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Everything posted by Woohoo

  1. Sparkle sparkle sparkle!

  2. Squiggly lines... squiggly lines everywhere!
  3. I hate how "animation" is stereotyped as a kids medium.

    1. Shanks


      It has lessened over the years but still persists in the culture. It is one of things I like about Japan as it has for most part chucked this stereotype out the window.

    2. Thrashy


      Video games and comics are still working to climb out of that hole as well. Hopefully people will one day come to realize that all of these media are more than capable of qualifying as forms of high art.

  4. Well, I didn't get the job. Might as well apply somewhere else.

  5. I like you and have no reason not to.

  6. Slaves! Ponies born to serve.. to Celestia...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      So let it be written

      So let it be done

      I'm sent here by the chosen one

    3. -D1SCORDANT-


      Pie! By my hooves

      I bake across the land

      baking lots of stuff :P

    4. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      Are we

      Doing haikus

      I don't get

      How they work

  7. You want this ball? I want it! You want this ball? I want it! You want this ball? I want it! You want, you want I want that ball!
  8. Shining Armor needs more screen time

    1. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      Yeah, he's a boss. Cadence needs more screen time too <3

  9. Yeah... since when is Iron Maiden considered a thrash band? Man, people on Youtube are so stupid... Onto the opinions. I don't know about any of you, but I feel there hasn't been anything revolutionary in music since... I don't know. Music is better than boobs.
  10. Guess my favorite pony

  11. Pinkie Pie is best drummer.



      how may i ask did you come to that conclusion

    2. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea


      Because it's PINKIE PIE. x3

    3. -D1SCORDANT-


      Isn't Pinkie the only drummer?

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