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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Warith

  1. Banned for, what ever you said, it made ZERO sense.
  2. Nice the drawing was pretty good if you'd ask me. What program did you use? I heard that GIMP can be used to draw on tablets like yours.
  3. Warith

    request shop FREE SIGNATURES

    Pony- http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/twilight-sky-r2961 Background Color(s)- Base it off of my OCs Text - Opinionated with a dash of arrogance Stuff to include - Up to you notes - Make mine lowest priority of everyone elses Nevermind I just got off my lazy ass and made it. This is my first banner too. ;P
  4. I might be able to. It's a fun thing to try since I'm new. BTW I don't charge a dime, I do charge a penny though ;P Here is a outline of your oc. http://warith1000.deviantart.com/art/Another-WIP-for-SparkBrony-362969379?ga_submit_new=10:136485564 I guess her name could be Fiery Passion. (sorry if it's stupid) Now I just need to stop being lazy and actually do the rest, sorry if it sucks T.T
  5. It's a prank just read the bottom of the description. It was pretty clever though wasn't it? I thought it was true up until I found out about that description...
  6. Updated my profile. Spoiler at bottom with a pic of me.

  7. Twilight Sky
  8. Warith

    Uh hey...

    If most people haven't noticed yet I am quite er *cough* opinionated. Don't worry I like to be friends with everyone.
  9. If only they would hear the REALLY loud ominous shout for the original Derpy Hooves. That would be great along with Half-life episode 3 ecetera ecetera...
  10. Pewdiepie, Jananimations, Jettan, Robbaz, Vsauce, Sturmgewehre, VitalyzdTv, MEMJO123, MindlessGonzo, HousehouldHacker, SaberSpark, and on and on...
  11. I dislike homosexuality. Honestly I don't hate you. What I hate is the fucking whenever someone says "You know I don't support homosexual rights" or "I don't like homosexuality" it turns into a freaking hate crime. Look at the guy who owns the chick-fil-a he didn't support it and guess what? On the chick-fil-a day LGBTs were making out front of his stores, in front of families, FAMILIES. I am not saying all LGBTs are like that (I have friends that are LGBT, shocker right?) but my point is all the bad publicity he got for having a fucking opinion was just horrible. Even though I have friends like that and I don't treat them different. I just don't agree with their lifestyle but I am a person who lets people make there own choices. Next up, I am a Republican. Oh yes, Corporations are people blah blah blah. Well not entirely but lets put it like this. I support the growth and development of business through Capitalism. I believe taxes should be low for everyone, government should be minimal but just enough to keep the country in balance. I also strongly believe in a powerful well-funded military. Problem? I don't know about you but I am proud to be a citizen of such a diverse, strong nation. So lets keep it strong... (I am open for debate) I am christian. Well aren't you about to think "well he used the f word, must be bullshitting me." No I am not. I just more "contemporary" if you want to put it like that. Anyways I don't really like church though but I do believe in a personal relationship with God. Oh snap I openly did this, come at me internet. BTW honestly I will state again I will let you believe what you want believe but honestly Darwin thought his theory was crap when he studied the eye ball and saw its complexity. If he even knew about the complexity of the cell, he would shit on his theory and through it out the window. Either way though we still believe in something eternal. Eternal Matter vs Eternal God. You can't get something from nothing, 0 + 0 ≠ 1 or whatever bullshit hawking comes up with... Oh ya and did I mention, come at me internet. Let the truth be revealed.
  12. That is probably what everyone thinks about me at the moment.
  13. Warith

    Uh hey...

    Hello I'm pretty new to this place. I hope to make some good friends and learn a bit about the arts. I want start drawing using gimp and vectors(which I have) any help/tips would be great. I am a freshman in high school, I also play the piano (few years of lessons), play sports (american football, wrestling), and play some vidja games. BTW I'm a good storyteller.
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