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Oh great. This is just AWESOME....

I'm surrounded in a house of sick people. That's just greeeaaat #sarcasm   I hope I don't get as sick as the others. I HATE throwing up. I hope not being severely sick in years means I have a strong immune system. I just hope it's not the stomach flu, as I have no flu shot. (I don't normally get it, as it seems people who get the shot get the flu more often than my family does)

Octavia's Cellozoid

Octavia's Cellozoid

The Tipping Point

For this blog entry, I will speak/type in the quotes by others:       “The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” - Thomas Jefferson     "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." = Abraham Lincoln     "America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold:its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life.

Steel Matt

Steel Matt

From: Use Only Vowels!

Source: Use Only Vowels!   New game. And this one is actually interesting. I wonder who made it...? e u e ey aeoe. (He must be pretty awesome.)



Adorkable? I Think Not!

My kitten Archer is in a cone. He had to get stitches on his belly because my little Flarcher decided to eat rubber bands and needed to get surgery. Seriously, what is he? A goat? Anyway, when my mom came home with the cone, she held it up and said, "Look at the dorky little cone Archer has to wear." It is pretty dorky, not even adorkable. Archer is very well convinced that there is no possible way he can eat or drink with it on, so we have to get it off him at mealtimes. That cone carries one h



Signs is one of the worst Sci-fi movies ever.

DISCLAIMER: I last watched Signs about 4 years ago, and haven't rewatched it for this post because its not on Netflix.       ALSO: spoilers.       So, way back when, some friends told me Signs was an awesome and scary scifi movie, and I thought "cool, I like awesome, I like scary, and I like scifi, I should watch this". I promptly forgot all about it for about a year until I noticed it at blockbuster and rented it.   It sucked.   Don't get me wrong, the beginning was okay. I was liki



Somebody come control my hormones for me!

Now, I don't care what you think about teenage relationships and wastes of time. This is carnal urges I'm talking about. My pubescent hormones are just aching the crap inside of me.   There's this freshman girl that I'm crazy about. I posted once in the "What would your ideal bf/gf be" and she's pretty much exactly what I'm talking about, other than the part where she has to "fall head over heels" for me. But she's very close.   Honestly, she's a ton like me. Shares all my interests, has m



There Is a Big Event This Saturday

A writing blog is not enough. I must also rant about my daily life as well.   So the cross-country season ended last Wednesday, but that doesn't mean running is over for ole' Kolth. No sirree. This Saturday is one of the biggest and most important races I've ever entered myself in: the Junior Olympics.   Well, the state level. BUT STILL.   Last year my Asian buddy (hi NeonDinosGoMeow) entered J.O, and he managed to make it through state and regionals and qualified for Nationals. This year

Standard User

Standard User

Rant # 1 - Human Ponies

I would not be impressed if you already knew that I would rant about this, because if you visited my latest art threads you would know that I am very mad about this situation. Ok, when people draw ponies in human form, what do you think that are these traits that makes them more human to you? To me, having human eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hair, body (without a tail), legs, arms and mainly fingers, it's a good start but it's not enough.   What am I going with this? well, in the past days I decid

Motion Spark

Motion Spark

When does a story stop being a 'Short Story'

I've been writing a book for a while now, a book based on the lore of League of Legends, I quickly ran a word check on it and found out that I've written 30 pages (assuming an average of 240 words per page (to get this figure I chose a selection of pages from the hunger games and got the average word count from them))   Right now I consider myself to be nearly half way through chapter 2, although I've had writters block for 3+ months, I have started writing some short stories based on Assassin



Pay your fair share

I have absolutely zero respect for anyone who buys something that someone else made and then turns around and says "wait you have more money than me now", and subsequently has everyone else in the area pull out a gun and say "give me back the money until we break even"   I dunno maybe I could write more on this topic but this is really all that needs to be said. The thought that there are actually people that believe this is the moral thing to do is seriously disturbing to me

Titan Rising

Titan Rising

Historical Inaccuracy Criticizing!

So, I have this little erm..statue of a fifer on my desk. And simply because I am bored, I am going to criticize it's historical inaccuracy! I can imagine most of you would not care about such a thing, but i'm still doing it .   As you can see, the musician has red colored piping on his frock coat, yet a bugle on his kepi. Bugle was the insignia for infantry, yet the color red stood for artillery. So, this guy is an artillery-infantryman? Another thing is that he had a pistol on his belt. Musi




I love books. Maybe a bit too much.   This morning I skipped breakfast to read a chapter in "Ask the Passengers" by A.S. King. Last night, I stayed up past midnight reading "Jellyfish Dreams" waiting for the election results that I didn't even see because it didn't matter then, I was too far into the life of Sam the Biologist who lost his fiancee. Inn the past week I've skipped math, chemistry, world history, and comp homework to work on a story and to read "A Brave New World."   I have sp

The Girl with the Books

The Girl with the Books

Presidential Election Analysis

I've been watching CNN since the election tallies last night, and as the votes come in, the more we're seeing the demographics come up and the more we're seeing in regards to the strengths of the Obama campaign and weaknesses of both the Romney campaign and the GOP entirely.   First, the weaknesses of the Romney campaign: Its hard-line stance on immigration reform. There is a huge concentration of Latinos located in the southwest and Colorado. About 65 percent of the people said that the ille

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

Just Startin' Out

Ok, so I guess I'll begin... don't know where, but I will...   Not that long ago, I found out what a Tulps was. I mean, way before that, I heard of the word, but had no idea what it meant. After I found out that there are, I guess, these... thought beings, if you will... that you could create within your mind so that you could have a companion and what not, and they would be sentient, I thought that it might be interesting to try and make one of my own. I know there are plenty of others who ha

Count Paradox

Count Paradox

I went crazy and opened a blog!

don't you think it's great? I really don't know XD I just decided to open a blog because there are many things that I would like to discuss but they are not thread size, so why not open a blog?   don't expect here a very AWESOME grammar lol, but I'll do my best to make my entries very interesting c'mon give a welcome!  

Motion Spark

Motion Spark

Jokes from the 1850s!

I have a set of jokes your great great great grandfather probably told. And in the likely event that you will not understand this, I shall provide the catch!   Candle maker and a Gentleman Guy 1: Sir What was your Father? Guy 2: My Father was a candle maker Guy 1: Pity he didn't make one out of you! Guy 2: Well what was your father? Guy 1: My father was a Gentlemen Guy 2: Pity he didn't make one out of you!   Hardtack I was eating some hardtack the other day and I bit into something s



The Beginning

Hey everyone!   I decided that I really liked the idea of a blog as part of the forum. I think that is an awesome addition to have. Kudos to whoever came up with that.   Anyway I have always wanted to blog but I haven't ever been able to give myself a good start, so I am hoping with this that I will be able to learn and become more familiar with blogging. So as some of you may already know I am huge into art. I don't just mean drawing, painting type of art either. I love writing, photograph



iPad games: Asphalt7 vs. Need for Speed: Most Wanted

Lets start with Asphalt7:   (I apologize for the way this is set up, but somehow, my iPad and this site didn't agree, so scroll down and match the numbers above the sentences. The "v"s signify which sentence belongs to which picture.)   1 v The opening loading screen. It looks nice... 2 v The home screen. It works. 3 v The screen for missions. I like this game because you can race without doing missions. 4 v Tier Seven car select: a Ferrari FXX Evo, the fastest car I own, second fast



Forward unto Dawn

So, I just got done watching the youtube series Halo 4 Forward unto Dawn. After I finished watching it i thought they were going to make one more, I was wrong. The series continues in the game, which makes me want to play it even more. HURRY UP HALO 4! (Lol. Didn't mean to rhyme )



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