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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Lateon

  1. I haven't, actually, but I do know the general plot and I don't think I could bring myself to watch it because
  2. I mean, it's pretty easy to tell from their eye color. In addition, both their normal and shiny megas are the Duo's colors mixed together. That's awesome, and it really shows the bond these two share.
  3. I'm not entirely certain where it originated from. My gut is telling me the old askprincessmolestia tumblr, but there's a chance I'm just flat out wrong. Anyway, I suppose I should update this thread. These two. THESE. TWO. God, it's hard to describe fully what I love about the Eon Duo, Latios (above) and Latias (below). Majestic, adorable, expressive, and downright badass when they need to be. I'm more in Latias' camp, but this brother-sister pair is fucking awesome, and they're two of my favorite Pokemon. Who wouldn't want a friend who could throw down with nearly any Pokemon with existence, fly at speeds exceeding Mach 4 in their Mega form, and is able to actually hold a two-way conversation with you, unlike so many others? Oh, and Latias does backflips when I feed her PokePuffs. And she high-fives me. It's...DIABEETUS
  4. Dat profile pic change

  5. I've done it! I got into grad school! I got into UVA! alksdfgiaksdhfklashdf

  6. I believe there was another similar thread about this topic somewhere, and I think I said something about going to Tamriel. This time around, I will vouch completely for going to the Pokemon world. If given the chance, I would be unable to pass up the opportunity to go on a journey and bond with these awesome creatures that have almost limitless power to do pretty much anything. The fact that they're not just pets, but intelligent beings (some with their own cultures) only would enrich the experience for me. I would of course try to battle my way to awesomeness, but I think I would at first try to meet all of the more amiable Legendary Pokemon and maybe become friends with them (NOT catch them!). Mew, the Eon duo, Cresselia, and the Four Muskedeers come to mind. I feel like the other trios out there (besides the Lake trio) would sooner blast me than give me the time of day. After that, I'd like to become a gym leader, but I don't affiliate myself with any particular type; for example, I know I'd want to raise a Metagross, Absol, and Volcarona. Maybe I'd just be one of those schmucks with his own Dojo or something.
  7. So I just discovered Pokemon-Amie last night, and I might be addicted to playing with my Kyogre and Latias. Send help!

    1. Plato's Pony

      Plato's Pony

      Ah, someone to chat with. Glad someone is up this late.

    2. Lateon


      Heh, not for much longer, I'm afraid. I'm actually trying to correct this...not sleeping thing.

    3. Plato's Pony

      Plato's Pony

      Funny how people sleep during the night. I sleep for the entire morning and I'm up for the afternoon until about 4:00 am.

  8. Got a 3DS and Alpha Sapphire today. Clocked 12 hours on it. NO REGRETS, NO SHAME

  9. The errors I have made in the past are usually only confined to affecting me, personally. Rarely do they bleed over and touch/hurt others. That being said, I will try to describe both, both of which have occurred fairly recently: Mistakes I make which only affect me are likely to either incite extreme anger and frustration later turning into despair and regret. For these, all I need is time to manage what has happened. Time to see any bright side or glean any valuable information I can from the error I made. Unfortunately, I can rarely manage these mistakes on my own, whether they be academic or more social in nature, and so I reach out to those I care most about to help me and get advice from (read: my parents). The regret of making such mistakes will always be with me, but it is always the wisest course of action to learn from my mistakes, and use them to my advantage in the days to come. Unfortunately, learning from my mistakes becomes much more difficult as well as much more important when they affect others. I feel overwhelming guilt if I allow my errors to hurt others in my life. I feel ashamed, even after the other person says it is alright. I have found, however, that the simple attempt at reparations with those I had hurt is usually good enough - I feel at peace knowing that I did everything in my power to make things right, and if the other is not satisfied with this, there is nothing more I can do, and move on. In summary, making peace with my mistakes, learning all I can from them, and then mitigating as much damage done by them as possible is how I proceed when I make drastic errors in my life. For no matter what happens, a shadow of hope remains, always.
  10. I'm from Maryland; I have no detectable or, at least, easily categorizable accent. The words I slur together are pretty much unique to me, though, and it's hard to even think of examples of some, other than the usual slurring of "is he" to "izzy," the word "time" sometimes turning into "tahm," etc. I have, however, picked up random assorted bits of speech from characters in video games. For example, Zaeed in Mass Effect 2 has a very peculiar way of saying "God damn," one where there is literally no pause in between the two words, almost as if it was just one word. I replicate his way of saying it.
  11. So if you love Latios...and want mega Latios...and Latios is found in Omega Ruby... Why not just get Omega Ruby?
  12. Just fought Bonetail in Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door for the first time ever tonight. Jesus, I've never been so nervous, but my three friends watching got me through.

  13. I have just discovered Pusheen in Facebook PMs. My life is forever changed!

  14. The name changes are real

  15. Welp, finally left Drenden. Hello Area 52! ...and hello to god-knows-how-many-more people!

  16. My willingness to express that I'm amenable to the show has declined rather quickly as of late, as evidenced by the language I used in this sentence; notice how I didn't describe myself as a "brony," or even a "fan" of the show. My reasons for my disinterest in the show proper are my own, and I won't go into detail here. Suffice it to say, I don't really find myself motivated to watch the show, even if I do still consume art, music, and fanfic on occasion. The problem arises when people on my college campus mistakenly assume I am still the pony fanatic I once was. I become embarrassed when this happens, because I just do not feel that I am comparable to their perceptions of what a brony is, and, more often than not, their perceptions are colored more negatively than otherwise. Back in my heyday, I would eagerly explain what being a fan of the show truly means, but now...I don't even wish to try. So, I have taken steps to make sure those situations never arise, which means I have "regressed," in a sense, back to being closet about my liking of the show. An example of this is that I don't wear my all-over Luna shirt out in public any more. Everyone who knows about it still does, of course; I've not tried to burn all bridges to the show, nor will I refuse to talk about ponies when I'm with other fans...that's why I've stuck around here, after all. It's just...I don't wish for any more people to know than is necessary. They will assume it is my identity, just as it was a year or two back, and that simply isn't true any more.
  17. I was feeling Moony, and... I REALLY LIKE HER MANE!

  19. That feel when you randomly do a normal map instead of a unique one and a unique item worth 15c+ drops

  20. If Pandaren could be Death Knights, I would heavily consider race changing...but Orcs just seem like the best choice for the Horde, thematically.
  21. There were guilds that invited lowbies leveling their way through Azeroth simply to lift money off of them via Cash Flow. As such, quality of guilds dropped.
  22. I wouldn't say we're consistently good, per se. At the start of a given expansion, 2-handed Frost is exceptionally good, due to having access to stat inflations that other classes do not, like Killing Machine and Icy Talons. As the expansion moves forward, however, it becomes clear that the amount we benefit from better gear is absolutely horrible compared to other classes, leading to the often-used trigger words "scaling issues." At the current moment, DK DPS is quite bad, about on par with Retribution Paladins, and lagging behind every other melee DPS spec. Simply put, the same mechanics that put us ahead of the pack near the beginning hurts us near the end. For example, 2-handed frost not only experiences a devaluation of Critical Strike rating of about 20% because of Killing Machine, it gives very little value to Mastery rating, a stat that increases frost damage dealt, due to its signature strike not dealing frost damage, and Haste rating, again, due to Icy Talons, AMS soaking, and a glyph that gives a ridiculous amount of cooldown reduction to AMS. Frost has suffered from this problem for a very long time, since the start of Cataclysm, which was when KM was changed from affecting Howling Blast and Obliterate to Frost Strike and Obliterate. As it stands on beta, it still to this day suffers from it, with crit and mastery lagging behind by almost 20% compared to versatility, a new secondary stat that just provides a damage increase, a damage taken decrease, and a healing done increase, a stat that no spec should be seeking to stack. Unholy hasn't had nearly as many problems as Frost has had in the past and present, and has remained a consistently competitive spec (if barely, due to PvP strength regrettably cutting into PvE potential) with little mechanical issues other than clunky AoE rotations. Its disease-centric theme seems to have been lost as of late, but it is our hope that one of our new L100 talents, Necrotic Plague, will provide the gameplay that Unholy deserves and actually saw during 5.2. On beta, however, unholy is looking very weak compared to frost; hopefully a numbers pass will see Noodle stri- I mean, Scourge Strike, as well as Festering Strike buffed to acceptable levels. Mechanical bullshit aside, Death Knights are pretty straightforward, yes, but my healers in my raid team often cite that the runes/runic power system are too complex. My only suggestion is try it out for yourself once you obtain a level 55 character. I've stuck with it for over 5 and a half years now, and while I've heavily considered rerolling, I will not do so until I extensively dick around with it myself.
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