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...well, at least that was what my brain was trying to tell me last night.   So my sister came down with some stomach virus on Christmas Day, and she passed it to me. Well, it didn't hit until yesterday, but when it did, it hit me HARD. I was out. No strength to even move, my stomach was doing acrobatics, and it was liquid out both ends. Yeah, maybe TMI, but still.   So I tried watching Captain America last night (because Chris Evans is such a stud in that movie ), but only got about an ho

Standard User

Standard User

From: What did you get for christmas

Source: What did you get for christmas   Three days late because excuse to update this blog. c:   Just an FYI, this guy will be on break until Wednesday, the third. Till then, bye. :3   ~NASCARFAN160  



My Mental Issues

So tonight, my family went out for dinner. Nothing special, my mom just didn't feel like cooking on this particular evening. As our dinner progressed, I began to notice something: I hated my parent's guts. I have no idea why, there was no particular reason for it, for some reason, I just all of a sudden despised them. I could barely stand even talking to them. I have absolutely no idea why it happened. I have no real reasons to hate them, sure my mom's a bit of an idiot, and my dad is kind of an



What is up with everyone bashing on the staff?

So, as I have returned only a week ago, I have come to see something brewing within the community. I have seen many members making status updates and posts on threads commenting about "How bad the mod staff is", and "How lazy they are."   Who exactly do you guys think you are doing this to the staff? Have you forgotten that the members of the staff aren't robots. They are men and women (If there are still women, I have forgotten), with lives and things to do.   They ARE here to help the co



PHP vs ASP (Web Scripting Comparision)

Yes, I have been knowing about ASP and PHP alot of time. And I'd actually like to compare.   Which one will be better for most people. And which once will run on your web server. First lets get started with the obvious PHP is Cross-Platorm, meaning it supports Windows, Mac, and Linux. ASP is windows only ASP is semi-difficult to learn. PHP just takes 1 hour to 24 hours ASP goes slightly faster than PHP PHP is open-source, ASP is closed-source. PHP is a framework of Zend Scripting,



(First Entry In the Anime Blog) Shuffle!

Welcome to the first edition of the Anime Blog! Starting off our adventure of known and unknown anime's is the anime "Shuffle"   Based off a Japanese visual novel (An adult one, but it's Japan. It's normal!), Shuffle is a comedic, melodramatic, and romantic styled anime. At first glance, it would seem too girly to the normal eye, but underneath, we find one of the most beautiful shows out there.   It stars a boy named Rin Tsuchimi, a normal 17 year old boy. As a young eight year old, he lo



Winter "Sabbatical"

I'll be inactive from around New Years to January 22nd because I won't have a stable Internet connection for a while.   Now, hold back those tears, folks! I'm sure you guys can handle an period without an Aegis like myself for a while!   I'll try to post here and there when I can.



Anime Blog

So, an idea was thrown at me from a friend of mine.   What would you blog readers think of a blog where I view mainstream and low-stream anime's, and review them for you, and tell you if they are worth watching?   It could be a fun experience, so I would like to see what you would think of it.   Leave a comment below saying yay or neigh!



Merry Christmas everyone...

Ok guys, I know it's a bit late, but I just wanted to wish you all a merry Christmas. I really hope you've been able to enjoy yourselves during this holiday season, and that you have all had happy times.   We've grown so much as a site during the past year, and there is so much more potential for us in the future.   Merry Christmas everypony, and a Happy New Year, and may good fortune be bought upon your souls.  



Why I Liked Season 1 of MLP: FIM

So I'm gonna talk a bit about why I liked season 1 of MLP:FIM better than season 2 and 3.   Basically, I liked how in season 1, all the mane 6 (for the most part) were involved in and played a role in each episode. It seems like starting in season 2, each character started essentially having their own episode, which made the roles of the rest of the mane 6 very small in each episode. The problem with this is that you hardly get to see your favorite character do anything unless it's their episo

Champion RD92

Champion RD92


Whoopee. Thanks for reading my random, stupid, and pointless wittering. As a present... I have nothing to give you. So just listen to this song instead:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9DpPOsWNdQ&list=FLx2zUdvSLthdxWftPQG-27Q&index=2     (This won't be the last time I use this song in a blog. OOO! Foreshadowing!)



3 Signs Your Video Game is Possessed

Anyone who enjoys video games has surely seen the odd silly incident here and there while playing, especially with modern gaming. But there are some things which occur during a game that make you go from having a good time living out your completely sane fantasies of drowning people by way of pool ladder removal and grab you by the shoulders, shaking you violently as you scream and suck your thumb, just as you will every night as you go to sleep after having seen them.   These are the soul tor



Yu-Gi-Oh Centered blog?

I'm curious upon your opinion, dear reader. I seem to have come upon an urge to blog once more, but I am currently at a loss of what to write about.   I have one major interest as of late, which is Yu-Gi-Oh.   I was wondering if any forum users would like to read a blog centered around Yu-Gi-Oh, or anything else you can think of.   Please, leave a comment on what you would like. Don't be a person who reads and leaves. That makes me a sad Crona.   Message me if you have any other ideas,



Non- pony art

Well uumm this is kinda how I draw most of the time, I'd like too maybe make it more grungy looking one day (as in the style not just this pic).   Also I need to work on making that lamp on the left look less...obnoxious looking? I'm not sure what to call it but it just feels like it doesn't belong in the picture.   It is also only a part of the larger image due to the fact it was draw on the paper from my Design class and the sketchbooks we needed where on the lager size ( I removed the sti



Red colored

Yep. I hope Red likes it. Also that's his tongue not his teeth >w< the light pink wash is hard for the scanner to pick up. His hair was colored using a lower quality set.   Red was done first as the other the pics where being done in a computer program that I need to re-buy for my new computer.   I think I will just re-make all the pics like this but I'm not sure. Do you think that watercolors, are an OK media for scanning or looks good?   Also, I'm sure you now know my grammar is



Why I Don't Want a Girlfriend (or Boyfriend, You Never Know...)

It seems like all the time, be it here on the forums, on Facebook, or any number of other sites, I see people who have been completely destroyed by a break-up or some such similar circumstances. (Unintentional Alliteration FTW) My brother recently broke up with his girlfriend, whom he had significant feelings for. She didn't return them. The break-up hurt him a lot. Everywhere, I see an ever-increasing number of broken relationships, and I just don't need that.   I like being a loner. I don't



Did Aliens Visit Us In The Past?

Do any of you think there is a posibility that we were visited in the past? I know that I have seen some shows like Ancent Aliens and stuff like that that sujest that kind of stuff they have some good evidence but what do you guys think? Personaly I wasn't alive back then so I don't know if any of that did happen so if we get real good evedence I guess I will beleve it.

Silver ice

Silver ice

My Terrible Method For Getting Over a Boyfriend.

As the title suggests, I'm about to tell you how NOT to get over a break up. I will do this by simply explaining what I'm currently doing and why it sucks. Tbh it may just be a rant.   My boyfriend and I broke up two months ago after he kissed another girl on Halloween. We were together for just over two years. He explained why he was breaking up with me (other aspects of the relationship) and that was it. I then spent the next couple of week obsessing over why such a seemingly lovely boy wo



What really happened to me, and what I should do about it.

Instead of me having to write a massive block of text and falling asleep in the process becaise the computer I'm using is so damn slow, I'll instead post a summary of what happened to me over the last weekend:   -----   A little life update with myself: A dispute with my brother and another one (that's now resolved) between my folks that nearly broke the family in two has left me using the weakest computer in the house (of which I left a brief description of back on ST; There's no way I can

Ganaram Inukshuk

Ganaram Inukshuk

Goofing Around With My New GoPro

It does fairly decent slow-mo, so I just made a couple clips to test it out. If you're wondering about my choice of music, I was basically just trying to use the least appropriate song I could find.    



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