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Why I dislike Fluttershy



Well I recently read a blog here about a user that wanted to get things through with why he/she liked Fluttershy the most, and we had a small discussion about it.


You see, Fluttershy is my least favorite character from the mane 6, I have gotten on the wrong end of things with other Bronies about this, and sadly, many will not listen to my reasons why, however, don't get me wrong.


I love Rainbow Dash, as do a lot of other Bronies, and there is an equal amount that hate her the most. I never get upset if you insult Dashie, yet if you do that to Fluttershy, boom! It's the equivalent of committing blasphemy. Well then, shall we?


1. Her character. Her most defining trait, she is shy and quiet. Well why would you hate her? Well she is a bit too shy and quiet. This is basically borderline Mary Sue, and in certain episodes (ex. Putting your Hoof Down) it seems that all of a sudden, these traits are oblivious and never existed. She is always pushed to be assertive, yet she barely acts assertive, and to top it all off, the stare, seriously? I can't stand that.


2. Gilda. Honestly, I see no need to hate Gilda because she screamed at Fluttershy. I scream at my younger brother everyday and my parents don't hate me. I scream at my friends when I'm upset and they don't hate me. Honestly, I thought Gilda had a great and mysterious character, and her attitude towards Fluttershy didn't change my view or perspective on her whatsoever. Yet many Bronies piss their pants in anger if somebody likes Gilda. "OMG! U LIEK GILDA? WTF IS WRONG WIT U? SHE YELLED AT FLUTTERSHY!!! U MONSTER!!!"


3. traits we share. I am nothing like Fluttershy. One bit whatsoever. Other than the introverted, antisocial, and shy part, I am not like her whatsoever. Taking the personality test on Bronyland.com, I scored to be most like Rainbow Dash. While I may not be like Dashie 100%, I'm not athletic, physically fit or active, or a bit of a wild thing. Yet me and Dash are both loyal to friends, have a sense of adventure, love to have a laugh, and above all, are a bit self-centered. Yes I admit that. This is probably the main reason for me choosing favorites due to traits we share.


4. Appeal. This is another reason she never really appealed to me. While many Bronies just loved her the moment they saw her, I was just like, "oh for the love of God? Really? Really?" I thought it was a little cute, however not cute to an extent where it was "Kawaii Kawaii Desu!! <3", I never really thought of that with any of the cast, they can be cute at times, but Fluttershy gets too much of the treatment. Honestly, there are other good ponies to choose.


5. Character standing. We've all seen it before, OMG, Applejack doesn't get enough love, she is just as popular, same with the rest of the cast, although Rarity can use a bit more love. Back to the point, when it comes Fluttershy, many Bronies will drop everything and basically persecute you if you don't like Fluttershy. Honestly, I don't do that to people who hate Dashie,or other characters, but it's just so mind numbing that thinking somebody has no heart or soul not liking a particular character. "BUT SHE IS SWEET AND INNOCENT! SHE IS ADORABLE!" Think of a better excuse to hate me, those are used so many times that it lost it's meaning, reminds me of countless haters calling me a faggot or gay or retarded that I just get used to it.


The final point (AKA, TL;DR), I don't like Fluttershy for her character, her traits she has, I cannot relate to her whatsoever, she isn't that cute to me, and finally, it's just my choice.

  • Brohoof 4


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I'm not a huge fan of Fluttershy either, although I relate to her shyness and quietness. She is a boring character to me, I don't just see the appeal other than her cuteness.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm not a huge fan of Fluttershy either, although I relate to her shyness and quietness. She is a boring character to me, I don't just see the appeal other than her cuteness.

Exactly. :)

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That's a nice opinion. I'm not going to validate it though. :)


You know that in the show Dash and Fluttershy are best friends, right? I'd think you'd be more supportive of her.



  • Brohoof 1
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That's a nice opinion. I'm not going to validate it though. :)


You know that in the show Dash and Fluttershy are best friends, right? I'd think you'd be more supportive of her.



I know that, but I don't love her to an extent like with most Bronies.

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Those are valid points, I can understand why you wouldn't like her if you can't relate to her or anything. In fact the reason I personally like Fluttershy is because I can relate to her. I'm not quite as shy [at least not anymore] but their is enough of a connection. While she is cute I find almost all the characters to be cute so that doesn't matter. And Gilda, I hate her because she was just an ass to everybody. Even if she came back as a rival to Rainbow Dash I wouldn't like her because we have Lighting Dust or whatever her name was from the Wonderbolts Academy episode. In fact she has more of a reason to hate RD than Gilda does.

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Understandable. I think she's a great character personally, even though she's probably a bit one dimensional at times there is more depth to her if you look for it. I don't think she could have handled Discord as well as she did if she didn't learn to be more assertive for example.

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The point is the mane 6 is so diverse you gotta realize there are some people who relate to Fluttershy. I was exactly like her when I was younger. I didn't talk to anyone and animals were my only friends. As for people getting upset for disliking Fluttershy, I have noticed that too and I really cant give an answer for it. People feel a need to protect her.

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Yay, I'm not the only one! Dashie's just as low for me, to be honest, but I always feel so lonely with my Fluttershy dislike. :P

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Well as A Fluttershy fan I say that as long as you respect my opinions of liking Fluttershy and my reasons for doing so then I respect your opinions on disliking Fluttershy.


I really don't just see it hard to dislike Fluttershy, but anypony really. I find all of the characters appealing in one way or another, alot of my list of favorites is defined by how I can relate, among other things though.


I can't change your opinions of her, I don't dislike anypony though, I just have one I like more then the other :).


I respect your opinions, just as long as you respect the fan some people such as myself will have different ones and like things you may dislike, I really don't consider the like or dislike of many characters as a thing that is because its bad, its just kinda if you like this kinda traits and such.


To each his own though. I can't change your opinions and I can't change yours :P.

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Well as A Fluttershy fan I say that as long as you respect my opinions of liking Fluttershy and my reasons for doing so then I respect your opinions on disliking Fluttershy.


I really don't just see it hard to dislike Fluttershy, but anypony really. I find all of the characters appealing in one way or another, alot of my list of favorites is defined by how I can relate, among other things though.


I can't change your opinions of her, I don't dislike anypony though, I just have one I like more then the other :).


I respect your opinions, just as long as you respect the fan some people such as myself will have different ones and like things you may dislike, I really don't consider the like or dislike of many characters as a thing that is because its bad, its just kinda if you like this kinda traits and such.


To each his own though. I can't change your opinions and I can't change yours :P.

Nicely said sir. :3

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i like her because she is cute and her problems are relatable to what i am going through. well, all the ponies in the show has cute designs, so whatever.

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't like gilda only because she treated pinkie pie like garbage and that is not cool

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I don't like gilda only because she treated pinkie pie like garbage and that is not cool


I can understand your point, but I could also understand why Gilda treated Pinkie bad because I would be kind of mad to if my best friend was poking in my business when I am meeting with a friend I hadn't seen in a while.

  • Brohoof 1
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On the topic, I strongly dislike Fluttershy, basically because what OP said. But reason #2 is stronger to me. (Sorry I am a HUGE Gilda fan.)

I give this thread a 10.

  • Brohoof 1
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i have social anxiety and fluttershy is the pony i am most like
to me your just writting stuff that isnt fluttershys fault
its the bronies fault
i really saw her shyness and im just like yep thats me in a go
gilda did not just yell at fluttershy but accualy was a total bitch to everyone fluttershy did nothing to gilda and she just yells at her i would get upset for all the ponies if it happend to them

everything u said is not fluttershys fault only the writers fault
so  u cant blame anything on her

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