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My thoughts on Wonderbolts Academy.

Hiya everypony!   Sorry that this is so late. I was at a school ski team event and only JUST got the opportunity to watch the new episode. D:   Still, just like last time I wanted to share my thoughts on what worked really well/what I liked about this episode:   1) Confidence vs Overconfidence. This theme is very relevant to Rainbow Dash's character. She is very confident. extremely awesome and has a very strong will, but her fatal flaw is in her ego. Therefore, for her character develop

Night Shine

Night Shine

A rant on "achievements"

In recent years, gaming has seen the addition of a now-popular feature: Achievements. These are goals you achieve in the game that give you out-of-game points, and a notification. Many games, more realistically, most games released via mainstream means have these achievements. Many gamers work to earn these achievements, feel satisfied when they hear that audio cue and see that number go up.   They play games, do things they would not ordinarily do (such as kill a large number of enemies via u

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Keep calm and trust the creators.

People need to calm down and quit being so jumpy. I mean really, "Oh the staff is Pandering to Bronies they should stop!" so what if the staff panders to Bronies some? How is that a bad thing? I've loved season three's episodes whether or not there was any pandering in them. Maybe you should stop being so knit picky and just calm down and see what happens instead of making a big deal about it. So what if the staff throw in some references to Bronies? If it's not Grim Dark or R34 then what's the

Firelord Derpy

Firelord Derpy

From: Was anyone bullied/harassed for being a brony?

Oh how I wish that people would be like this towards haters rather than giving them the whole "FUCK YOU HATERS!" attitudes that I keep seeing......kudos to this guy for saying this, you made my day Source: Was anyone bullied/harassed for being a brony?

Flicker Sweet

Flicker Sweet

Your Most Favorite of My Pro-"Brony" Blogs

For the past two weeks, I've churned out four brony-centric blogs, all very long and rather deep. As a fellow brony who's been seeing some discriminatory brony-bashing as well as annoying dismissals as MLP:FIM being a show "for [little] girls," I feel like I have to show my love as being one in the method I do best: editorial or essay writing. Present pro-brony arguments and demonstrate why being a brony is great.   These are my four pro-brony writings that I've submitted (from earliest date t

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

NEW FIC: The Adventures of two best friends.

As you may have been able to tell, I have indeed started on this new fic: The Adventures of two best friends.   Link: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/69853/the-adventures-of-two-best-friends   Yeah, It's my first shot at a proper fic, with decent layout, style, and cuteness. Yup, cuteness, from me! ..I'm trying my best, but I've never written anything so nice and friendly before (No, seriously, usually someone gets killed, but no, not this time..)     I've already worked out what I'm doi



O Tannenbaum

At long last, my second blog entry. For months I've been repeatedly forgetting and remembering I've some tales to share from my two vacations late last Summer. In my previous blog I mentioned I would be around writing about my endeavors in here. That will happen eventually. It will come along with a big 'ol photo gallery as well as a few videos that I took at the time which I will edit with my rudimentary editing skills.   Alas, my failure to meet a deadline for a blog, disappointing the t



AIR TV [Review]

Air Anime (Playlist)   AIR   Have you ever felt like... you don't belong? Have you ever felt like you couldn't do anything yourself? Have you... ever? Magic exists and so does destiny but is our life predetermined?   These questions are asked and answered in AIR , the show itself is full of wonder--and happiness, sadness and hope. Have you ever not felt like you belonged, or have you ever felt like there was something that controlle

#1 Flutterfan

#1 Flutterfan in Anime - Must Watch

Pony Hypnosis

I don't really know how to begin this post, to be honest...so lemme just start from the start.   Through various sources, I found my way to a Google Doc with a list of audio files that, when listened to, would suggest to the listener that they had the body, features, and personality of a particular pony. I like to think I have an open mind (which is necessary for hypnosis), but I also know that my mind moves at a very rapid pace and I would have difficulty concentrating on the voice, let alone

Standard User

Standard User

Know Your Developer

You know what really gets on my nerves? People who can't get their developers right!   Recently I had a discussion with my friends about the THQ Bundle that just went on recently, and I chose to opt out of. I didn't want to help the cause not just on principle or my opinion on the company, but mostly because I didn't care for the games they were selling. Darksiders, Company of Heroes, Red Faction: Armageddon and Saints Row The Third (if you beat the average). On paper this sounds like a good d

Colon Leftbracket

Colon Leftbracket

Rant #1 -- Different Opinions

You know how you're always in a argument with a friend online or IRL, and they use the term, "but that's just my opinion?"   Well, the dumb flank that goes "Well, your opinion's wrong.", needs to shut the buck up. Anyone has a title to what they want to say, no matter how odd or how the other person views that individual.   And the image seemed pretty necessary.



Nothing today

I will not be posting anything today because I have been really busy. Just a quick update to you all   For just fill in space Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade came out on iOS and Android.

Crystal Skull

Crystal Skull

My room, games and systems... plus stuff

So, i decided, since I spent all day cleaningg and rearanging / reorganizing all my stuff today, that I would take pictures of everything and then post them here so peopel who actually care about such things can view them.....   First, my little collection of SNES games, N64 and regular NES games.   My PS3 , one of my Gamecubes and one of my PS2's   My award for writing... <3   Just a random stand in a corner, with random stuff on it.   Two Halo: Reach Posters   Ass

Ferret Girl

Ferret Girl

Chasing bugs is not that fun

So on my application, when creating a character you are able to enter a description. The problem was that it got cut off at a certain length. ( 255 characters to be exact )   I was quite puzzled about this since I haven't added anything that would truncate it. About half an hour later it hit me... the database column was a varchar with a length set to 255. A default by rails that I forgot to change. I then had to go trough the database and change anything that needed to be longer than that to



The Winds of Change...

.. are upon us.   First of all, every once in a while, I read random things here on the forum. Random threads and things of that nature. Invariably, I begin to slowly realize just how young the forum is as a collective because I begin to feel very old.   Anyway, that's not important.   I'm getting ready to make some pretty big life changes. I recently had a family member completely screw me over, and now I am left without a job or a car and I have to bounce back. Not the easiest ventu

Shadow Chaser

Shadow Chaser

Psalm 37: Do Not Fret Because of Evil Men...

Side note: I'm not going to lie. After hearing what happened on the news today, I almost, for the first time, just wanted to open a beer, or 2, or 3 when I got home from work. But thanks to a great co-worker and friend, I decided to open my Bible instead and stumbled across Psalm 37. Thank you Lord for helping me stand my ground. And thank you to my friend at work.   Prayers going out to all the families who lost their babies yesterday.   Psalm 37:   Of David. 1 Do not fret because of

Steel Matt

Steel Matt

Readers choice December 14th 2012

Okay, so here is how readers choice works. I pick a question and you answer it. It's that simple.   Okay, so the question is what do you think about PlayStation All Stars? Do you think it's a rip of of smash bros or do you think it's great? And what sony characters would you like to see added to the game next?   I feel that it is a good quality game though I don't exactly like how the game play feels and the controls. I think that more characters from uncharted should be in the game. None i

Crystal Skull

Crystal Skull

Eeyup that's patriotic alright...

I have grown tired of reciting the pledge of allegiance every day during school so I recited a modified version...   "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United Territories of Equestria and to the co- monarchy for which it stands, one nation under the sun and the moon, indivisible with friendship and harmony for all.   This was all made up on the spot.



Красивый ангел (Beautiful Angel)

Today is the day I've been dreading since the end of December last year.   Six years ago today was the worst day of my life, and will forever be the worst day of my life.   My wife died six years ago today, and every year since her death I've been in a bad mindset. I always wondered how I didn't end up killing myself these past years. Some kind of miracle I suppose.   For the first two years I was invoked in "other" activities and was a emotionless "hollow man". After that I became utte

Dimitri Hammer

Dimitri Hammer

The World's Greatest Father [General 17+]

This will be the last one for a while, so soon I'll be into more cheerful things. :]   Written August 23, 2012:   It's hard to fathom what life will be like without you, for so long I've used you for advice and a shoulder. Such a strong-willed and fantastic man with a stern code of honor. You always desired the best and you instilled a strong sense of morality in me. I wanted the best for you, I wanted anything and everything that you could have had. It's hard seeing such a thing happen at s

#1 Flutterfan

#1 Flutterfan

The Hype List: 2013's Top 13 Anticipated Videogames

THE HYPE LIST 2013's Top 13   So lately I've been doing a lot of looking backward which has made me feel like the old man who often complains that "they didn't make these like they did back in my day!" And well, I'm 18 and I shouldn't be acting like an old man. I should be looking forward to our future with youth and optimism.   And with video games we may have a good year a head of us. Yes, I've been looking back at my "Dolphin Days" nostalgia for a while now, but I shouldn't soon forget t

Colon Leftbracket

Colon Leftbracket

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