Well...today is the day we are all supposed to die. You know what though I'm fine with that. I have had the greatest time on here and have no....Well almost no regrets (my extremely messed up welcome plaza topic when I first started).
If it turns out that we will all be dead tonight, you should all know that I have had a great time talking to you guys. Even though I am certain the world will not end sometime today I just wanted to thank you all for my wonderful experiences on this forum.
TL;DR: Superman roflstomps because of America-writerhax; the only versions that would be able to be beaten by End of Z Goku would be DCAU Superman, Golden Age, Animated Versions (except All-stars), POSSIBLY The New 52 Superman(will discuss) and the Movie Versions of Superman
(Pre-script: I will be revising this version and coming out with a new one shortly)
Dear Reader,
This has been plaguing my mind for the longest time. Personally--I am a huge fan of anime, one of which was Dragonb
For those of you who didn't see #1 Flutterfan's status, I basically had a complete mental breakdown tonight, and I need to apologize to a few people because of it.
First off, I'm sorry to #1 Flutterfan. I'm sorry for going completely insane over a somewhat trivial, albeit terrifying, matter. I should have exercised better control.
Also, I'm sorry to lightning strike. I know you were trying to help, and I was just being a total asshole about it. I'm truly sorry for that.
And lastly,
Well, since the world is kind of ending, have all my pictures. Ok, not EXACTLY 50 here. It just sounded cooler as Fifty.
Have all my pictures. Give me all your brohoofs. I'm just kidding. Give me all your brains instead.
Ok, I just had a strange realization. Thing is, I work from home and I haven't talked to anyone in real life for about 2 days now. Actually, I haven't even seen anyone else. I live alone in a dingy old apartment in... some city in the united staetes and it doesnt help that this apartment is underground and has no windows (had to get the cheapest one of course) and no one has even knocked on my door. I haven't even picked up my damn mail and... I dont know why but im scared to go out into the str
So its the 21th here so i went outside and took some pictures. My town sure does look diffrent now.
Heres a nice picture of downtown.
and the highrises
Pfft and they said the world was gonna end.
Ponies is awesome. So is Dan Vs. Now there is a show on the Hub that is also pretty rocking, but not quite as awesome. That show is called Littlest Pet Shop, and it has a lot of potential.
I'm planning on making a series right now where I review each Littlest Pet Shop episode, because seriously its fan base is far too small and it has a good collection of flaws to pick at. But first, I think that it'd help to introduce each of the characters from it, because it has a fairly ambitious cast si
So, we went out Christmas shopping today, it was a lot of fun, and my younger brother will have a lot of presents under the tree Tuesday morning. I bought some things with my own paycheck though, like 2 MLP Blindbags from Walmart.... and I got Rainbow Dash, and shiny Applejack That was awesome!
(I had Roseluck for a while now, she was never on my monitor stand though.. Now she is)
I also got a Rainbow Dash "Snap band" at Target, and was going to get some small plushies, but I've got enou
With the so-called "end of the word" approaching my doorstep soon ( ), it's time to give my thoughts of 2012 in terms of being a brony.
Two springs ago, I began to notice a huge influx of material related to the family-friendly animated show, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, in the form of avatars, icons, and brief discussions. Seeing all of it bewildered me because I never saw the stuff before, and I wondered why it was becoming so popular at such a quick pace. Curious and the fact that
I didn't know that Endymion were making a documentary, but just recently they released it on youtube. And bloody hell, this is one awesome documentary. xD
After receiving so much support during their entire career, Endymion felt it was time to give something back to their fans.
For the past few months Endymion has been working day and night on a documentary containing exclusive footage that was shot during an insane summer with some of the most memorable performances they h
So it turns out that Pinkie Pie can break the fourth wall not only in the show but also when it comes to making marketing graphics for Hasbro. InDesign just let me crop the image for once!
Just something that I'm doing for a licensing magazine which Hasbro asked my company to do, thought I'd share a screenshot as...well its related to MLP. As it's not technically Fan Art I thought it would be best to put it on a blog.
Something I'd like to point out, Hasbro seem to despise Rarity an
Well well well, I see you have stumbled into this blog, congratulations! I know the perfect thing to do in this 50th entry.
Behold! The mane six, each showcasing a different facial expression.
Best. Blog entry. Ever.
The status option would not enable me to post my full thoughts on my page for everypony to read... So I'm posting it as my first blog entry. So here you go everypony.
Well... I just went through a rough breakup with my Stallion after three years... He got tired of "Waiting for me to open my legs" which just put a very disturbed thought into my mind. I couldn't believed I stayed with somepony for so long, who mainly just wanted to use me for a place to stay. I guess I'll be single for a good
With all due respect to the greatest princess and greatest villain seen here...
This third-shift job just isn't working out. -_-
Being nocturnal hasn't been all bad. I've been blessed with some great views and picked out constellations I hadn't seen since high school astronomy. The night truly is a wonderful time. But when I have to drag myself into a ghastly, gleaming facade of consumer artifice known as 'Wal-Mart' each evening at ten, its beauty is lost. I hoped it would give me a place t
Welcome to the first ever edition of Skull Movies where I review movies (Oh Really)
Today I will be reviewing Wreck It Ralph a movie about a villain in a video game who wants to be a good guy.
To start this off I want to say that this was a much much better movie than I thought it would. Ralph always gets thrown off of buildings because he's the bad guy and the good guys always win. After many years of this Ralph is getting fed up of being the bad guy so he jumps out of his game so he ca
On a recent trip I did to a small town not so closet o my city I found this alcohol free cider that is absolutely delicious and as I was buying it and of course drinking it the thoughts of the Apple family stroke my brony heart. Why? this was bottled for a local market in a small town and made by a family business sounds familiar?
Maybe this is how the one from the Apple’s taste like or not but it was a good way to taste a little bit more of the MLP world in our own and it was just r
There's now this game at school called Oreo. Basically, you play a game of rock-paper-scissors. If you lose, you have to ask someone out and hope they say no. I don't know why, it's just plain stupid. I've been asked more than 20 times because of this game!
By the way, I recently joined deviantART! Check out my page sometime. I'm MagicalAkariChan on there.
Well, as of today it has been exactly 1 year since I joined MLP Forums. I honestly never thought I would be here this long when I first made an account. I want to thank everyone here, especially my friends, for making this such a fun website to be on. I've really had a great time on these forums in the last year. However, I must say the forums have really changed since a year ago. Many of the people I knew before have left by now, and the people who are still here aren't nearly as active. I real