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Silent Protagonist

Okay answer this question, "Is there such thing as a good silent protagonist?"   I often wonder this question, because to me a silent protagonist can pretty much be a story killer. By silent protagonist I refer to a main character who expresses no words and no emotion throughout the whole story. This sounds like something that should be unheard of, but in the world of videogames it happens much more than you think!   Now in older 16-Bit era games this is common because with the technology it

Colon Leftbracket

Colon Leftbracket

Roop babbles about Zoop

So, lately, I've been playing that game that happens to share its name with Zoop of MLPforums. And, well, I've got stuff to say about it.   The games work like this: You have a square in the middle of the screen, and a colored arrow in that square, on a grid. You control this arrow. Stacks of colored pieces come from all four directions, and you fire yourself at same-colored pieces to clear them. When you fire yourself and hit a differently-colored piece, you switch your color for that piece's

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

I Think my Childhood Just Died

...or got crushed in a giant garbage compactor. Either works, really.   The other day I was made aware of this article. The Brave Little Toaster is getting a CGI remake, brought to you by the geniuses who created Alvin and the Chipmunks, Yogi Bear, and The Smurfs. Did I mention all three were heavily criticized pieces of crap?   So, yeah. Now they're going after a very personal childhood movie of mine, modernizing it and updating it with new electronics that kids will "understand". This goes

Discovery Dream

Discovery Dream

I'm SERIOUSLY worried...

You are probably wondering why. My kitten, Archer, has swallowed SOMETHING, and we don't know what.   It all started when he started (I know, I know) throwing up like every hour. WhatI mean by throwing up is like convulsing, making those funny cat throwing up noises, and throwing up either nothing or beige tinted stomach acid. I know my description is kind of graphic, but I thought you should know how it started.   I told my dad about this after the third time I witnessed him thro

Octavia's Cellozoid

Octavia's Cellozoid

Octavia keeps me up at night

Insomnia, defining everything I do. Insomnia, where would I be without you? Insomnia, always stealing all my rest. Octavia, insomnia, you really are the best.     I saw this on EQD and I just loved it. I'm always looking for more Tavi inspired art, music,and more.    

A Day in the Life (of Me) - 11-2-12 - WTF? Where have you been?!

>mfw I've been staring at this for longer than I can remember and attempting to comprehend my lack of activity on this forum lately but especially this blog.     Firstly, I cannot even begin to fathom my self-disappointment in the fact that I have, since about September, stopped posting here as often as I used to. This is one of the best things to happen to me on the internet besides ponies themselves, I've become to attached with this community to suffer a loss like this.   But more rat



I Need a Day Off

Ugh... I haven't gotten a remotely decent night's sleep in 5 days. I really want to call in sick, I know it's lying, but I don't care. Sleep is probably the most important thing in the world to me. I'm tired of getting up at the ass crack of dawn to work at a job that I hate so as to earn an incredibly measly paycheck. As I sit here, my mind is racing, contemplating viable excuses to use to escape from work. I've already had a cold a few months back, so I can't use that. Also, I can't simply mak



BlazBlue is the most addicting game to me right now......

Okay, my friend Nick (wildpumpkin on here) is staying at my home for a week, for complications un-mentioned. He had brought his x-box along with ONE game. I looked at the game and automaticaly thought ".......Gay" but, he somehow got me to play a match him, and I instantly regreted saying that! this game is freaking amazing! yea the graphics are kinda bad, but the fighting system and combinations are awesome! so far, I have to say my fav characters are Taokaka, Noel, & Arkune, but I think I



Screw Walmart

Nah, this isn't one of those ridiculous overly liberal anti-Wal-Mart screeds. Those are the same people who bitch about Wal-Mart constantly but still sneak in there every weekend to buy wine coolers and scented candles. Screw 'em, they're part of the problem. People complain about Wal-Mart changing communities and ruining local business, but they have only themselves to blame because they chose to shop at Wal-Mart. If they really cared that much, they wouldn't give that new Wal-Mart any business



How much is obsessed?

I've been speculating lately, How far does a brony have to go before he is marked obsessed by even his own kind. If you have a dozen things is that obsessive? and if a teenage girl, such as myself watches MLP is it normal as opposed to a guy watching it? I've had these questions ever since I heard about bronies, They make my head hurt I think that, at least in america people shouldn't be judged by a TV show they watch, all the hate is just from people with predetermined social standards. such a



Damn Work

Such a strange day today. First off I could only be on the forums for a couple minutes because I've been at work for fourteen hours. Nonstop customers were popping in left and right!   Why did everyone in the city suddenly want to buy things from my little store? I mean, there was a heck load of people. Almost two hundred more than usual.   I'm the only guy in my shop, it's a small place and it was ridiculous.   Secondly there were some really strange people who came in. I can't even be

Dimitri Hammer

Dimitri Hammer

Meaning of Life and The Realm of Ideas

So I've been having this thought lately...   What if there exists a realm of ideas where all ideas come from, and this realm is also God. The realm is constructed of something like "willpower" or something like that i dunno exactly, and an eternity ago this God created a reality/dimension where the ideas could be experienced. And what if this God split up his willpower into an infinite amount of shards that are contained within all living beings, essentially giving them the will to live. (T

Titan Rising

Titan Rising

I'm done.

I'm getting really sick of all these couples being all happy and shit. It angers me that I can't find anyone like that. Every girl I meet either dumps me or they aren't interested in me. It keeps making me think that no girl will ever be attracted to me. I'm so sick of it and I would not like to focus on women right now in my life, but I can't help myself. I don't even know why I'm ranting about this on here but I'm getting desperate. Whatever bye.

Little Miss Fluttershy

Little Miss Fluttershy

life as a unappreciated artist

well, for the past week, I have made a few thread about my artwork and all, and i was so excited to di it! but when i did, i waited.....and waited.....and finally, i went on one of my threads, and it is full of nothing but freaking spam and off topic arguments!!!!! OH MY GOSH you do not know how badly this P****ed me off! I tried fixing it, but it went back off again! so, i think i am going to finally report it, but i don't know if i want my art threads to be blocked, because it isn't fair to th



A Journey Through the History of Evilshy's Musical Tastes (warning: 12,400+ character post)

I have developed pretty diverse musical tastes; indeed, I find it difficult to pin down what I like and what I don't, since I can honestly enjoy just about anything, and there are a very wide variety of things that make a song appealing to me. I was in the ITT: name all the genres you like thread, and I found myself posting almost every widely known genre (and a few lesser known ones). As it turns out, if you took a list of all the genres I know of, it;d be much easier to compile a list of ones



Primal Carnage

I'm here to talk about a multiplayer indie game called Primal Carnage. It's a game about Dinos Vs Humans. It's pretty fun game, especially when playing as a dino. Also, as a side note before I go more in-depth More games should use dinos as it's main enemy instead of zombies and aliens, I don't know why, they just should. I'd rather not note everything in the game, since there's a lot, so i'll give you a short list.   Five maps (Utility Base, Airbase, Docks, Forrest Chasm, The Falls) Five



Halloween Postponed to be on Monday instead of Wed. In the state of NJ

Halloween was postponed by Governor Chris Christie for the State of NJ Due to hurricane damage! A second grader I know was crying his eyes out and I asked him why? "We're not allowed to Trick Or Treat tonight" he responded. I went home to my laptop and Google searched for it, But before I could hit the search button MONROE TOWNSHIP called me up and informed me on the matter at hand. So what's your thoughts on this predicament? Leave a comment below!



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