I can't get into the appeal for this stuff: 1/10
You might wanna try out Norma Jean and Poison The Well if you're looking for new stuff and dig Underoath
At The Drive-In - Arcarsenal
Underoath - Desperate Times, Desperate Measures
La Dispute - The Most Beautiful Bitter Fruit
Bjork - Army Of Me
Orchid - Framecode
Haven't heard of Amesoures before, another band that I should check out.
An Autumn For Crippled Children is a good choice for DSBM, need some more DSBM bands? I'll be glad to help out.
In Flames and Rise Against are worth a 5/10
Thursday - For The Workforce, Drowning
Hot Water Music - Drag My Body
Dance Gavin Dance - Caviar (feat. Chino Moreno)
Deafheaven - Sunbather
Isis - Wills Dissolve
So I'm guessing that it sounds kind of like Lifelover, I've only listened to Austere and Woods of Desolation, should probably check out his solo stuff and Grey Waters sometime.
I've found myself being in a lot of La Dispute binges recently