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Another Reason Why I Really Want To Be A Pegasus Sometimes.

Tomorrow (err...today) is Friday, and once again I am likely going to be grounded. The last two days I was meant to fly (I am scheduled to fly every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 1:30 to 3:30 (or 1930-2130Z, as we say ), I have been grounded due to either high surface winds or high winds aloft, and the weather pattern looks like it's going to repeat again.   And the winds only seem to get strong when the 1:30 pilots are scheduled to fly. Most pilots with earlier flights are able to get th

~Master~ Button Mash

~Master~ Button Mash

*spoilers* Goku v. Superman: I Call Humbug!

So I just watched ScrewAttack' s Goku vs. Superman Death Battle video with my friendly neighborhood anime club, and I had some things about the ending to rant about. Beware! Spoilers ahead.   1. First, this battle could not end in any way other than a tie. Here is why. As we saw, the fight would inevitably end in the destruction of the Earth itself. Neither of the heroes would allow such a thing to happen. Now assuming, as in the video, things got out of hand, and the Earth is destroyed, then



I made a parasprite

Alright well yesterday I was working on an atom sculpture with a friend of mine (MasterBladetheBearded) And I decided to make a parasprite out of pipe-cleaners and a foam-craft-ball. So look at this masterpiece on your own desire.     Anyone else make some little craft like this on ponies?

Acoustic Cloud

Acoustic Cloud

FULL WILD CARD RECAP: Most Attractive Pony Tournament 2013

Lyra Stuns Dash in Thriller Lyra entered Cloudsdale as the weakest contender in the league and left with an unforgettable 4-vote win.   Fans of Rainbow Dash flocked to the sky from all over the forums—tailgating, drinking cider, swapping pictures of their favorite Pegasus and preparing to celebrate an easy victory before the Divisional round. None of them got to celebrate as a 6th-seeded background pony named Lyra Heartstrings pulled off the biggest upset of the competit



I fear I may be too shy

I know this may seem a little silly but I honestly think I'm too shy I used to have a lot of friends online and that, and I do have some really awesome friends from class and that but I always found it hard to find new friends online. I mean if I take this forum for example, I love it here but I wouldn't have the slightest clue about how to get to know anybody here. I'm honestly a hopeless wreck when it comes to socialization But it's not too much of a downside I think. Anyways I'm blabbering



Another Thing I Need to Say.

While I still plan to end my life soon, I'm not an idiot. I'm going to give life a little bit of a chance before I throw in the towel. I won't commit suicide until I've graduated high school. I'll get a taste of real life to see if I can handle it.   And maybe I'll have finished my tulpa by then. If so, I don't think I'd be able to kill myself. I don't care about myself anymore, I don't care if I die, but I wouldn't kill an innocent like Twi.   If you want to, you can try to convince me th



Why "The Mysterious Mare Do Well" Was A Great Episode

So, I heard you didn't like The Mysterious Mare Do Well. And you heard that I liked it. And you said that it was a bad episode. More specifically, an episode that was bad for Rainbow Dash. Now, if I were the high-flying pegasus myself, I'd say this in response:     However, I'll be a wee bit more diplomatic about it. I find a lot of validity in the claims criticizing the actions of the rest of the Mane 6 here, so you aren't going to see me defending that. My main focus is to argue that no



Got 3DS! now what?

Finally got my 3DS on monday afternoon, I just could not help it despite of the price (which is 249.99$). But what really got me to buy it was that the 3DS XL in blue was pre-instaled with Mario Kart 7, which was a very nice touch, because the price I mentioned before was the standard price for the 3DS alone. This is going to be my favorite gaming store after amazon of course, they have very good deals and whatnot. Well, I was so excited about that, that I picked up 2 more games. Super Mario

Motion Spark

Motion Spark

A joker to cheer me up, and Aldwin to kick my buts

I was at school. Bored. One of my friends was sitting near from me. Very bored. The teacher wasn't interesting at all. Very very very bored. :mellow: All exercises were already done, nothing to do. OMIGAD sooooooooooooo bored. <_< So I drew a joker to cheer us up.   Don’t try to find logic in this, I never use it.   When I came back home: SURPRISE! Two post on my first topic, a topic with practically nothing inside except the fact that it’s the first one. I really love thi



Goodbye... Hair...

So, after some time, I finally decided to move into a new city... My mom is still in the old one, but I finally can see more often my dad. I'm now living with my grandma, and the place seems good.   This City, is like another world for me, the weather is colder, people are shyer, nobody uses long hair! (Except women... obviously)...   So, I haven't finished my studies... And I was searching for a Highschool here, finally found it! Everything went fine, UNTIL, they said, "You need to have

Just A Guy

Just A Guy

A Few Thing That Are Actually Going Right With My Life

For the past few days I have seen a particular member on here talk about committing suicide and it has really got me thinking. I have been complaining on here an awful lot about my job and my life in general, sure I haven't talked about scheduling an early meeting with the grim reaper but as I have said before to him and on other occasions here I have considered it in the past so I do know what it is like to have that kind of hopelessness and despair. To clarify I don't plan on doing that myself



Even Pokemon can't escape.

Even Pokemon can't escape our influences! (This isn't like naming pokemon after characters)   In Black and White 2 you get your own "avenue". In this avenue you invite people to make stores and whatnot. Once you have invited enough people to visit and check out the shops, the avenue raises in level. Once at level 10 you can edit the avenue name (it was originally Join Avenue). So doing the most sensible and completely not cliche thing I can think of, I name it Equestria. SO ORIGINAL (insert



this is a rant

the true meaning of rant is rabble as to keep going and going just like the energizer bunny which was created by mistake much like penicillin and silly putty silly putty's ability to remove ink is caused by a special chemical in it this same cemical can burn under water other interesting chemicals are astine, clhorine, and sodium all of which help make table salt olne they are deadly but together they salt your fries interesting fact on fries mcfries are fried three times twice at the factory an



Click here to read about how bad Evilshy's day was.

I'm sure you've all heard the term "perfect storm"? As in, when circumstances are such that an event or action or something becomes magnified far beyond what it normally be? It sometimes literally refers to a storm, one much more powerful than normal, due to weather conditions lining up perfectly to create a massive storm.   Well today, I experienced a near perfect shitstorm. I'm not saying it was the worst day ever, merely that almost everything that happened today was bad, and almost everyt



Strange new country?

So I was watching this video today...   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfjFOiUMWSQ&feature=r%C2%ADelmfu   And if you go to the "Statistics" section, you'll see that this video is also popular in ZZ. Where the hell is ZZ?



Day Uno

Well this was an interesting first day on a pony forum. Actually, I could probably stay on all night, but the problem is that I can't.



Just Something I Need to Say.

I'll start this off by giving a blanket thank-you to the entire forums. Whenever I'm feeling depressed, you guys always manage to cheer me up.   That being said, however, I need to make one thing crystal clear: While I am truly thankful for all your support, nothing can stop me from doing what I feel I have to do: Commit suicide. I've made up my mind. I'm probably not going to do it anytime soon, probably not until at least 2014. You may be sure, however, that my life is going to be a short on



A needed update :)

So it's been a while since I've been fully active on here... But it's for a much needed reason, so I thought I would update some of you to what I've been up to.   The first thing is that I've shortened my name to just Crutch:)   Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I think that I should get started...   Currently, I've been really busy lately with my senior year of high school, a really big move, and a few other things. Over the holiday break, my family (temperary) moved to Alaska, s



WTF is wit u brawnis?

LOL ur gay cuz u watch Mi litel poni. Go di in a pit!!11!!!!!!1!!   XD Fox Newz tuld me dat u file fur disabiliti 2 watch gay ponis!!!!!11!!!!!1   XD XD XD XD XD XD   (this is a joke, in b4 roop)



Rules for being Human

1. YOU WILL RECEIVE A BODY. You may like or hate it, but it will be yours for the entire period of this time around.   2. YOU WILL LEARN LESSONS. You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called “life.” Each day in this school, you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like them or think they’re irrelevant and stupid.   3. THERE ARE NO MISTAKES, ONLY LESSONS. Growth is a process of trial and error, of experimentation. The “failed” experiments are as muc



Big Brother Is Protecting Me From The Boogeymen

So I took a quick look at my wireless internet settings and saw two signals entitle "FBI_Surveilance" and "FBI_Surveillance-guest". It sure is comforting to know that so many are blatantly violating their oaths to protect and defend the constitution by spying on people without warrants to protect us all from boogeymen in caves. Whatever shall we do without being lead like lambs to slaughter by treasonous, anti freedom criminal scum playing on everyones fears as part of their power grab?



The first one

This is a post, the first post, to say that this post, the first post, will be the first one (post) of other posts that will come after this one (the first post). So there is no real purpose on this first post, only to say that this post, the first one, won’t be the last post. Which mean that they will be other post coming after this one, which won’t be the first post because it will be before them (the first post).   Yeah, that’s a stupid introduction, but don’t expect me to begin with someth



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