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Epic Final Fantasy Guy Representin' MLP Forums

Ok, so, lately, I've been playing a LOT of FF music on the radio at work. Two of the most recent nights that I have worked, this one lady comes in and talks to me about it. The first time, she said a song from FFVII: AC sounded familiar, and we started talking FF. The second time, she comes in and says "Hey, it's the Final Fantasy guy!" She asks me about my music, and I tell her it's mostly FF and dubstep. She then asked, for some reason, if I was a Redditer, a 4chaner, or a Digger, and I just l

Count Paradox

Count Paradox

Fun Tools: 3 Way Punch

Hi everypony! day Five of my blog, woooo! Today i decided to talk about a gift I received for Christmas this year, my 3 way punch. It has several uses. 1) Punching holes in leather and fabric (used for pelts, purse straps, watch bands, and more!) 2) Creating eyelets in fabrics (for repairing shoes, adding eyelets into corsets, and more!) 3) creating snap fasteners (great for adding snaps to pants, shirts, and more!)   I have to say its a pretty neat thing to have, but there are a few min

Fire Runner

Fire Runner


Background:     "Boomer"   Oh, I'm sorry, my brother, Now that you're gone. Its been almost a year. Its been far too long.   Well now, I'd like to say that I miss you, You were my only true friend Oh, why'd our time together Meet such a swift end.   Oh, I know I'd mistreat you And you'd make so much trouble. I didn't appreciate you, And now my life's turned to rubble.   Our time together was the best that I've had. You were always beside me; My closest comrade.   I wish



World Without Substance

Second ever blog entry, woohoo.   But I have a serious question: Does anyone ever get the feeling like the world doesn't have...substance? It's hard to explain, but does anyone else ever feel like everything has no...point? Not only what you do, but also the physical things around you? Like everything is just a facade that feels like it won't last. Or like the world is a shell, and what we are experiencing is just a fraction of the life we could be experiencing?   I don't feel depressed, at

~Master~ Button Mash

~Master~ Button Mash

What Netflix is doing to Animes

OK I know this is meant to be a longe area and stuff but, resently I have found out that Netflix is slowly yet surely getting rid of anime!!!!!!!!!!!! They have already taken off Claymore, Trigun, and sowly D. Gray-Man! this is a warning to all those who have Netflix!

Silver ice

Silver ice

The dark side.

So I've been noticing that when people hear about bronies, they think of "fags" "trolls" "pedophiles" and other such terms.   I hardly hear anything nice about the fandom from non-bronies.   And I can see where they're coming from. Sometimes I look at the brony fandom and think, "Wow. These people are stupid."   Now, why is it that the bad side of the fandom always shines brighter then anything else?



Nice to Myself

You guys keep saying that I'm too much of a douche to myself, so I decided to try and make a blog in which I say nothing but nice things about myself. This is not going to be easy...   1. I can eat a lot, but I always remain thin.   2. I suppose I have a decent family life. My dad's annoying, and my mom's a moron, but at least they leave me alone. And my brother's pretty cool, I guess.   3. I'm a decent snowboarder.   4. My hairdo looks like Severus Snape's, which is always nice.   5.



Algebra... FFFFFUUUU---!

I've been doing some algebra practice before my GED practice test here in an Enrichment center. I got a 20% score on the test which made me flustered... I mean, I'm smart enough to compose my own songs, create my own video games, and code websites but I can't do algebra!! All the expressions, variables, and etc make me so confused. I said to myself it wasn't humane. Then I realized something shocking.... That's just it!   Algebra is not! and I mean NOT from this world... only bringing me t

Blizzard Gale

Blizzard Gale

It took forever

It took friggin forever but my new shirt is finally here! It took some explaining though my parents knew but kinda didn't know. I always bought shirts that were more subtle like a rainbow dash cutie mark not one thats as in your face as this shirt. They knew I pony had shirts but weren't sure, this one kinda sealed the deal so I explained why I like the show.And how I know they like shows like Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends. and brought up that MLP was rebooted by the same people. They se



Russian Culture....from where I grew up.

As you all know I was born in the Soviet Union in Leningrad. After being born there my parents went back to the small town we lived in. I grew up very strangely, my mother was a very religious woman who celebrated our culture constantly and my father was a full communist.   Normally you don't have religion in communism, but I guess I've made an exception         Well I have certain little things I do and believe in that most wouldn't understand. Little nicknames are something that Ameri

Dimitri Hammer

Dimitri Hammer

What I'm Thankful For

"But HT!!! It's not even Thanksgiving!" Shut up, melvin. I'll make a blog about stuff I'm thankful for whenever I damn well please...   Look! A blog in which HT might actually be nice to himself! Whoopee! (Spoiler: He's still a total douche to himself.) Now I've never really been one to count my blessings, but today, I figured I might as well find a couple things that I'm thankful for.   1. I'm thankful for my family, who leaves me alone most of the time. If they didn't leave me alone, I'd



TF2 Scout painting!

Alright, I just finished another painting. This time, it's scout from TF2... I think it turned out decent, tell me what you think? (CLICK IT) EDIT: And yes, I have fixed his hat since the upload...

Acoustic Cloud

Acoustic Cloud

My life

I'm not in my mad/sad state, but I'm questioning what to do with my life. This week, I have a lot of free time. Community college doesn't start until next Monday. I'm debating looking for a job, but the place where my parent's recommend is closed Sundays and Mondays. (They recommend it because its less than .3 miles away and it's closed on Sundays.) and to spend all day studying and reviewing Chemistry and Calc I for a week...   I'm not going to spend a lot of time on my iPad or my computer f



Of My Characters

Okay, so this is my first blog entry, like, ever. So I figure I'll knock out two birds with one stone by getting all these extra thoughts out of my head, as well as linking my OC's to one page. Saves room on my sig, you know.     I might rant a bit about something I don't like about one of them. If I do, feel free to comment about it. I don't really care.   MY OC's   Encore's page - Encore's Tale Ragtag Evergreen North Arrow Cascade Sunburst Moonstruck   ((Info on Sunburst and M



Hasbro, Youtube: Rant (Of dire possibilities)

Okay, so a friend of mine was just checking a website that hosts URL videos from youtube of MLP (www.mlp-fim.com) Which is how I found all the full length episodes, but he noted that almost all of the videos are being blocked! Youtube is automatically blocking the videos now due to Hasbro copyright infringement, and I was wondering, why all of a sudden are they deciding to take down the videos?   Alright so assumption time: Did the Brony community do anything, as of late, that would, for la

Acoustic Cloud

Acoustic Cloud

What are we telling our selves...?

You know... no you don't... or do you?... I was at the movies with my brother watching the Hobbit. We arrived a half hour earlier. I got into talking with this nice elderly lady and our conversation started going into driving ettiquete. She mentioned that she no longer drives and she takes the bus or walks. Apparently she's almost been hit crossing the street three times this year, and two the last. And i remember understanding her sadness that the world we lived in was a world built on sadness.

Twilight Circuits

Twilight Circuits

HT User Manual 1.0

Herein lie instructions on how to operate and deal with HT.   1. How to tell if HT is joking:   IF HIS SENTENCE IS ALL IN CAPS, he's joking.   IF HS SINTUNCE IS AL IN CAPS ND MISPELD, he's joking.   he's joking.   If he's being unnecessarily mean, he's probably joking.   In all other instances, assume he's being serious.     2. HT does not do any kind of art. Ever.   3. HT is #1 (male) Twilight Sparkle fan.   4. HT hates himself. It's nothing to get worked up over, and you sh



"Dreaming Aloud" and "A Hero"

I'm posting these together to conserve space. I hope you like them!   "Dreaming Aloud"   My Hands may be empty, But my Heart's ever full. Better poor with my principles, Than wealthy, but cruel.   One never wins, And you cannot convince me, By putting profit before people, Control over liberty.   My words may seem foolhardy, But what I say here is true, Because a man cannot live Without some kind of truth.   Right always wins, As the storybooks say; It require



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