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Everything posted by Woohoo

  1. I'm never having kids!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Woohoo


      Kids are eeeeeevil...

    3. Soundgarden


      I hate kids with every fiber of my existence. Having one is a complete waste of attention, money, time and life

    4. Woohoo


      Yeah, what you said...

  2. Woohoo

    mega thread Metal Thread

    LOL Puppetcore! And chocolate macaroni pancakes? I've been working on a PMV to the 'Seasons in the Abyss' by Slayer for the last few days, the preview is on page 402. It's a lot harder than I thought. Maybe this is why there are so few metal PMVs.
  3. Why is Kidz Bop still in existence?!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. soniccam1


      Heres a shocker for Kidz Bop. Oringial Party Rock: Chorus and Lyrics Kidzbop version: ONLY chorus. It might as well be a nightmare song.

    3. -D1SCORDANT-


      I'd rather have my kids listen to Slayer then Kidz Bop. :P

    4. Woohoo
  4. What the hell!? What the hell is that?! WHAT IS THAT!?!? What was that!?!?!?
  5. Good evening I'm Twilight Sparkle. Our top story tonight...
  6. Known for having a great Fluttershy avatar It wasn't funny the first time, so why would it be funny the 8 billionth time!?!?!?
  7. I have no idea what to do next...

  8. Woohoo

    mega thread Metal Thread

    I've been working on a metal PMV. Here's a preview of it... which is basically the first two minutes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMwGYpfh9VU It's loosely (key word: loosely) based on the actual music video.
  9. Sir Lancelot, why do you keep brohoofing my posts?

  10. Known for being an Anime elitist enthusiast
  11. How do you type with boxing gloves on?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Woohoo


      It's no use explaining...

    3. Meirno


      m,cxl;egr sfdnmsfd sdfnkl?

    4. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      @Meirno Nah, I think he's too old for that.

  12. Banned because the "Talk with Pictures" thread got locked
  13. What is Arnold's last name?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RainbowDashie


      actually, i thought so after making my comment

    3. Thrashy


      I believe the creator said something to the effect of his last name being "something Grandpa commonly calls him", so to me, that says his name is either Arnold Arnold or Arnold Shortman...


      ...That is, assuming you're talking about Arnold from "Hey Arnold!" and not just any ol' schmuck named Arnold. In which case, never mind me.

    4. Woohoo


      Wikipedia says his last name is 'Shortman'

  14. For the first time in months, I'm working on a PMV

    1. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      Awesome, be sure to send me the link when you're finished!

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