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Princess Derpy

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Everything posted by Princess Derpy

  1. Ponies! So much D'aww associated with them! Yep, totally hard for you three. But Poor scoots and Babs Nightmare Muffin is here to rid Equestria of cupcakes! This is very true! And Luna and Derpy are hanging out together!
  2. I'd hit you with my little kid backpack that people think is WAY too small to hold stuff, but I manage
  3. Banned because I was too lazy to pay attention
  4. Aww... Pipspeak is losing. Poor Pipsqeak he's sad. How could this happen to him? You need to help him out! Just look at how upset he is.
  5. I'm not the only one who slacks off on homework a LOT, right?

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Princess Derpy

      Princess Derpy

      Yes, like art projects! Those don't bore me at all!

    3. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      I liked programming projects and data crunching.

    4. Princess Derpy

      Princess Derpy

      I really enjoy drawing so I get super excited in the morning, even though art isn't until 6th period. And I have to sit through all the really boring classes until I get to go to art. TT_TT

  6. I'd hit you with my homework that I'm too lazy to finish
  7. I've started reading the Blue Exorcist manga and I am curious If it's a good anime, too. Has anybody seen it? can't think of anything else to say
  8. Been awhile since I've posted on this thread, so... TEA TIME!!!!! And more Derpy! CMC!!!!! This awesome pic! Fluttershy! Pinkie! Sorry about any possible reposts!
  9. Pipspeak definetly! He's too cute and an awesome pirate! I mean, he's the bestest pirate ever! (yes, I know bestest is not a word) "Pipsqueak the Pirate at your service!"
  10. "I don't have the same avatar as the person above me"
  11. Banned cause i am awesome (and not very modest sometimes)
  12. Banned for making me realize it. the new forbidden word is Bacon- gosh darnit.
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