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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


IDK what to call my blog.

Hey you who reads this.   As none of you might know I am trying to be more active on the forums. So to do that, I figured I could make a blog. But what will I fill the blog with?? I stumbled upon the answer a couple of seconds later: 3D models that I make. Some of you might know that that is my hobby, some of you might not know that.   I am going to make 1 render each week, and it would be nice if you could give me some suggestions on what I could make. Cuz, for me that is the hardest part.



First Impressions: MLP:FIM SE3:EP3 "Too Many Pinkie Pies"

Well... I suppose its safe to say we all knew this was going to be quite an episode. I mean just in its description it sounds like a Brony's dream come true! "Moar Pink Pone!" Plus a clone plot is just PERFECT for Pinkie Pie!   ...And I'm kinda surprised it didn't go as well as I thought it would. Don't get me wrong, I liked the episode, I just think it could've been done SO much better!   One major flaw is that the episode is REALLY annoying! If you are like me who hates constant repetition

Colon Leftbracket

Colon Leftbracket

TwilightCircuits Amazing Story Part 10. FUN! FUN! FUN!

The fourth wall was broken. The fifth wall was broken. Then the sixth. Seventh. Eighth. Ninth! We are now about break into the 1st Dimension. Then, once the first dimension is broken, the second must get breached. Which means, thy pony in Season 3, Episode 3, reached, and then broke, the ninth dimension. And that is all I am going to say about that! Cause that was fun! I couldn't believe that much fun could multiply funness to make even funnier fun of the funnest fun of all fun! See? Ain't this

Twilight Circuits

Twilight Circuits


"I have Fluttershy by me and now Dimitri can't get me"-HistoricallyInaccurate         "I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my wife go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look

Dimitri Hammer

Dimitri Hammer

I got tepig!

ow! he's so cute (or she)     I bought another kids meal with the Tepig toy <3     he has a very cute light on his butt when you press his legs   worthless card that came with the toy

Motion Spark

Motion Spark



Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

apparently im an indian legit

so yesterday i was talking to my mom and i was like "i feel like an indian" and she was like "you are, you're a great part Sioux indian on my side"   And I was like wow. I always kind of thought I belonged with native americans but this explains everything. Did not see this coming. I think I inherited all of the Native American blood from my family too.

Titan Rising

Titan Rising

Wolfie rambles about nothing

Hello. It's me, Wolfie, doing nothing productive except talking to my metaphorical brickwall here. :3   This morning, I'll be rambling like I normally do. Today's topics are; ~Pokemon ~Pony merch     So... here we go~   Recently, I received the new Pokemon games; Black 2 and White 2. Couple days ago, I beat White 2, and I am now dicking around exploring and.... whatnot. I also got two Genesects thanks to having two games. (One to keep, the other to probably use as a trade token.) I hav

Wolf Angel

Wolf Angel

Welp, they ARE Israeli

lol I dunno     Well, like the title says, this is an Israeli musician remixed by an Israeli musician in English, so...   Enjoy.




I drew a picture of Zero from Mega Man X, and I am amazed at how good it is! Well.. except for his z-buster.. it looks...off...   But I CANT WAIT TO POST IT...but I cant.. because I have no means of doing so. T_T   Not dreadfully happy...

Ferret Girl

Ferret Girl

Im bored... so i'll post my necklace.

My, oh so very simple, necklace.   A simple metal heart with the word love on it. With a simple Dog tag chain.   The heart actually came from my Uncle's wedding. They were on the bird seed bags that you tossed at the bride and groom after their big moment. I decided to keep one of the little hearts for the purpose of making a necklace.   Eventually I started wearing it all the time, and recently I decided not to take it off at all. It stays on me when I eat sleep, and even bathe. I have g

Ferret Girl

Ferret Girl

Ponies with socks

what socks have that makes ponies look even more cuter than they already are? Anyways... I can't believe I sort of started a trending with ponies in socks but with the other way around.. with stallions haha, yeah stallions, they DO look good as good as mares with socks and it seems that people like them as well. If you don't believe me, take a look at these threads, haha, they all blame me *evil grin*   Everything started here (kudos to ponyEcho for letting me do whatever the hell I wanted w

Motion Spark

Motion Spark

My Little Pony...

Okay. It doesn't matter whom you are or how you got here. You can be at any point in time from after I write this. It doesn't matter. You see, I have been talking about a lot of subjects. If you have been with me so far, meaning, you've read my entire blog from the start. I can make some incredible statements. Statements that are true. So let's talk about the Power of Choice. What statements could I make? Well, to do that, first we must look at some basics. I have stated: I am a Master at the L

Twilight Circuits

Twilight Circuits

Unveiling my newest work...

Impatience gets the better of me again, so I'm unveiling my newest project, and I'll be documenting my progress here. In any case, I needed to justify my decreasing activity.   This won't be an RP in the normal dime-a-dozen sense; I'm modeling this more on tabletop RPGs like D&D- I'm adding character stats, more possibilities for player-to-player interaction, Character Bios, and more. This will undoubtedly be one of the most ambitious projects I've ever started, and I'm excited.   It's a

Princess Lintsalot

Princess Lintsalot

Shake it

Hip-Hop     Golden age Hip-Hop, gotta love throwdowns to awesome tunes.   Enjoy.



Rate my Pokemon firered team!

Hi everyone! I've already made a entry for my Pokemon Soulsilver team.Now I'm gonna have you guys rate my firered team! This is my final team, and right now I'm getting them trained for the Pokemon league. Like last time you can do it on a scale of 1-10. Thanks! Blastoise lv. 48 Arcanine lv. 48 Pidgeot lv. 47 Viluplume lv. 48 Jolteon lv. 48 Nidoking lv. 48



Mate and Call

Folk     "2 souls went our for a ittle dance" - pretty much it, love story between two souls, making it an entry because it's good and fun to listen to.   Enjoy.



Pony Civilization Logic

Welp, since i've got nothing better to do than listen to the rooster teeth podcast, I might as well write this.   I don't understand how the pony civilization evolved. Everything is designed for a human hand. I'm pretty sure, we as humans designed all of our technology to be used with hands, BECAUSE WE HAVE HANDS. How did pony civilization design technology designed for hands when they have hooves? It just doesn't make sense. Not at all. Unless some ancient civilization before the ponies had



I Suck At This and Other Fun Facts

...yeah...no update. Still. Please, everyone send me a PM and point out what a loser I am at updating.   But regardless, I was Skyping with my editor (Shield Generator - what a guy!) and SOMEHOW he is still interested in the story. So I still have a reason to live continue writing, which makes me happy.   On a side note: to anyone who has read the story, does it seem too informal and/or sarcastic at times?   In summary: I am a bad, bad writer who needs to be slapped with a raw tuna.  

Standard User

Standard User

Been offline for about a Month

Hey guys, it's been quite a long time, hasn't it?   Sorry that I have been gone for so long. I know some of you honestly don't care, but I feel like just explaining the reason why I have been offline.   It's more of the reason of -   I used to be on the computer too damn much. I have been out with friends, meeting new people, getting my life together.   I figured, "Hey, if I'm going to be a sad sack of shit, why not just make new friends and get out of this rut?"   Well, I slapped myse



Spreading the Christmas Spirit a month Early!

So, my church held this giant buffet tonight for those less fortunate. We had supposidly close to 1000 people come. I must say, I enjoyed my time here helping other people. Ironically, I was in charge of getting people drinks, yet everyone got drinks on their own before I could get to them, thus I only served about 3 people >. But, I had a good time there.



I just stopped caring for school

OK repentantly I have just been totally just been getting very lazy at school and well i just totally stopped doing anything homework mostly i haven't done a single homework assignment for math in 2 months, and well..... have doing nothing but listening to music playing video games and sleeping and sometimes doing that stuff in class im very suprised that the teachers haven't noticed yet. I just don't know i feel as if i just gave up on everything i just woke up and then it was gone i just lost

Fallen Angel

Fallen Angel

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