Shiny Silvermoon
726 -
Last visited
Shiny Silvermoon
Unicorn Pony -
21 -
Female -
Ponyville -
Unknown -
Apprentice of Princess Silky -
Character Images
Cutie Mark Image
Physical Description
Shiny Silvermoon has a white coat, a silver cutie mark with the same icy blue on her cutie mark as her eyes and silver hair with some icy blue streaks. Shiny's cutie mark represents a crescent moon with a two-tailed shooting star.
My past? I don't have a past... I-I was born 5 minutes ago! No lying! W-Why would I lie? I have no reason to-... Look over there! An alien! *Shiny runs away while you're not looking at her.*
Key Moments
☆ The World Cup 2023 was for sure one of the most important key moments of Shiny Silvermoon. During this event, she was on the side of Team Moon but encouraged all other teams with her cheerleader outfit. Most importantly, at this World Cup took place "the clutch of her life" : The Treaty of Silvermoon. Writting a recap that would express the epicness of the story behind the treaty would be impossible so there is a link leading to a post which explains everything in details, at the end of this key moment, along with a few more important links. Fun fact, Sharpwit was innocent... Oopsie! Anyway, the Treaty of Silvermoon was decisive and is half responsible for the defeat of the Tartarus and the failure of their evil plans. However, the Tartarus didn't say their last word and tried to rule over the Multiverse using a powerful artifact, a replica of Grogar's bell. Shiny didn't bow before the forces of evil and, with the help of Team Moon, the School of Friendship and her friends, she fought back in an ultimate battle. During the combat, the unicorn was gifted with a few powers from the Moon that she used to protect her friends. But it was when she helped Nightmare Moon that she received an artifact that was powerful enough to give a bad time to the Tartarus : A piece of Nightmare Moon's armor. Wearing this piece of armor, Shiny Silvermoon became Nightmare Shiny which was surprisingly a good thing. With her incredible new powers and the magic of friendship, Nightmare Shiny and her friends finally overcame the enemy. Nightmare Shiny then employed her remaining magic to blow up a giant meteor that was about to destroy everything before turning back to her real form. Luckily, after giving back the armor to Nightmare Moon, she offered to Shiny a silver medaillon, the Medaillon of Night, which allows her to morph back into Nightmare Shiny whenever she needs it. She also had a badge from Princess Twilight for understanding the true meaning of friendship. Finally, she found a star-shaped amber, residual from the explosion of the meteor, and crafted a mirror with it as a present for Princess Silky. The mare then realized that it was able to open portals to other places and dimensions but that's another story...
Shiny Silvermoon suffers from anxiety but making others laugh always cheers her up. She can act silly without even trying. However, she can be extremely serious when it's needed. Shiny is empathic as well. In facts, kindness is one of her biggest traits of personnality.
The moon, croissants, humor, having fun, kindness, helping others, comforting others, hugs, magic, philosophy, comics, mangas, breaking the 4th wall and references. -
Boredom, anxiety, rudeness, immorality, BBQs and narrow-minds. -
Magic Spells
Telekinesis, the "Wasted Potential" spell (a blowtorch spell), the "Safety Dome" (a powerful domed force field), healing spell, magic ray, etc. -
One of the most powerful skills of Shiny Silvermoon is her ability to make others laugh. She also has a deep connection with the moon. When the moonlight hits Shiny, her magic becomes two times more powerful and her courage and confidence is increased.
Other Characters by this Player
Nightmare Shiny
- The Greatest Villain in Equestrian History
- Everfree Roleplay
- Player: Shiny Silvermoon