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Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

More Customer Woes

*OH SHIT, HE'S TALKING ABOUT McDONALD'S AGAIN! RUN AND HIDE!*   So there was two annoying tween girls who waltzed into the store today. They walked up to me and said:   "What's a McFlurry? Is it, like, a shake?"   To which I replied: "No, it's ice cream with various fillings put in."   Her reply: "So..."   Me: "It's not a shake."   "Oh, OK."   Customer: "How many is a McFlurry?" (Jesus Christ! "How many is a McFlurry?" What kind of retarded bozo is this little shit? I mean, she wa



My Opinions on People Posting Their Opinions of the Forum

Woah woah woah. Slow the fuck down, everybody. Shit just got meta.     Anyway, it seems that all dis shiz started out as Sugar Plum poppin' some funny-ass jokez off da chain (shit was so cash).   Then mah brotha Vicke busted out some totally legit opinionz 'n shit about how it goes down in Feld0's territory. Seriously, don't fuck with MLPF. Mods 'n shit will be on yo' sorry ass so fast you won't have time to finish whatever lame-ass shit you were doing to piss 'em off in the first place.



Sitting Lyra in New Mexico and Other Oddities

So after finding the attached sitting Lyra cut-out on My Little Brony a couple weeks ago, my friend (hi NeonDinosGoMeow) suggested that I stick her in various spots while I'm in New Mexico, most notably the start line for my race. I figured, "Why stop there?" and need suggestions/ideas for other places to stick sitting Lyra. But that's not all.   I know I have absolutely zero chance at doing any kind of good at Nationals; there are just too many faster guys. Thus, I want to have fun with it an

Standard User

Standard User

Went to see the movie Lincoln!

The movie Lincoln was the most greatest movies i have seen about Abraham Lincoln. The only thing is that they didn't really put the right words they used back when Lincoln was president. The movie used words like dimwit and some cuss words that weren't really used in the sentences they used back then. BUT you guys should go see it because it was still awesome. i give it a 9/10



What happened to the forums?

What's up with the forums these days??? It seems like people hardly post anymore, even though there are over 100 people online most of the time. I remember when everyone used to always be constantly posting, so we would always be having discussions, but ever since I came back to the forums, it seems completely dead, like no one bothers to post stuff anymore. Is it because of the character limit? Are people to lazy to type 100 characters, so they don't bother posting at all? If that's true, then

Champion RD92

Champion RD92

First World Problems... Ish...

For these of you with a Twitter account, let me ask you this... Have you ever been minding your own business, maybe having just recently followed someone on Twitter, and the next thing you know, you have someone you have never heard about following? Well, ok, so I have six followers, four of whom I know personally. The fifth has some nearly 5K followers and is a Christian musician. No biggie, right? Well, the sixth is Ceren Aksan Mumcu, a violinist and photographer from Instanbul. Somehow, afte



Lots of Ideas, not so much the skill.

Drawing is not really one of my talents. I'm pretty good at video editing and (don't mean to brag) I think I'm amazing at playing instruments. But I have so many ideas to draw! I have the imagination but not the skill!



My Little Pony... Feel good!

You know, I don't know any pony that would even make the claim they don't like music. I mean, who doesn't love a good song not matter what the genre? Well, I'm not going to say I listen to a lot of music. Why is that? Through out the course of your life just as mine, that thing that you're always becoming needs a boost! Now, i've already established how I feel in the first few blog posts. The reason I shared them with you is because of one simple fact. There's pony's out there that most likely f

Twilight Circuits

Twilight Circuits

Sunday in Paradise

Every stupid night out ends in some shirtless idiot yelling to the band “PLAY FREEBIRD!”   To their credit, this time the band didn’t “play Freebird.” More on that later.   I sat at the bar, beside some drunk Americans who were yammering on about clueless Dollar Riders, heartless A3 assholes, and other crap like that. My strategy is simple: use my words to order my meal and initial drink, and then shut the fuck up for the rest of the night. The shrimp was alright, the rice was a little les



They're taking my cat.

They are taking my cat from me... and I don't have any words to express how pissed and emotionally hurt I am right now.   I just love her so much... I remember the day I brought her mother home from the shelter. A few years later she had kittens, and we gave them away except one, the one that looked like the mother.   I remember the day The mother was taken from me as well... It hurt like now, but I knew I would still have the kitten that would be like her.   And now they are just going

Ferret Girl

Ferret Girl

Another Night

Funk-Rock     Something about John Lenon and Yoko Ono... Don't ask me, I just love the sound of it.   Enjoy.



Day Of First Diving Board Experience. EVER.

In gym class on Thursday, we were swimming, and I decided to try the diving board for the first time in my entire life. I first did a cannonball (yes, yes, I know, CANNONball...), then another, and another, and about my 3rd run, I heard the kid I like trying to get his friend, John, to do a front flip as his first dive. He said that if John did one, he would too. He agreed, and stepped on the diving board very slowly, only to go running off, saying "No, no, can't do it." My crush just shook his



New personal record!

I managed to remember and write down the name of 144 Pokémon of the 1st generation out of the 151, without looking up anywhere. This beats my old record of 109! :3         The only 7 Pokémon I somehow couldn't remember before I gave up were: Psyduck, Golduck, Krabby, Kingler, Tangela, Schyter and Pinsir.   I may try with the other generations as well and see how far I can go~   By the way, yes. I was bored. Very.



Recovering my relationship with Bella, my cat

Bella is my 8 year old cat. She is constantly terrorized by my kittens, Archer and Sisko. (Archer is better now, to those who were concerned. He is out of his cone, and he made a safe recovery!) Ever since we got the kittens, she's.. Receded, hidden in her shell. I was such good "buddies" with her before we got them, and some would go as far as saying I was her favorite.   So, anyway, I digress. She's upset, and I think I'm repairing our relationship. Today we had our first good cat to person

Octavia's Cellozoid

Octavia's Cellozoid


So if you remember from my earlier blog posts, today was the Regional meet for the Junior Olympics. I actually JUST got back to the hotel room; naturally, the first thing I wanted to do was log onto the Forums and make a post about the results.   Yeah, no fancy storytelling or sarcasm from me this time, mainly because I'm super tired. All you need to know:   I MADE IT TO NATIONALS.   Yup, top 20 from Regionals make it and I just happened to place 20th. So I'll be training hard the next th

Standard User

Standard User

IDK what to call my blog.

Hey you who reads this.   As none of you might know I am trying to be more active on the forums. So to do that, I figured I could make a blog. But what will I fill the blog with?? I stumbled upon the answer a couple of seconds later: 3D models that I make. Some of you might know that that is my hobby, some of you might not know that.   I am going to make 1 render each week, and it would be nice if you could give me some suggestions on what I could make. Cuz, for me that is the hardest part.



First Impressions: MLP:FIM SE3:EP3 "Too Many Pinkie Pies"

Well... I suppose its safe to say we all knew this was going to be quite an episode. I mean just in its description it sounds like a Brony's dream come true! "Moar Pink Pone!" Plus a clone plot is just PERFECT for Pinkie Pie!   ...And I'm kinda surprised it didn't go as well as I thought it would. Don't get me wrong, I liked the episode, I just think it could've been done SO much better!   One major flaw is that the episode is REALLY annoying! If you are like me who hates constant repetition

Colon Leftbracket

Colon Leftbracket

TwilightCircuits Amazing Story Part 10. FUN! FUN! FUN!

The fourth wall was broken. The fifth wall was broken. Then the sixth. Seventh. Eighth. Ninth! We are now about break into the 1st Dimension. Then, once the first dimension is broken, the second must get breached. Which means, thy pony in Season 3, Episode 3, reached, and then broke, the ninth dimension. And that is all I am going to say about that! Cause that was fun! I couldn't believe that much fun could multiply funness to make even funnier fun of the funnest fun of all fun! See? Ain't this

Twilight Circuits

Twilight Circuits

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