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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Reani

  1. I really hope this project doesn't go down like Fighting is Magic. I'm really excited to see how this project develops. It looks really fun, it looks really solid, and I'm pretty sure there will be high hopes for this game. I can't wait to see more updates. Luck with you all.
  2. Oo! Oo! You should ponify Ocelot from Metal Gear Solid 3. I have only ever seen one of the characters from Metal Gear Solid ponified.
  3. I'm such a slow poke. I just found out that the same voice actress for Trixie is the same voice for Kevin from Ed, Edd n Eddy. Mind blown.

  4. I go to 4chan, but only to the /mlp/. I use to go to /b/, but now all that's there is a bunch of 12 year old s**tposting and starting porn threads. /mlp/ is fun to go to (when there is something good on). There aren't that many r34 threads I thought there would be. There are actually some good thread there (you just have to find them past all the s**tposting).
  5. Why not? This looks fun. I'll join as my only OC, Storm Chaser. I originally only wanted him to be an avatar and nothing more, but slowly I started creating a personality for him.
  6. Reani

    Storm Chaser

    Storm Chaser
  7. Reani


    Oo... Pinecones... don't mind if I do. *munch munch*
  8. Reani


    What?! How come I haven't come across this thread? I haven't been living. I don't deserve to live. Goodbye Oh Great and Powerful Trixie.
  9. America! America! May God gold thy refine! God I love you America. You're beautiful. You're amazing. You're home. I love you America. Sure you have your flaws, but what country doesn't. Your people, though diverse, are great. They stand together in a time of crisis. They unify and they renew their love for you. Other people in other countries look at you as opportunity, because that's what you are, a land of opportunity. I'm glad you are my home America. I'm glad that I am yours. I'm glad that I feel safe living here in the land of freedom. You are unique. Other countries have adopted your idea of democracy. Other countries are following your image. It saddens me though that people don't appreciate you as much anymore. But I do. May you live for eternity. America.
  10. A ponified version of Metal Gear Solid 3 is a must. I have played the game about 30 times and I would replay it 30 more times if someone made a game that centered itself around a plot similar to MGS3. I would also like to see a ponified version of either Dead to Rights, True Crimes: Streets of LA, and/or Max Payne. I love a good cop story, and a pony cop game would certainly be amazing. Oo! Oo! Ponified sandbox games are another must. Someone needs to ponify games like Bully, GTA, and Red Dead. Also, can someone recommend me a fanfic that is kinda like Dead to Rights, True Crimes: Streets of LA, or Max Payne?
  11. Umm... ok... but in this country we usually just say "Hi".
  12. I'm still a bit confused on what's going on here.
  13. "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars." Yeah, which are about light years apart from each other. You'll also die in space without proper equipment. Just stay on earth were can get inspiration from the closest one.

  14. Rocks were part of her life as a little filly. The likeliness that she did get hit with rocks is very likely. Maybe that's the reason her body developed a "Pinkie sense" for falling objects.
  15. She did live in a rock farm. So the possibility that she got hit with rocks on her head when she was little is very likely. Her mentality is something else to be discussed. Look at the image below. I beg to differ. Take a look at the image below.
  16. Oh poor poor Pinkie Pie. I was on 4chan once and I came across an OP talking about how Pinkie Pie is the most tragic character. I took a screen shot of it so you can take a look at it too.
  17. Reani


    Now that it's rated Mature, I can go into great detail. And yeah.... I'll make sure to give her more personality and of course now I'm going to slow down (mainly because of the Mature rating). Thank you.
  18. Reani


    Blue Moon is awesome moon, and are you psychic? I was already planning to make a challenge that would make Pinkie Pie snap and lose it, and I have the perfect challenge to do so. AND I was also actually going to add a scene of torture. You psychic man. And yeah... I know I rushed it. I couldn't help it. And about the not enough detail, I was originally trying to push for the T rating, but no dice. So, now that means more detail. Oh and yes.... we will see Pinkamena Diane Pie break from moral and actually get creative with her kills.
  19. I think he already 'married' her. Sad to know that someone would become so attached with a fictional character that they would go and marry them. And when I say sad, I really mean sad. Poor him.
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