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  • Traveller Extraordinaire
  • Moonrose Coella
  • Everfree Roleplay
  • Player: MoonBunny
  • It's just a wall, but with an evil twist.
  • Mossy wall
  • Everfree Roleplay
  • Player: Sir Hugsalot
  • The Glacier’s Edge
  • Mystral Callous
  • Everfree Roleplay
  • Player: mistrene
  • Adventurer Herbalist
  • Night Seed
  • Everfree Roleplay
  • Player: Arrlong28
  • Independent Filmmaker and CEO of Saddlehoof Productions
  • Nightfall Gloam
  • Inactive
  • Player: Nightfall Gloam
  • Her eminent Grace and Majesty, the Princess of the Night, Mare of the Moon, Sovereign of the Stars, Darkness Incarnate, Deus Lunaris, the First and Last Ruler over all of Equestria and Beyond
  • Nightmare Moon
  • Everfree Roleplay
  • Player: SharpWit
  • The Greatest Villain in Equestrian History
  • Nightmare Shiny
  • Everfree Roleplay
  • Player: Shiny Silvermoon
  • The Element of Perseverance
  • Nook Cranny
  • Everfree Roleplay
  • Player: Nook Cranny
  • Queen Opaline Arcana
  • Opaline
  • Everfree Roleplay
  • Player: TBD
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