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About Octavia2

  • Birthday 1997-03-27

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  1. Well, hello there 'Octavia'. I like you.

  2. I was really nervous for this episode. It seemed nearly impossible to pull off. I was unsure while watching it, but after listening to the songs over and over again and rewatching the episode, I love it! My only issues with it are that it was really rushed (but the finales and pilots always are rushed anyways, so who cares?) and the "I've Got to Find a Way" song. It's an alright song, but it felt reeeaallyy out of place. It felt really weird watching that scene in the context of the whole episode, and the style didn't fit MLP at all. Just... weird Also, what is the next level of Twilight's studies? We've obviously moved on from studying friendship reports - Celestia even bows in honour of her understanding of friendship. So what will it be? Now that she's a princess, I think we'll be seeing a lot more of Equestria, like the Griffons or Zebras. She'll go on ambassador missions or something!
  3. Slender's a fun free horror game to play. By yourself. In a dark room. At midnight. With noise-cancelling headphones. Just don't look behind you... Also, play TF2! And Idunno if you're into manga or not, but might I recommend Fractale? Eez good.
  4. Step aside, people. I was the tenth person to join the site, minutes after it's release I haven't been on for a loooooong time though, and things have really changed.. I barely recognize anybody on here. I wish I could be more active, but you know, life gets in the way all the time. I still come on every once in a while, though! Btw, did you ever change your name? I don't recognize you, even though we were both here in 2011!
  5. Kanto: Mewtwo, hands down. Johto: Celebi! Time travel is obviously the best power. Hoenn: Latias, because of the movie. My favorite since the day I watched it. Sinnoh: Not a huge fan of Sinnoh, but I really like Cressalia. Mostly because she's in Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time! Anyone played that game? Unova: Don't get me started on Unova. They had a pokemon made out of garbage! Because what do 9 year old kids love? Living garbage.
  6. I can't really say because I haven't been on here in way too long, but seeing as you're a unicorn, you're probably pretty well known! 8/10 maybe?
  7. It's been too long, mlpforums.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Octavia2


      I know.. every time I remember to come back on, I try for about a week, then something comes up and I'm too busy again. Then again, I've never been much of a social pony.

    3. Shiki


      I absolutely hate people... usually. On here, for some reason, it's completely different. I love the people on here, though, I sometimes make them not feel the same way back at all. :3c

    4. Remyx Marshall

      Remyx Marshall

      the family welcomes you back with all of our hearts

  8. Me and a friend were playing a pony video game, a 3d-maze game if I remember correctly. We beat the game in co-op and got a really good time, so we decided we would enter a national competition for it! We ended up winning, then Daniel Ingram appeared and gave everybody chocolate cake. We got his autograph, and somehow it turned into a party! 'twas fun.
  9. EDIT: ninja'd. 9.5/10! I imagine I'll probably get something around a 1 or 2, since I only just returned to the forums today
  10. I just got the first four in a box set the other day. I've only read a little into the first one, and I'll be gone for ten days as of tomorrow, so hopefully I don't forget about them by the time I come back. How's the series so far?
  11. I got Twilight, and my second was Fluttershy. You're often found diving into a book or spending hours working on that project of yours. It's important that you put in as much of an effort learning as possible so your knowledge will someday come in handy. Because of this, you may sometimes be skeptical of things that you don't have any proof of. While you tend to be booksmart as opposed to streetsmart, you also tend to be a tad socially awkward, not always sure how well you fit in with your friends or maybe not even having a lot of them in the first place, but you're still a solid friend when it comes down to it and would be there to help any of them with their problems. Even though you may be talented, you're the total opposite of a showoff, shying away from bragging or even talking about your talents. You don't want the world to think you're a braggart, after all. You're quite humble and modest, but you're also looking for acceptance and praise for your talents.
  12. My favorite canon songs are Winter Wrap Up/This Day Aria/Smile Smile Smile. It's so hard to choose a single song. All you need to do to embed a youtube video is copy paste the link. The video will show up automatically!
  13. Welcome to the MLP forums! May your stay be long and filled with much enjoyment. I think we all cried when we read that.
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