiru, Ichigo, Byakuya, Ulquirra, and Rukia. Enjoy and tell me what you think

Silver ice

Silver ice

From: Animes vs. Ponies

I figured that since anyone whi would look at this would like animes so tell me witch you like better one the quoted topic above jope to see all of your comments on there   Source: Animes vs. Ponies

Silver ice

Silver ice

First Impressions: MLP:FIM SE3:EP6 "Sleepless in Ponyville"

Well... technically the title it misleading. Most of the episode takes place outside of Ponyville and there is in fact sleep. 0/10   Nah. just kidding!   Quite the contrary, this episode is more of a 10 really! Seriously, this episode is easily the best of the season so far and one of my new favorites. I think what really works for this episode is that A) its the first episode where Scootaloo is the main character it feels like a season 1 episode. What I mean is that it starts off a new r

Colon Leftbracket

Colon Leftbracket

pokemon rumbleblast reshiram defeat!

didnt know i played that game,did you! anyways,hi! i was playing it and right now im trying to defeat dark rust. i had to do this one charge level where you repeatiatly press A. my strongest pokemon was hydreigon. i still couldnt defeat that level, so i went to the treetops level and got a bunch of strong pokemon. then i managed to defeat it and the last pokemon was reshiram! now im trying to do the final boss level, and its pretty hard.well, thanks for reading! bye!



And Now I'm Back!

I've only just come back from the Nationals race, so bear with me if this post seems choppy and/or short.   First off:       Second off:       Third and most pertaining to you guys and gals:       So yeah, that was my day. I'm gonna go pass out for a couple days.

Standard User

Standard User

Sleepless in Ponyville Review

Hey everyone! Here is my Sleepless in Ponyville review, taken from the discussion thread. I'd prefer you share your own opinions there, but you can share them here if you really want to. Here it is:   Man, this episode... it was okay. I remember fearing that last week's episode, Magic Duel, was going to be laden with fan service... thank goodness it really wasn't. But this episode... it was all over the place. First off, I'm not really a Scootalove shipper, but I'm not against it. I think thi



rate my pokemon leafgreen team!?

hi everyone! another rate my pokemon team! so, on a scale of 1-10 NO ZEROS! OK?! kk.i only have 3badges so ill edit it whenever my pokemon evolve, level up, or i get my 6th pokemon thanks! venosaur lv.41 raichu lv.41 wigglytuff lv. 41 vaporeon lv.40 ninetales lv.40 Dragonair lv41 edit: ok so i decided to put vaporeon,vulpix, and dragonair.i deleted kadabra and spearow from my team. thanks!



Day 2 - Epic Snow Friends

So more snow fell and at one point it even was -10 degrees C. Though i had fun with a couple of friends in the snow, throwing snowballs and building a fortress. And, as usual when snow falls, about half of the trains didn't move. For anyone going with the train: brace yourself, winter is coming.



[Spoilers] Sleepless in Ponyville was the best MLP episode yet.

Hey all! This is my first blog entry evar. Not sure if there are any kind of rules that I'm supposed to follow here, but whatever.   Anyway, here are the reasons why (in my opinion) Sleepless in Ponyville is the best MLP episode yet:   1) They did everything right.   Not really too much deep explanation needed for this. What I mean is that, pretty much, they got all of the not-deep stuff totally right--the humor was funny, the characters were portrayed brilliantly, the story was interestin

Night Shine

Night Shine

Before I Go

Right now in Albuquerque it is 8:05 AM. My race is in just a few hours.   Holyshitholyshitholyshitholyshit   I literally got two bites of breakfast down before I thought it would all come back up. My stomach feels like it is doing backflips and somersaults and all kinds of weird circus tricks. The weird thing is: I shouldn't even be nervous. I know I'm not in the running for top 10, top 25, or even top 50. I've told myself that, unlike the gun-ho "I need to win this to get a scholarship" at

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