I head the most unusual dream last night. I dreamed that I was heading to Boston on a business trip, for a job interview (Boston is only about an hour or two away). I was driving there in a seemingly generic car. I drove into the city, and headed towards a large office building. People were walking around, and going on with their lives. I walked into the lobby, and up to the desk. There was some clerk there who looked at me and said "We'll get right to you, why don't you wait in the lobby?" so I
Yes! Day four of this blog, and from what I've seen, it's been pretty sucessful.
So taday I thought I'd tell everypony about the last play the theater group I'm interning for performed... Hound of the Baskervilles!
saddly, I only got a few photos of the costumes, but I hope nopony minds that.
Alright, time to explain somethings...
In costuming a play for a minor acting group you tnd to peice things together from other costumes, so most of the pictures you will be seeing are costumes I thr
Me and my potty mouth go back a ways and I have gotten in trouble from it many times before, I am not in any trouble from it that I am aware of this time but I am trying to do something about before that becomes the case. Yesterday my mother was a bit upset with me because apparently my aunt who occasionally shops at the store I work at told my mother that she overheard me swearing under my breath while I was up in the 9th circle of hell (the checkstands).
Though I honestly truthfully don't
ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOOTTTBBBBAAAALLLLL.????!!!! I'm not! Lol I don't hate football and I don't hate watching it or going to games, but every Sunday when the season is in it's football all day! And not just the games themselves! "There's preparation" my fiancé says, NFL countdown on ESPN and different recaps of different game highlights and different players!
It gets tiring after a while...but today isn't so bad.
Today, because it's wildcard weekend, there are only 2 games and they
HOLY SCHMITT! I CAN MAKE A BLOG THINGY?! REALLY?! Wow.. I didnt know that.. Well.. might as well make use of it. I've got nothing to do anyways.
Hello all! I guess a proper introduction of what the hell I'm writing about would be appropriate. To make it short, I'm working on a Symphonic Metal Album called "The Crystal Empire Saga". That's about it.
So, What's so special about it? Well, I'm incorporating a plot
I kind of want to write a fanfic, but the problem is, I'm horribly unimaginative, and I'm not really that great of a writer. My spelling and grammar is pretty much flawless though, so I wouldn't have a problem with that. However, I really don't think I would be able to write a very good fanfic and I doubt anyone would really want to take the time to read it. I also probably wouldn't have the patience to even write it.
If I were to write it, I have kind of a vague idea of what the story would
alright, so there is the few things that agitate me about or current youth, a few being the constant denial of there indifference toward others, or the emotional overthrows they put themselves through, just to get attention. but, what annoys me the most about our youth these days, is the repetitive showings of "independence" towards there peers. I seem to find this a constant terror rummaging through my life almost everyday in my time. I cannot believe what I have heard from such youth, and all
So, ok. My first video game blog...
Now, as you may, or may not, know, I play LoL on some days.
Today was no exception. And today, I did a few firsts...
The first game, I was Darius. And we owned. I'm shocked I did so well in that game. But that's not the main story. No, the main story is the last game I played today:
Now, before you ask, "But how is that really special?" let me say, it has been months since I've used Ashe. Months. And now look. Two people called top at the beginning
People keep saying this song is racist.
How is it? I don't see how.
Here are the lyrics, just so you can look through it.
Each morning, a missionary advertises neon sign
He tells the native population that civilization is fine
And three educated savages holler from a bamboo tree
That civilization is a thing for me to see So bongo, bongo, bongo, I don't wanna leave the Congo, oh no no no no no
Bingo, bangle, bungle, I'm so happy in the jungle, I refuse to go
Don't want no bright
(LOL my last blog entry was my most popular one ever. I should make more entries delving into my shattered psyche...)
I mean swag as in items I received today, not how much street cred I got with my homie D's. I ain't no swagfag.
So first up is the 5" plush of Twilight Sparkle by Hasbro. I have one word to describe this: Eeeh. The quality's alright, and it looks decent, I suppose. For the price, it's better than any fanmade stuff I could have gotten.
Next is this lanyard. The so
Okay, I've recently been applying for scholarships for college, and one of the ones I applied for is worth $40K. It has no requirements, and the more people who sponsor you, the more likely you are to win. Yes folks, that is what I need. I need as many people as possible to sign up at the website, which is an easy and free process, and have them sponsor me. Here is a copy of all the information you need to know to make it clear on how to help me.
As you can see, it doesn't even hurt. So ple
First off, I'm not that big a fan of Slenderman, but I felt the urge to do a painting of him. So I must add it is completely done without reference so don't judge too harshly So here it is... commence looking.
(Please click to look!)
Well, today is my third day of my blog and im sharing something a little different today. My family and I went to a glass making place today, so instead of stories of costumes and pictures, I have some pictures from the glass making.
So, it was my first time doing this, so I wasn't really sure... I ended up picking the easiest thing to make with the least amount of participation. After a little while, I got the hang of it and actually enjoyed doing something different. I ended up making a pa
This is something that I'm sure a lot of RPers do when they get here; ponyfy an existing RP character. xD One of mine, Diego, I successfully managed to ponyfy.
I'm gonna have to try and do some more, and then remember to save the urls before they all get lost in the archive. Oh noez! O_O
and another there may be more of this pony later on.
I have been drawing a lot of other works for people as my mum keeps taking me to like theses lil... fairs, I guess is a good word for it, to draw kids some stuff so I've been on in sort burst's lately and not posting all of my pony art like I meant to. v-v
Yeah, not much going on right now, but I figured I'd put something up!
I got my camera a few days ago, and while it was certainly waterproof, it wasn't capable of recording in HD, so I returned it to Sears. I also got a PSP Go off Craigslist, which is great, I'm really enjoying it.
I was finally able to reach Level 100 in a Pokemon Game, my Emboar in Black 2. So far, I'm at 76 hours, the longest I have ever played a Pokemon game (since I always tend to restart just to play again, lol. (Y
These are some original characters of mine, of which I developed several years ago. I actually made a topic about them when I first joined, but it's been dead and buried, with not a single comment or brohoof. I was a first-day noob when I threw it up there and nobody yet cared what I was posting about So, since the topic felt out of place where it was in the Writing section of Non-Pony Art as it was anyway (they weren't ponies nor RP characters, so the bios didn't belong in the roleplay section
So, recently, I quit TF2. Whenever people hear about it, they ask me why, and I have to explain it again and again. So, I have decided to make a lengthy blog entry on the matter that will cover everything nicely. So, where do I start?
What seems like 100 years ago, I first started playing Team Fortress 2. I had fun (the purpose of any game), socialized, and gradually got better at the game. As time went by, many changes were made to the game, and continue to be made today. These changes used
Excerpt from "How Much of a Jerk is the Poster Above You?" forum game:
You're right. I'm a total asshole to myself. But why? Simple, really: Why would anyone like a lazy, insane nerd with an IQ of 134 who manages to squander every single one of those IQ points by pissing his life away playing video games? I have no skills, I'm terrible in school, and I have no ambition whatsoever. I'm not athletic, but I'm not particularly good at anything computer-related that I could build a career
Well, with a little bit of helpful advice from Feld0, I finally convinced myself to go out and buy a new laptop.
It was discontinued before I could buy one, but I managed to find the last one on the web (to my knowledge) - a refurbished one on Ebay. (I saved $200 that way!)
This is my current one:
Granted, the new one doesn't have the insane 18.4 inch screen that my current one does, but 17.3 inches should be close enough. I feel a bit weird buying one while my current one still