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for those of you who remember the member Strong Hooves

im kinda his official ambassador to the forums,   if you want to ever say anything to him tell me   for those of you who dont know, strong hooves was a good member here, he had to leave due to his parents not liking him being on a forum   so yeah i am strong hooves's ambassador to the forums



And on the Fifteenth-Day-Before Christmas, my Secret Santa Gave to Me...

...a bottle of water.   No, really. A nice bottle of Aquafina purified water. Guess that's what I deserve after being a smartass and putting water as my "favorite drink" on my Secret Santa sheet.   However, the note they gave me promised something even better: MLP gear. They said, and I quote, "I'm guessing that MLP:FiM is My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic; if so, I have a treat for you. If not, you will receive a gift worthy for a five year old girl."   Not sure whether to feel insult

Standard User

Standard User

Skull gaming December 10th 2012

Welcome to the first edition of skull gaming which I will be posting every Monday. I will talk about 2 or 3 topics then ask a question for YOU to answer. I will share 3 answers the next week.   The developers of the Bioshock games were talking about the new game Bioshock infinite and stated that the game is NOT coming to the Wii U. It kinda sucks for Nintendo users but if you really wanted it you would probably have whatever system the game started on.   Today the Pokemon Company released a

Crystal Skull

Crystal Skull

Game Design Musing: Torrent

So here's a game design idea that is actually based off of a dream I had not too long ago.   Basically in the dream I woke up to discover that there was a MASSIVE flood and everything for miles or perhaps the entire world was nearly submerged in water. However I survived the flood because it didn't reach my bed room. I had to adapt to this new world by making a raft and explore the New World Ocean, searching for supplies, looking for survivors, keeping a careful eye out for raiders, looking fo

Colon Leftbracket

Colon Leftbracket

The Cola Vampire

A short film two friends of mine made. I didn't star in it (Tragic, I know. I realize how much you all love me.), I just did the editing.  



We Bronies Dissect the Show, and It's Grrrreat!

One of the hearts of the brony community is the thinkers. The people who behave like scientists and analyze every facet about the show: the characters, atmosphere, episodes, and little references in each episode. Compared to other fandoms (the lone exceptions being possibly Sonic and Harry Potter), this fandom tends to review things from an extremely critical perspective, whether it's positive, neutral, or negative. Sometimes, we do this to a fault where we may occasionally think too much. But k

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

Drawing a proper graph

I know how I talk about insignificant details not making a difference and these details might seem insignificant but AXIS INTERCEPTS MATTER. God damn it. The only time I go on facebook, people are helping each other with their homework (posting answers to hard questions). Which is fine. I'd rather them cheat than not do homework at all. At least they kind of care about their grades right?*   But there is one thing I will not stand for and it's bad graphs. I love drawing graphs. So many things



Leaving... maybe. (Probably not)

The reason I make this blog is just cuz I'm bored and I have school in 15 minutes.   Anywho, to the point of the blog. These forums have become pretty boring to me. I don't know why this is so, but I just don't see the fun or draw to them like I used to. I haven't been spending nearly as much time here as I used to and am not posting nearly as much. I have over a month on my slate for time here (which is little compared to some people) but still a hell of a lot of time.   I don't know if it'

Lightning Fluttershy

Lightning Fluttershy


Today I am finally taken something in notice.   That I am at school typing my first blog.   This is not official but I will ask Fled0 to make it official,this is also probably not gonna be famous or popular since no one knows about me accept staff and some other people.

~Princess Luna~

~Princess Luna~

Exam Week!

Meh, so Exam Week is this week. I have 3 projects due and an exam on Thursday, plus I work Tuesday and Wednesday. But I cannot wait until Thursday afternoon, because I;ll be going home for an entire month. I'll be turning 20 in 2 weeks, and I am so excited that I get to celebrate with my family and friends. It's 7:30 am. I have no idea how I;m still awake at the moment. I couldn't get comfortable all night, eventually I just gave up at around 5 am. I even drank herbal tea, but still no luck. I



Of Roommates, Poorly Planned College Pranks, and the Assholes in the Apartment Above Us.

So we've been putting up with a bunch of assholes above us who have like 8-man wrestling matches at night, making tons of noise and just generally annoying the hell out of us. We've asked them if they could tone it down a few times, but they never did.   Tonight (a week before the quarter ends), my roommates decided to pull a harmless prank on them. They got a a bucket, filled halfway up with water, leaned it against their door, and threw random junk at the door until they opened it and the wa



It's like they want me to lost marks.

Now, it's no secret that I abhor tests, at least, the way their conducted these days. One reason is how a percentage of the marks pretty much comes down to wording, rather than actual knowledge. I mean, it's awful. They want us to write the answers using a particular method using exact phrases. And really, this was confined to English.   But then I realized that it was creeping. Creeping into my beloved sciences. The first to fall was Biology. Oh how interesting Biology seemed. With all i



Discord... as an Ally?

I was browsing Equestria Daily, and I came across this picture:   https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-ALtL4IKjUOw/UMTujn2VFqI/AAAAAAAAOmg/yDOro6JUQjo/s1600/MLPFIM.png   It got me thinking: What if Discord teamed up with the ponies in a later season? Not like he pulls a Darkheart or anything (Oh gee, lookit me! I sure love being good 'n all that doojigger!), but something happens and he realizes it would be advantageous to his cause to join up with the ponies and assist them in... something. H



Red Sky

Alone without your loving care I walk by I walk by and dont know what to do Not even the sky answer me When I ask for you my love   I could not forget about you Since that night Since that night when I lost you Shadows of doubt and jealousy Cover me while I think of you   Let me search for you And if I found you And if I found you come back to me Forget about the past Don’t remember that yesterday Forget about the past Don’t remember that yesterday   While I’m asleep I dream



Losing interest as a brony, and other things.

So it's been a while guys. First off, I want to apologize for that rare chance that someone missed me. I just had to leave for a while, deal with life and all that junk.   I've been through a bunch of stuff, that's really shaping me into the man I need to be to survive this life. Let's get done to this.   Yes, I am no longer considering myself a hardcore brony anymore. I -used- (to) enjoy the show and post about ponies, but I have lost pretty much all interest. Being a brony was a good exp



Entry 7: An Entry on Sonic the Hedgehog

Hello everybody. We're here to talk about the fastest thing alive.   The blue blur, Sega's mascot.   Mr. You're-too slow-becuase-he's-too-fast.   Wait, you can never be too fast when it comes to this guy.     I love the sonic the hedgehog series. Heck I love Sonic the Hedgehog! (Though, Eggman is best Sonic character).   Sonic was also an inspiration to me. He basically is the reason why I love to run and to go fast. I love speed in generally.   Whenever I play video games, I usuall



The format of The Daily Skull.

Monday: video game news Tuesday: Book Reviews Wednesday: whatever I want. Thursday: whatever I want Friday: Readers choice (I ask various questions) Saturday: speed runs (a competition to the readers) Sunday: weekly review... ( possibly extra long edition)   I hope you continue to enjoy it.   - Crystal

Crystal Skull

Crystal Skull

Why I like history




Why I like Halo.

I think Halo is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills aleins and doesnt afraid of anything.



Why Applejack is the Best

Ever since the first episode I saw, well... the second episode.. the first episode I saw was that one where Pinkie Pie was babysitting... Well ever since the second episode I saw where Applejack completely owned Rarity during the episode where they did the slumber party thing I always knew Applejack was the best.   Why is Applejack the best? Easy. Because she knows that Rarity is the worst. Applejack knows that Rarity is just annoying and cares too much about cleanliness and fashion and o

Titan Rising

Titan Rising

"Sleepless in Ponyville" Review/Analysis

This was an astounding episode. For Scootaloo's first episode as a central character, it really didn't disappoint. We saw a lot about her:   1. her desire to be Rainbow Dash's protégé   2. her huge fear that was built from those stories   3. her eventual development as a character   4. her athleticism   Of the three Cutie Mark Crusaders, she's the only character to not have that much development. Whenever she was there, she shared the rest of the CMC's role, sometimes not speaking most

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

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