Just the one question.
I'm supposed to find the equation of an ellipse (well parametric, but you can give the answer in Cartesian if you prefer) given four points (the intercepts).
Whilst the question was painfully easy, the problem was that I just skipped the working out in my head and just put the numbers in the right places. Could someone please give me a guidance as to how to pursue this question?
I can expand on the question if you want.
I am so sorry about the lack of content. I would of uploaded something special on Monday but decided not to post it because the violence in it would not suit the time seeing that recent school shooting and all. I will never be uploading that video. My heart goes out to whoever lost anyone they loved in that shooting. We will remember you as the loving people you were.
I seem to have a personality that these forums helped me realized and I am surprised.
I am strict with myself and what I do, so you'll notice how organized I am and how professional I approach things, or at least try to. But when it comes to people, I must ask permission for everything. I can't control people because the last time I did that, I was beaten up emotionally. Then the trolls where no help either.
I seem to be a know it all, but I don't say anything unless asked. And its not o
NO! nooo no no. Where did you hear that? I am kept so busy with things IRL that I can't do the simplest of things I want to do!
Although, I will confess. Christmas is the best time of the year because of all the Presents! No. Its about your friends and family. When I see my friends face's opening their gifts from me this year, I'm going to be so happy. It was a lot of grief, but it will be worth it.
- Maxos
So recently I got my hands on a system that can bring back those cherished childhood memories in a brutally amazing wave, the SNES! I have my three favourite games for it, Yoshi's Island, Super Mario World, and Super Mario All Stars.
It's been fun playing those games that I truly loved as a child, and still do! Each game has it's own style, they honestly never bore me, I will always enjoy them.
But out of the three, I have to say that Yoshi's Island is my favourite, I fondly remember pl
Foreword: I am a pony author who never gets around to publishing his stories, instead hording them on his computer for no real reason. This story, along with many others, has driven me to create this blog - quick, uncluttered stories that are far too short to make into a novel, but are fun experiences to relate nonetheless. I hope you enjoy.
This is a real life story that proved to me (in a very comical way), that random acts of kindness can extend far beyond what we intend. It brought a hug
Alright guys, never thought I would be making a message like this.
Anyways, due to some reasons I might say below, I have decided to take a small break from this fourm. I will not be leaving permanently, just taking a break.
The reasons I am taking this break is simply to try to fix up my life some. I have let the fourms sorta become the one thing in my life I look forward to, and my grades show it. (I'm looking at you 55 in Word History Honours . I've also not done anything productive
Okay, as some of you know, I made a topic in the "Life Advice" section of Everfree Forest. Well, I have good news: I haven't felt that way today. At all. For the first time in a while, I feel happy and relieved. It's a great day for me to get things done. Thanks to thegoodhen for helping me a little bit. That Pinkie you made helped quite a bit.
You all know me by now. I was born in the Soviet Union and grew up in Post-Soviet Russia for all of my life.
Even though the Union collapsed in 1991 (Actually, it fully collapsed in 1993) my parents and many of my neighbors in the small village I lived in, retained the ideals of communism.
In my village we hated Stalin and every man who was in charge after him.
The only good communist leaders were Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin) and his close friend Lev Davidovich Bronsht
So I am currently writing this one fanfic and I am having trouble coming up with a good catchy title. Without giving away too many spoilers the fanfic is similar to this one episode of Ducktails called Dough Ray Me where Huey, Duey and Louie get their hands on this duplication ray and use it to duplicate money so they can buy whatever they want which eventually spirals out of control causing massive hyperinflation throughout all of Duckberg. Of course in this case it is a duplication spell inste
There I was. broken. beat. scared for my life, waist deep in sorrow and pain. my only friend being my inner thoughts, although they were constantly stabbing me in the back. Although I constantly try to get rid of this pounding oppression in myself, it still finds a way back into my un mended heart. I was gods broken toy, usless and not of any amusment to him anymore. so he tossed me away, like the trash that I am. I was once a demi-god. but now, I'm just the one angel left un-guarded.
Sadly my first blog entry probably won't be that interesting as I have THE DREADED FLU!
My brain aches already.
I don't even have a topic, that's how boring this is. I'm just yabbering on and saying whatever comes into my groggy head. It's fine, I'll just say this was my practice blog and write a good one when I'm well again. Good plan? I think so.
The end. (Omg I'm going to eat Monster Much later)
So, i put the last entry in the wrong heading. Oops. Maybe I can get that fixed. So what's in this in video? Well, I I know a lot of you are younger then me by alot. But you know, little know Twilight Circuits fact: I was teased in every single school grade I was in. So if there's anything about teasing, I should know. But that's not what this video is about. You see, I was teased becuase i kept to myself. I kept to myself because i didn't know anything about making friends. I didn't know anyth
Well, this next summer is the 150th reenactment at Gettysburg YEAHH! It' so big there's two sponsers hosting it, one being the Blue and Gray Alliance, and the other I forgot :3. I have the epic opprotunity to go there, of which my regiment will be portraying the Iron Brigade at the railroad cut and the Irish Brigade (our unit is irish so it kinda makes sense). An' me being 14.87 years of age, I am not allowed to carry a musket/fire one at events . But I am a musician, of which I get a surpisingl
So, I have finally fulfilled all of those countdowns, and have moved. Where to?
Portland, Oregon. This nice not so sunny city has been doing nothing but miserable cold rain ever since I got here. The plane flights all day weren't so fun either--one jet nearly crashed into the terminal twice, the other was super cramped and loud as hell--and delayed at that.
Still, it's been pretty exciting. The worst thing about it all? My new roommate.
First off, this guy is bald. Like, really reall
My weekend was pretty awesome. I can't remember Saturday for some reason, and it's NOT because I partied. I don't do that kind of stuff. But Sunday, I had church. It was pretty depressing, considering they were talking about the shooting up in Connecticut. But, after church, I got to go to my girlfriends house. We watched 21 Jump Street, and The Help. The Help was surprisingly good, but way racist. I stayed there for dinner, and we had pineapple ham, macaroni shells with white cheese, gr
I would like to start this off by saying that I do not wish to tell anyone what to do or not do. What I am saying is Advice only.
There is a large part of this fandom who masturbate to R34 pony pictures. While there is great debate among our fandom about whether or not this is okay or not. One of the primary arguments against this is that it is "Morally wrong."
I would like to take a moment to look at "Morally wrong."
According to most of society Masturbating itself is morally wrong. Only
Throughout DeviantArt, there are several groups or followings that go against various characters. In one of my main fandoms, they're commonly Sally, Amy, and Shadow for reasons I desire not to explain. As a result, fans of those respective characters respond by joining groups designed to "protect" the character. In other words, responding to the anti-groups by providing reasons of their own and then showcasing stuff that either promotes or either criticizes or attack logic of the anti-character
So I finally get the first video out after all this time. You know, I was actually serious that it really did take a lot to get to this point. Despite the simplistic nature of the video's themselves, it was the journey to their creation that no one knows about.
I had much bigger and better idea planned out and I went a pursued that idea simply on the sold fact that I wanted all bronies to have the best. I came into the fandom to find the most loveing people in the world. It was the place where
What is annoying to you
Whats annoying to me is that there are burn marks in my screen that I can't fix on my laptop.
The burn marks been on there since I first got the thing.
I am realy mad because in the instruction manualy it says that you may see red green or yellow lights or light spots on the lcd screen no matter how well made it is, and it also says these signs shall not predict a malfunction. For me its the light spots appearing randomly accross the screen.
How do I fix this pr