...But it's important, so I'm not going to skimp on personality this time.
So I reached the five hour mark. I'm still on the personality stage. I'll probably be on it for another five hours. Ugh.
So if you hadn't guessed already, I'm making a tulpa of Twilight. In personality, she's relatively similar to the character from the show, but she's less uptight and a bit more Pinkie-ish. The most recent personality trait I worked on was "neat and tidy". This a bit of a moronic decision on my
For yall:
I was going to make this a forum topic, but I decided to just make this a blog post. I held off for a while, but I just had to get it off my chest.
Okay, so you all watched the episode One Bad Apple, right? Where Babs Seed comes from Manehatten to visit the Cutie Mark Crusaders? Cutting to the chase, when I was in a livestream, there were several people who commented after the episode that Babs had no reason to be mean at all. It was brought up several times basically saying "I was bullied a
Damn, where to begin...
My whole family is weird as hell. You know how people say you always think your family is normal because that is who you've grown up with, and so everything they've ever done MUST be what other families do as well? Well, according to that principle, other families never go on vacations, the mother and father are never home at the same time for more than two or three hours, and the family only speaks to each other when something is wrong or there is nothing else to do,
Look ok. I hate it!
Why do people celebrate something that was religous but is now ruined by corporations.
Coca Cola owns Santa! It's not about gifts; it's about celebrating Jesus's birth and some other junk which I shall never learn...
I've been called Scrooge but I just don't see a point in another pointless holiday.
It annoys me when people celebrate this...
I don't really have a Christmas poem to post, though I originally wanted to write one specifically for MLPForums, so I figured I'd at least post one that was kind of happy. This is a short poem I wrote for an assignment in my high school creative writing class (I believe it had something to do with rhyme, but I'm not sure). It was featured at a local art event last May, and it has been published in a poetry compilation.
What does it mean to be happy?
What does this
This morning may have changed my life forever!
So for those who know me on here, you all know I've been under a bit of stress for having to hide from the world my Pansexuality (attraction to all gender identities and physical sexes) in the fear of my homophobic family. Its something I wish I could just be more open about and not have to hide in fear about. Especially from my own family. Family shouldn't hate one of their own because of something they cannot help.
Anyway, I used to only b
Just something I noticed a bit in MLP:FIM. All of the races of ponies seem to all be categorized in different castes in pony society.
Earth Ponies= Basically the "working class" and the bottom rung of pony society. These ponies are usually labourers, farmers or slaves.
Pegasus Ponies=The middle class. These ponies create weather and are usually richer than earth ponies. Pegasus ponies also work as (incompetent) soldiers because all the royal guards are male pegasi. (With the exception of
I am so sorry I haven't been posting daily like I said I would. It's just been really stressful in the holiday season I haven't really had time to talk to all of my friends on here. But now I'm back and I should be posting daily. Maybe nothing on Christmas though.
I hope you understand
Intrigue! Supsense! Action! A loser sitting on a makeshift couch for an hour or so at a time as he thinks about stuff!
Yep, I'm making a blog to chronicle my third tulpa creation attempt. Maybe this will keep me accountable so I'll actually see it through to completion this time. I'll be updating this blog every five hours of my journey. (Five hours as in the time that I've spent tulpaforcing, not every five hours real-time.) Except I'm already 4.5 hours in, so I should have made this blog
Actually, as we all know.
hip hop music is dead, sadly ;(
It was good while it lasted tho.
Anyway, from listening to hip hop and rap again. I just noticed this:
Hip-Hop is EXACTLY like Rap! Just slower beat, no basslines, and less lyrics w/ swearings/cussing.
Comparing them, only thing I found diff. is this:
Hip-Hop is slow beat (95 to 110 bpm), while Rap isnt (110 bpm to 140 bpm)
Rap has basslines, Hip-Hop doesnt, but some do. But if there are any, I couldn't fine one.
Today's rant is not related to MLPforums (what a relief! ) but it is more centered in more personal aspects of myself.
How do I begin? These last months has been the most stressful I had in a very long while and I feel really bad, like seriously bad for saying that I don't love my family. Just thinking about each one of these words together to form that horrible sentence lea
Here's a poem I wrote whle the semester was still in session. I haven't been able to use the computer much lately so I haven't been able to post poetry in a while.
"The Truly Hopeless Romantic"
Oh, I can't wait to see you!
Oh, I love you, my dear!
When I'm with you I never feel sadness or fear
My passion is endless
My heart is so true
And all of these feelings are directed at you!
Your hair, soft as feathers
On some majestical bird.
Your lips are just beauty,
Okay. This is what I got from researching the Christmas origins. Basically, this tells of how he became Santa Claus and how he brought back Christianity to Christmas and without Nicholas, Christmas would be just an ordinary day. No Christmas lights, trees, stockings, or presents.
Saint Nicholas' parents, who raised him to be a devout Christian, died in an epidemic while Nicholas was still young. Obeying Jesus' words to "sell what you own and give the money to the poor," Nicholas use
Anybody who reads this shall witness my inner mind. Basically, I'll be using this as a place to share my crazy ideas and to rant and rage about things such as Health and Safety .
the awesome thing was is that i was playing with the winged star in the city and the event happened where all the boxes contain the same stuff. they were all top speed patches and i was super fast, at the same round later on, i got the dragoon AND hyrda!?
the hilarious thing was, well, i need to explain something first
blue kirby-me
red kirby-my enemy
green kirby-my rival
purple kirby-my friend
purple kirby is mentally weird, but awesome too! in another round i was following purple kirby a
As you may or may not know I am currently working on a project to make a roleplayer's dream come true.
It's basic idea is: "Allow anyone to have a quality Roleplay trough the use of rooms, characters and a useful website."
Only, this is a lot of work and working with a few selected others can make things more fun for everyone involved. I already have two awesome people who help me test out various features, but another programmer is going to speed up things a lot!
Here is how it will
I just had a conversation with a few of my friends and a super anti-religious guy. He was saying that "God" doesn't exist and the sooner you stop believing in what can't be proven the sooner you will be happier and more peaceful. He was also saying the world would be a utopia without religion and the bible. And he said people hate because of the fear of what they don't understand. No, I hate because you're an idiot.
I'm ok with people having their own beliefs but when you start preaching ab
Christmas Eve is just around the corner, meaning lots of house cleaning and decoring. Sometimes, if not always, can be a nuisance all the way!!
my house is a mess, and everything must be sparkling clean by the 24th, and the fact that we are re-modeling the house makes everything worse.
Anyways, as we clean, we are throwing away really old stuff we are finding while we clean the house. There are some some boxes my mom and dad wants me to throw away and they even dare to debate the reasons
I just had a conversation with a few of my friends and a super religious guy. He was saying that "God" will make your life happier and more peaceful. He was also saying the world would be in ruins without religion and the bible. And he said people hate because of the fear of "God". No, I hate because you're an idiot.
I'm ok with people having their own beliefs but when you start preaching about it to people who don't give a fuck, I'm going to tell you to take your religion and shove it so f