well.... umm.... just to add some info, I live in a small border city in Texas called Laredo. Umm.... well.... one day, my girlfriend came down to visit to... well.... you know.... (we were feeling kinky) but we didn't want to use the room this time because my parents were in the house. So, we took her mother's car (she didn't have her own car back then) and we headed down a highway called Zapata highway in search for a nice secluded spot. We eventually found a picnic area about one mile south of the South Laredo Community College campus. The picnic area was on top of a hill which prevented cars traveling through the highway from seeing what was up there and the picnic area was kinda unused. We parked up there, headed to the backseat, and....... umm...... yeah...... So, it started getting dark and we eventually heard a four-wheeler. We looked back through the fogged up window and saw that it was a Border Patrol officer heading towards us. Both of us frantically tried to put our clothes back on while my girlfriend (who is know in school for her kind, adorable nature) cussed over and over again since we have just been caught in the act. We were panicking so much that I put on her underwear and her pants and she only put on my pants. I didn't even button up my shirt all the way before I headed outside to talk to the officer. Dear God.... the look on the agents face just made my face completely red. And I'll never forget what he told me, "You guys having a nice night." He knew what we were doing, I could tell. My poor sweet diamond kitten tried to make up a lie saying that we were only asleep, but she is a terrible liar when she's scared. All in all, the agent told us to be careful because the area could be dangerous. Soon after he departed, I headed back inside the car with my girlfriend so we can listen to each other's hearts just pound away. And..... umm..... when the shock of that event went away about 10 minutes later........ we.......... umm........ .