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My relationship with my family pt. 2

It's been like a month since my last blog.   pt. 1   Anyway, some bad news. If you read my old blog about it, you know how I feel about my family and how they act. Not necessarily how I like. For a long time I just assumed there was nothing I could do about it and slowly drifted away from them, slowly forming a resentment for them.   Just recently however my mom and I discovered my dad has been drinking and driving for years, without us even knowing. AS angry as this made me, I was too wo

Lightning Fluttershy

Lightning Fluttershy

Fresh Pony of Manehatten

IIIIn West Fillydelphia, born and raised! On the playground was where I spent most of my days! Chillin` out maxin` relaxin` all cool and shooting some B-Ball outside of the school! When a couple of colts, they were up to no good! Started making trouble in my neighborhood! My mom took me inside and said she teach me a lesson! She said "You`re movin` with your aunty and uncle in Manehatten!



Claudia's update.

Sorry I haven't been as active as I usually am. I've been attending an Adult Education Program... which is a kind of mini-school trying to go for my GED test. If all goes well I'll have my GED and hopefully I'll be able to get into college without a bunch of family interruptions. On a side note I've been a little busy with other MLP sites as well, trying to see if I can find some art and inspiration for my OC and possibly side-OC as well... I haven't forgotten about this wonderful site that got

Blizzard Gale

Blizzard Gale

Mafia II review

First of all, i really love character design and also terrain design. This game offers a wide variety of places, quests and people. The ability to actually enter the stored and choose to rob or buy from them is something i haven't seen in many games. Though it might be quite harassing the way the traffic bumps into you a lot unless you drive really slowly. And the ending really screams for a Mafia III.   I give it 11/15 for the entire game.



Why I Shouldn't Be In The Checkstands

If you have read my last entry you know I got written up at work for screwing up a few too many times in the checkstand, I am trying to of course get out of there and have many many good reasons for doing so and you will here a slightly more smart assed version of them than I will present to management here on in this blog entry.   1. Being a dairy clerk is enough pressure already: Yes like I explained in my last entry most dairy clerks in the company I work for also function as backup checker



Nvidia and Razer announce new gaming devices

Both companies unveiled new gaming devices at CES this year. Nvidia unveiled a mobile handheld called Project shield: http://www.theverge.com/2013/1/7/3845282/nvidia-announces-project-shield-handheld-gaming-system It is essentially a controller with a 5 inch flip screen on it. The most important aspect of this is the new Tegra 4 CPU which is a quad core ARM A15 based chip with what I'm assuming 72 Kepler based CUDA cores (the next nexus 7 should be pretty awesome should they use it). The device

A Blithering Div

A Blithering Div

Arkane's The Crystal Empire Saga - Progress Entry #2: "SUDDENLY! CHANGE!"

I just had a thought when I was in class.   Its about the songs already released being in the Album.   I thought: "What's the point of rereleasing them if they're already out there, being listened to by hundreds of people?"   That was when I decided to redo some of the tracks of the album. The one's you've probably heard in my youtube channel, soundcloud account or any other sites you might have listened to will no longer be a part of the story. Instead, new songs will replace them. The ol



Turned that Link paint, into BG

Anyways, just made a quick swap on that painting to make it into a computer wallpaper, So, IF that even had an interest to anyone...... here they are.   Different color filters.. :/                    

Acoustic Cloud

Acoustic Cloud

Should I meet someone?

I am so afraid to post this, but. Ah.. I have been thinking and I now feel I am ready to meet somebody. I have been single for a long time and I am thinking to meet someone. But I fear of the out come.   What do you think I should do? Should I just wait and shake this lonely feeling away, like I did with all my other emotions such as depression? I am a happy guy and I do my best to complete things that I said I would finish. Plus I do everything in my power to live up to my word. Compared to



2nd Semester Happened Today.

Well, after 2 weeks of hanging around my house, I got back to school. 2nd Semester in 10th grade. All of my classes are the same except for my 2nd period class, which is Communication's Applications (Speech) For whatever reason, it's a required class, and I'm very uncomfortable with that kinda thing. Speaking in front of others is a fear I have. Looks like I'll just need to bear with it until this school year is over... Unfortunately. I also believe standardized testing is coming up as well, so

Twi Rubix

Twi Rubix

Update #4: Emo Twi?

Twenty hour mark, ho! I'm slowly getting better at visualization. I've been having heaps of trouble with her head and face, specifically, getting her facial features to remain constant. Fortunately, I've been getting better at this over the past few sessions. Most of her face stays a constant shape, which is quite good. I'll probably sink 6-8 more hours into this stage before I sign off on it.   I've been listening to Linkin Park lately while I'm tulpaforcing, so I hope that doesn't negativel



I Got Written Up At Work Today

If you will remember my last entry about me an my potty mouth in case you are wondering that is not what I got in trouble for. To make a long story short I made a few too many screw ups in the checkstands, so I had to sign this neat little paper and agree to under threat of "further disciplinary action up to and including termination" not do it again. I only wish they gave me a copy of that as you can never have too much extra toilet paper. I got suspended and almost fired back in June for some



I want a bloody frock coat!

As the title suggests, I really want a frock coat. For what purpose? Reenacting of course! Frock coats are epic! They come down to your knees and they're bring back memories of the olden days! Plus, lets face it, I'm sure anyone could look handsome in one of those.   "But HistoricallyInaccurate, why would someone spend up to $500 on a peice of wool?" When you're a reenactor, you'll understand these things. Why did that one guy spend some 12 million dollars for a box of twinkies? I know I got



The Darker Side

Since I was a child, I've had an odd fascination with the dark and macabre, or "grimdark" as our fandom used to call it. I see the beauty and poetry in every tragedy. As a result, I love writers such as Stephen King, Lovecraft, Bret Easton Ellis, and Poe. I also love horror movies. This poem is about my morbid fascination.   "The Darker Side"   Darkness consumes the earth As the harvest moon bleeds red. I sit here in the Autumn grass And live amongst the dead.   I breathe in the chilly



Humble Beginnings

Okay, so this isn't really an advertisement. A lot of the time, I'm probably going to be using this blog to discuss roleplays from Novus, whether we should bring them here, funny moments, and all that jazz.   My name is Drew, online known as Descant, and I'm helping set up, and run, a new website completely dedicated to the Art of Roleplaying, known as NovusRP. It's set up rather differently than the roleplay system here, and would take forever for me to explain, but I'll try. Instead of being



Exam week for me!

Welcome to the first entry of my blog... which will be randomly spewed out thoughts straight from my brain! Don't expect much.   So today marked the beginning of my mock exams for the real ones in the summer after spending some of my holidays revising. . But the revision seems to be paying off so far.   I just really dislike how intense exam conditions are. If I finish early, of course after I check my work over, I do have some time just to wonder off and think. I've found I have great t

Lightning Bristle

Lightning Bristle

Need help from someone who has read Fallout Equestria.

So yeah, the title says it all. I am working on a fanfic that has something to do with Fallout Eqeustria. But wait! Not a side story! 'Holy crap how is that even possible?' I can hear you ask. It's actually an alternate ending to the main series. All the old characters only, no new OC's from me. It will probably be around 2-5 chapters with about 3000 words each. Chapter 1 is almost finished (2500-ish words), and I need a few people to uhm... Take it for a test ride? Just read it and tell me what



Thank a Bald Man

Hey there! If you're reading this you've stumbled across my latest blog, which is dedicated to expressing my thanks to the people of the forums whom I call my friends. What better way to start this blog out than with the first friend I had here on the site?     That's right. None other than our forum's great and benevolent bald Administrator, Zoop. When I first joined this place there are a few things you just might not believe about this man. First off, this guy would not make his avatar a




This entry is an apology for me ranting and raving the last time I was on. I was simply being immature and lost my composure. I had no reason to be angry and again I apologize. I promise that this will be the final time I become enraged for no justifiable reason (on the internet, in real life all bets are off).



YouTube is nearing the end

Well, I can see that YouTube is at it again. They are now banning accounts left and right for any sort of violation. I just looked today and saw that AVGN was terminated! WHY??? Cruel world. I've also noted many Brony accounts being shut down, but it's not just Hasbro.   YouTube officially sucks in all ways. We need a better video hosting site... Anyways, it's only a matter of time...

Acoustic Cloud

Acoustic Cloud

A French Girlfriend

I just had an amazing dream.   Act 1 It started out as some sort of packing competition I think? I can't really remember the start but anyway it got me into a situation where I was in an INDOOR pool party with characters from the game League of Legends, and everybody was in the pool aside from one girl, her name was Fiora (from the game), but she looked like a combination between these three: Vi Zyra and Fiora herself, only she was a teenager, my age basically. And in my dream she was sit



When It Rains, It Pours. A Discordian review of Silent Hill: Downpour

Welcome....to Silent Hill.   Silent Hill: Downpour (Downpour from here on out) is the eighth installment in the Silent Hill franchise. It was released in March and April of 2012 in most of the world for the Playstation 3 and Xbox360 video game consoles. It was also only released on PS3 in Japan in November.   Downpour is a survival horror game starring Murphy Pendleton who is in prison for a ten-hour high-speed chase. Usually seen by the guards as a "model prisoner" the game starts you out g



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