Today I had met the philosophy teacher, Mr. Gurn. I asked him what encompasses the philosophy class and he replied by handing me a paper with the question "What is the meaning of life?" He told me to fill it out and based on my answer whether or not I should take the class. I wrote down that the meaning of life is 42. 42 being the number of points on the stars of Twilight`s cutie mark. Her mark means magic and the friendship involved so the meaning of life is the magic of friendship. I turned in
I know that we have all heard the rumors the world will end. Well do you think it will? Personaly I think directors and authors made that stuff up to sell a couple hundered books or a movie. But like I said that is my opinion what is yours and if it's not too personal why do you think that?
I found this pic and thought it was funny but a FYI the Mayan's never made any predictions that the world will end nor that there would be any apocalypse!
Ruby On Rails
Ruby on Rails is an application framework, written in Ruby and whose mainly purpose is to help ease the workflow of an MVC oriented website.
MVC = Model - View - Controller
This is the base of RoR (Ruby on Rails), and pretty much the main reason to use it (instead of other frameworks.)
A Model is anything that holds values, you could think of them as 'objects'. Although that is not quite accurate as models can also be a relation between two other Models. They ar
OTSW began in my head as a ten-or-so chapter novella that would feature only ponies. And now, the planned story spans four books and at LEAST four-six worlds. Why? Because every idea I have is amazing and I can't let it go.
(Possibly spoilers. Though, really, what could possibly be spoiled?) So Shield Generator pointed some things out to me about chapter 2 - namely, why is there such little security surrounding not only a supercomputer/personality, but an alien source of immense energy that
Ok, so I work at this little, dinky fuel station, about the size of a small bedroom, if even that big. It gets boring as hell there, y'know? So guess what I do for fun! I PLUG IN MY IPOD TO THE RADIO AND PLAY BRONY MUSIC! Although it bugs my co-workers, I still play it, and most of the customers are interested in what's playing!
I recently read a reply on Equestria Daily from a fellow "brony" who's both a fan of MLP:FIM and the older generations to me. She doesn't find enjoyment of this fandom nor likes bronies one bit due to them "always" acting like kids such as being overzealous, occasionally respond passionately negatively to older generations like G3/G3.5, etc.
This is is a response to both her and various other bronies who feel similar. (The quoted passages are similar to what I responded to, but paraphrased
Hello hello again!
I have been away for quite a while, and I should apologize for that. For those of you who dont know, I am an IB student, and school has absorbed most of my life.
Nonetheless, If people are still interested, Im looking to restart the blog and post more! Let me know what you want to hear about, and we can get this show on the road again!
Thanks for the patience
Welcome to another edition of skull gaming.
Last time I asked what you think of the new Pokedex iOS app. Bronium said "Couldn't you just get that information off the internet? I feel that this should be more of a fanatics collector's thing, you know? I mean, if this was at 5 dollars for all pokemon and a description like in the anime, I would totally buy it. I would buy it at 25 if it had the same voice like in the anime. That would be totally cool." I do agree with his statement that it is
Some people believed the world to end on June 6, 2006. 6/6/06. The number of the Devil. But it didn't.
So I think I found out why! 6 months, 6 days, and 6 years later, the devil will try his hand again to unleash his master plan on the world of the living!
12/12/2012 at 12:12 (am or pm I am not sure but one of the two!)
He will come back twice as evil!
(Totally real btw)
A few days ago, I was convinced by none other to read the fanfic An Affliction of the Heart. I did like the story. Although I had a few complaints on it, overall I thought it was pretty good.
But, there is this thing...inside of me. Why do I feel...sympathy...for the Changelings? I know most of 'em are evil, but..I feel sympathy for the small percentage.
Oh, I'll never hear the end o' this from Golden Age
BronyHeart, ye dinnae ken wha ye done!
Read my last blaug post? Well, I got my second Secret Santa gift today. A glow-in-the-dark skeleton mask (say wut), a pack of MLP cards (YAY), and a nice note saying how my SS felt guilty for giving me "such lame gifts" so they plan on giving me something really cool on the last day (tomorrow).
Of course, my SS ridiculed me for being such a hard person to get gifts for. I shouldn't have been such a smartass on my card. Oh well. Christmas is a wonderful time of the year.
- Kolth
ok so alot has happened. i started playing pokemon soulsilver and i was at whirl islands, and it was really hard to figure out, but i eventually reached the area where lugia is.when i went to battle lugia, he killed my weezing with 1 hit. so i just sent out another pokemon, and then used my master ball.then i went to the kanto region to go to victory i finally got to victory road, at the end of it i battled my rival, who i defeated. then i got to the pokemon league. altough i shouldve
After some critical thinking, I have decided to return to the forum.
I realized how much I truly miss this place.
This is the first forum I've ever been active on for over a year, and I want to keep my activity up for as long as possible.
Although I'm not really a brony anymore, I shall be posting once more.
Hugs, guys :3
Wow, have I really been watching My Little Pony for almost 10 hours? O_O Time flies when you’re having fun! I’m on the last lap of the pony track here.
*At least for now, my intense dislike of the Diamond Dogs is keeping me awake. NO ONE messes with my ponies! Spike’s fantasy is hilarious, especially the end with him making an accidental kissy face at Applejack.
*I kind of miss these action-filled episodes Lauren Faust was so good at. Rarity is clearly scared at times, but she plays
*”Oh, Applejack. You make it sound as if it’s going to be hard!” It IS hard, Rarity. Season 1 is about 12 hours, that’s more TV than I’ve ever watched in one sitting, except on a few NFL Sundays. Must not fall asleep.
*It’s impossible not to love Rarity, and Suited For Success gives us more of what we love. Poor pony, she wants so badly to please her friends, but they didn’t like her first designs even though they were great. Reminds me of my first submission to FIMfiction…but anyway! Enjoyi
By hour 3 of the marathon, I give up on any pretense of detailed episode reviews. It’s all beginning to blur together into one big mass of colorful equine awesomeness. But I can make it! As I write this I’m already…er, a sixth of the way through! *gulp* And so full of pizza...getting kind of sleepy.
*Griffon the Brush-Off, still one of my favs. Gotta love Pinkie + Dash, and Gilda is a more interesting character than I remembered.
*By Episode 6, this show is beginning to solidify in a
One of's key features is that it will share accounts with MLP Forums - meaning, your username and password on MLP Forums will double as a account. Pretty awesome, no?
I'm pleased to announce that this functionality is now fully functional! If you head over to right now, you will be able to log in using your MLP Forums credentials and come to the screen above. If you change your password, will be aware of this and will use the new password as
Yesterday my brother was having a sleep over party because him and all his friends finished their final Math AP test and he wasn't supposed to be home until 11:30...
Anyways I was at home at about 10:00 and my mum left with my sister to take her to dance and I'm just thinking I have the house to myself... Then I start to hear sounds from upstairs of cupboards closing I stopped hearing it and thought it was just me imagining things. About 5 minutes later I hear it again and I start to get wor
Ok, I have a quick question.
What do you guys feel about the format? Do you think I should put certain things on days that I do whatever I want? I might make one day of the week a Mario Kart 7 community play date thing. So please tell me if you are liking this.
One big DVD set, 26 episodes, pizza coming in an hour and a fridge full of beer. It’s time to get this party of one started!
First, a quick summary of the package and quality. The cover looks just like the pictures you’ve seen, the Mane 6 (plus Spike and Angel) standing around more or less randomly on a background shot of Ponyville. The green iris of Fluttershy’s left eye is missing and something about her tail doesn’t look quite right. (At least they fixed her wing, though.) The other p
So, tonight I had a Christmas party with my youth group. We began with a nice ham dinner, and then went into a Christmas trivia game. From there, we split into two teams, chose a team representative, and dressed him up as a tree to see which team could make the nicest looking one. It was a tie. Then we did a little once-over of the Christmas story.
But as we all know, the highlight of a Christmas party is the White Elephant gift exchange. At first, I got a stupid piggy bank, but I paid some
There's a nice little story behind this. It all started this afternoon when I found my base destroyed by this hater. so to get a little revenge, I got myself and the rest of the Bronies to take out this little anti-brony. After many waves of attacks, we emerged victorious (but now have the largest alliance in the game after us). In the after math, I decided to send a little early Christmas present.
Let this mark the official start of the BG's road to glory.
We are always looking for new