Well...I noticed almost no one here has heard of Langrisser, so I thought I'd go ahead and make the official MLP Forums Langrisser thread.
Any questions about the series? I'll answer them.
For starters: Langrisser is the name of A Holy Sword. It's the most important thing in the series.
The games are Strategy RPG's(or simulation role-playing game as some refer to Langrisser,) but unlike Fire Emblem, you control a group of Commanding Officers (I actually use the term "General" myself) and each General hires troops at the outset of battle. What types of troops a General can hire depend on his or her class.
Here is what battles on Langrisser IV for Playstation look like.
On the left is my General McClaine's troops (Phalanxes) and on the right the Enemy CO's Half-Rocs.
Both Groups went in with 10 HP.
More later, unless someone asks something specific.
Oh yeah, and by the way....if anyone decides to get into the series, Langrisser 1 was released in the us as "Warsong" for Sega Genesis. Beyond that, you'll have to import or go the illegal route. If you don't know what that means, you can PM me.
I'm not updating anymore if no one replies because that'd kind of be like spamming.