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Thinking of writing a fiction...

I don't know if you have noticed but I love reading fictions. Specifically the sad ones that make me feel for the characters.   Now in school I've always kind of been a writer. I've never wrote recreationally before but in my English classes or school in general, I've been assigned projects where I write stories. To my surprise they are usually appraised by the teacher and other staff. Last year I won the school award for best creative writer.   I've read enough fictions to know what makes a

Lightning Fluttershy

Lightning Fluttershy

TV Show Review: Nickelodeon's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles premiere

So one of the dumbest ideas for a TV Show ever is in fact Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Oh no don't get me wrong, its among my favorite cartoons of all time, but just breakdown that title. Teenage, Mutant, Ninja, Turtles... If anything came out like that in these days we'd just label it as trying way too hard to be random. Yet its is so perfectly stupid that it has launched one of the best TV Show franchises of all time. It worked so well that it made a full cartoon, a series of live action movi

Colon Leftbracket

Colon Leftbracket


http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/match/2082192/   I got a penta playtesting Kayle for like the second time ever. Second time ever, you'd think I would already have a couple with my mains, but nope, best ive got was a Quadra with Soraka, Veig, Tristana, and some others I forgot about. Q+E = win game   Also to those who don't know, I'm talking about League of Legends, I think I made an introduction entry about it a decade back, so you can stalk me and dig up that entry to read up on it.  



A shipfic...

So yes, decided to make a blog post for this. I am going to be in the process of writing a shipfic, based around the mane 6. But to start things off in this fic, you will need to forget everything you already know about them except there personality. Backstorys, all that, out the window. Good now we can begin.   This shipfic will involve the main 6 going off to a school of higher learning, where they do not know each other at all, and meet for the first time. Each of them falls in love with an

Pinkie D Pie

Pinkie D Pie


Before you read this blog, keep in mind "<3" almost has nothing to do with what this is about. Except the fact when Zer0 revives someone in BL2, "<3" displays over his visor.   Now that that's out of the way....   I am reviving this blog. kthxbai.               Some users may have noticed I took a 6 month break from the forums. I'm now coming back. So there's that. I leave you with Claptrap dancing to Wub Wub.  



Sonic Generations Review

(Mod note: this is just something I did for the school newspaper, so I decided, why not post it here? So yeah...oh, and I also don't want this blog to die entirely. Aaaand, I just liek my tl;dr stuffs, even though I doubt anyone'll survive halfway...ehhh just read itttt ;-; )   --   Sonic Generations Review James (not gonna tell my last name okiethxbai .3.)   Year: 2011 Publisher: Sega Developer: Sonic Team Platforms: PS3, XBOX 360, PC, 3DS   Since 1991, Sega held up their end in th



Fangasming hard

Today, I'd like to talk about something slightly different. Rather than rant like normal, I'm just gonna set up my next entry. That's right, an entry just to tell you about my next entry. Oh, I'm such a loser. Anyway, tomorrow I'll be at the Canterlot Gardens convention, and on either Sunday or Monday I'll post an entry just sort of generally talking about what goes on, sort of sharing my experiences with all of you. Just kinda talking in a laid back sort of way. After that, I'll return to my re



Singleplayer: "Sandbox" vs "Theme Park" vs "Tour"

I don't truly count myself as an expert on game design, but I sure like acting like one. But one thing I've noticed as of late that in most modern 3D games there tend to be design trends. For the most part most 3D games have layouts that can be classified under 3 basic groups which I call "Sandbox", "Theme Park", and "Tour".   One of my personal favorites are the "Sandbox" layout games. Sandbox layout is classified as a game that drops you into a big open area, gives you a few toys to start o

Colon Leftbracket

Colon Leftbracket

Roop's collection additions #5 - Roop buys a new game for once edition

Yep. It happened. I bought a new game.   I was considering buying Kirby's Dream Collection, since I always wanted to play Kirby Super Star on an actual console, and buying the SNES cart would cost 30$. Buying this, I get the satisfaction of buying a new game, plus some swag like a soundtrack CD and a booklet, for 40$.   Also, I bought a little K'nex Nintendo blind bag-type figurine for 3 bucks. Was curious, and it was the last one they had. I also managed to nab myself the display box for t

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Out for the Weekend (Possibly)

Dunno if I'll be fully gone over the weekend, but I won't be at my house (and I'll be doing fun stuff) so I may not be on much.   I'm going to be at some resort three and a half hours from my church. I'm sure they'll have internet, but will I use my iPad to get here when I'm caving and hiking to waterfalls? Dunno. So this is a "Don't have too much fun without me" note, I guess... Don't let Zoop find out about the shed in the back, either.   Aight, have fun!



Hate And Intolerance?

Hate And Intolerance, which would be the complete opposite of Love And Tolerate. So if we use Hate And Intolerance we'll engage in pointless fights with Internet Trolls and just feed them.   Love And Tolerate is good, but it's not perfect, but it's certainly better than engaging in pointless fights on the Internet. Only when someone is in real life off the Internet is harassing you over you being a Brony should you take appropriate action that won't get yourself in trouble.



Post #0 - Italy

Welcome to this blog! Yay!   //depleting excitement\\   Ah, that's better. Now, where was I? Oh yeah. This wonderful, slightly confusing post. It's pretty boring. Nothing special. I was bored. Everything is completely fine...



My bored out of my mind so why not make my first ever blog blog.

Hey ponies on the forums. I've been around the forums for around two months now and been an active member however I never really introduced myself. When I signed up I never made a welcoming plaza thread and I've never made a status about me or anything so here goes. First I was MJP2010, then I was Like a Boss, and now I'm Lightning Fluttershy. Most people I role play with just call me Boss. My real name is Matthew and I live in Toronto. I'm publicly open about being a brony. I mean my friends an

Lightning Fluttershy

Lightning Fluttershy

I find THIS Interesting

I got a funny look from the librarians at school today. You see I checked out this non-fiction book, they asked me if it was for a class and I said no, I am reading it for fun. I find it extremely interesting but many other people find it extraordinarily boring. The book is call Math and the Mona Lisa: The Art and Science of Leonardo Da Vinci. Only 3 chapters are solely devoted to him but the book is a fascinating history and explanation of art, science, and mathematics in the ways that the conn



My First Blog

Hello My name is Artemisia (Bethany in real life) a couple people have begun to call me Arty so whatever suits you is just fine. So first of all I suppose this blog is about me, my life, and things I am interested in. I am a fifteen year old girl, I attend an art school and I love art, history, world languages, reading, drawing, and mathematics. And ponies ofcourse. So this is my introduction! Tada!



Who's going to be in it? Well, here ya go!

Here is the Roster of MLPForums: The Series! :3 (In Chronological Order) Feld0 Kurtis RacoonBL Grendo Crispy Tom The Diamond Applebloom Evilshy Resuli Zoop Doctor XFizzle Envy Swoop FinestHour The Melodyman (RKA) Pinkazoid Lady Rarity Pony Misso Klopp Mailmare Colon LeftBracket Ezynell (\SBB64/) Marco23p Ace Attorney Ganaram Inukshuk Doggess Arylett Narutardedscum Tich Vicke Nevermore and Arya Mr. Nibblers (AKA: Jokuc) Aureity Kyrone



Today I Actually Pre-Ordered A Game *Shocker*

So today I did something that seems pretty common place for most people, but only happens once in a blue moon for me, and that is Pre-Ordering a game. Usually I wait for a week or so to see a few reiviews from trusted critics or play a friend's copy. Actually I hardly even buy big $60 games. I think the last time I bought a $60 full price new release game was... Duke Nukem Forever? Wow did I make mistake there. The one time waiting a few weeks would've saved me a ton and I decide to forgo that

Colon Leftbracket

Colon Leftbracket

Sucky day power!

Here's pretty much my entire day. - Go to school - Get bullied at school - Have asshole knock me off chair - Injure tail bone - Get laughed at - Lock myself in the bathroom and cry - Log on forums and listen to music - Feel the pain of injured tail bone   Yup.



A new blog by DJ-DASH3

So, as I am getting bored again, and wish to share what fanfiction I may be working on writing, I made a new blog.   So in this blog, I shall post whatever I may be working on, what may be coming soon, or projects I would be scraping in the terms of fanfiction. Well that's all for now, expect some posts here soon, or real soon, maybe within the hour.   (This was a very short intro blog post brought to you by DJ-DASH3.)

Pinkie D Pie

Pinkie D Pie

Time to Break the Monotony. No; Monotonie.

PLEASE READ AND RESPOND TO WHAT I HAVE TO SAY HERE.   If you wanna cut to the chase, just skip to the part that says "Skip to here if you wanna skip to this part". For ease of reading, everything else has been spoilered.         Skip to here if you wanna skip to this part.   I wanna Roleplay, but what kind of a Roleplayer will I look like if my ideals of communication and dialogue have fundamental/subtle/odd differences?

Ganaram Inukshuk

Ganaram Inukshuk

The End of an Era

When I'm alone, my mind wanders. When it wanders, I usually end up getting depressed, because my mind drifts to my memories of the late '90s, which I like a lot better than now. As I sit here, my mind aimlessly meandering throughout my memories of life, it becomes alarmingly apparent that the end of an era is upon me. Eight months. Eight months is all I have left before I graduate. Eight months before I graduate, much too short a time.   Graduation has come far too quick (Partly my fault for b



At the Gala | Rainbow Dash

Here are both versions for Rainbow Dash.   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Original Style: Link       Alternative Style: Link  



first world problems

>wake up >feel depressed, have a cold and have slept only 3 hours >realize i'm late >have to go catch my bus without even brushing my teeth, eating breakfast or taking my antidepressants >see hurt bird lying on his stomach on the ground twitching on my way to the bus >cant help the bird because i have to catch my bus so that i don't miss school >feel really bad for it all day >get note for forgetting my math-book at home >"friends" mock me all day saying that i



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