Psychology is such an amazingly fun class. As the semester closes, we've finally moved into the Memory unit of the class. And what better way to test memory than an old-fashioned game of Telephone?
So seven volunteers were chosen and left the room. One (me) came back in and heard a two-minute story from the teacher. The second person then had to come in, and the first (me) had to retell the story with as much detail as possible. Then the third came in, and so on. After today's class, I now r
Well folks I said that I would try to make 2013 a better year and I am still determined to do so but this week so far been for lack of a better word pretty crappy. Being off New Years Day wasn't too bad but after that it sort of went down the toilet.
My main issue is with my boss who for the purposes of this blog I will call Doofus. Doofus apparently dosen't seem to know how to actually write a schedule, I know after holidays hours sometimes have to be cut to make labor and there can someti
For those of you who don't know what a base is, it is essentially a screenshot that someone removed the hair, color, and eye color from so people can draw over them.
For those of you who don't know what generators are, they're those fun little pony games when you dress up your pony, requires no hard work on your part.
I just am so sick of seeing bases of anime character and ponies recolored with neon colors and thrown on about 7 billion doo
I found an unfinished poem I had written a while ago, and I decided to finish it. I ended up scrapping everything but the first two lines .
Anyway, this is a love poem. I could probably really write Valentine's Day cards .
As always, any comments or suggestions are very much appreciated. If you have any ideas of what I should write about next, I'd like to hear those as well.
"Show Me Your Heart and I'll Show You the World"
Show me your heart
And I'll show you the world
Alrighty, first off we have images of my concept sketches, only the first and the last concept sketches though, I had fiive concept sketches total, but i didn't want to bore everypony with my lame concept sketches.
This was my final concept sketch:
and this ws my first concept sketch:
Next wehave a closer look at the fabric used on the costume, if you look carefully you can see small white hearts on the light blue fabric:
Now we have a closer look at the accesories used in this
Okay, today is day two of my blog, and I'm begining to get the hang of it. Today i decided to show you a costume a created almost a year ago, but it took me several mmonths to complete. It'a an Alice in Wonderland costume that I started with a simple concept sketch, never dreaming that I would actually end up creating the costume. At first, i took at least two weeks to plan everything out, I figured it wouldn't be to complicated, but as I planned, the costume became more and more elaborate. Once
I am a bit disappointed that my role play didn't go as I had hoped. I suppose that is what I get for not having any clear directions and not enough rules. Sigh...
I don't know if I'll create another one or not. I really don't feel up to it right now. I'd rather join someone else or create a one on one role play (and I still don't know if we can do those.. ).
So I'm five hours into the visualization stage. I'm having a much harder time with this than I would have thought. Getting the proportions right has been quite a hassle. I'm getting better at seeing Twi's complete form, but sometimes the proportions are still messed up. Hopefully, I'll get better at this as I go along, because my visualization skills as of right now are pretty abysmal.
Something strange has begun to happen, a strange occurrence that I feel is a sign of sorts: Whenever I'm no
It takes a truly special story to have an emotional impact on a player, and a well-crafted journey is the only one worth remembering. The Walking Dead by developer Telltale Games is nothing if not a riveting, expertly designed and, most importantly, immersive adventure. “It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end." This quote by Ursula LeGuin summarizes everything about The Walking Dead, as this is a game finely tuned to react to your decisions, t
Welcome once again to Skull Reviews. Here is where I review some video games I think were amazing and some that I thought was terrible.
Today I will be reviewing Nintendo Land for the Nintendo Wii U. This will be a two part review.
Nintendo land overall is a party game. Not a Mario Party type one but still has the same aspects. Nintendo Land is split into 12 different "Attractions", 3 Team Attractions, 3 Competitive Attractions and 6 Solo Attractions. Today I will be reviewing the Team
Well, adding more to my previous blog, and i need to finish adding photos from my steampunk costume, so here it is, the second enstallment of my steampunk costume. Honestly, I dont know what I'm doing and I'm not really sure how to blog, so yeah.
Well, today is the start of my blog, and im ready to show the pony world what I can do. I have been working on this costume for a while now, and just completed it. It has a sort of "steampunk" look to it though it is not strictly steampunk. I hope everypony enjoys the photos and y'all enjoy the costume as much as i do.
We all sometimes wonder the really lurks in the back of our mind. Is there really a darkness there? Is there really another entity beside us? A part of us? Or is it simply we are trying overcome our own fear? Well, if all it was, would that also mean that the polar opposite would hold true to those same questions. But the real question. Is how do you get balance or understand this in the first place? The answer to that is simple. Know the power of your own mind. How many of you even noticed from
And so my true commission progress begins!
My first commission, a request from the forums friendly neighborhood alien chicken, is a song based on a mystery theme. It took a long time (longer than it should have) but it's finally completed!
This is now my second (completed) pony related track and has proved much better than I originally expected. Thanks Scoots!
Now I have two slots open in commissions, and with this one completed my i
Hey everypony, Claudia (Or Kitsune to some of you...) here again!
There was an "accident" in a McDonalds...
I was cleaning the men's room on slow hours...
-Shiver- x.x
Then there was this one guy who left his work boots in the toilet stall and he told me. "Ma'am, could you watch my boots for me? I'ma close the stall so no one steals 'em." So I told him "Alright sir"
Then a Mexican guy bursts in the bathroom and bangs on the stall door... He says, "HURRY UP I'MA BLOW" ... He r
Learn about cinquain's here.
Learn about haiku's here.
I gaze out at
The falling snow and rain
Beyond the frosty windowpane.
The earth is green
As plants begin to sprout
While small creatures scurry about.
"Summer" (Yes, the last line is a reference to Phineas and Ferb)
"School's out!"
The children shout
And run around and play
It's time for us to seize the day.
Now all
Leaves g
Mods mods mods
Heres me.
Firstperson With Gas mask
M14 + Holo scope
Being Badass
Still badass.
Firstperson With Goggles.
Mod List.
1. Project Nevada
2. Weather Mod
3. Ak-47 + M14 Mod
4. Dragonstalker Armor Pack.
Theres still more mods to show off. So Yeah.
Hey guys, this is just another video game review I did for the school newspaper. So...uh...enjoy and stuffs. :3
Flower Review
Year: 2009
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Developer: Thatgamecompany
Platforms: PS3 (online-exclusive download)
It isn't that often when video games are associated with poetic, clam, relaxing, and moving experiences. Well, with Flower, that's just the case.
In the midst of a generation dominate by extreme, fast-paced, ha