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Naiya The Brony

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Everything posted by Naiya The Brony

  1. Hi! I am sorry for the late reply, haven't checked forums recently and of course I am open for a commissions. Just give me the details and I'll start right away.
  2. Hello and Yes I am fully opened! Sorry for the delayed reply, Haven't been on in the forums in a while.
  3. *Waves Back* Hello @SparklingCaps!! You've gotten my attention , It's been such a long time.
  4. There are still other factors to consider as well, like soulbonds, NPC's and just plain old imaginary friend. Thoughtforms can linger in your mind created through memory or from character. Tulpas can fall into one of this condition. How I differentiate tulpa from the rest is that they can possess your body and can switch with you. I am not sure if soulbonds can possess or switch with you but if that thoughtform you conjured deviated from it's "original" state and continues to deviate, then i think you have yourself a tulpa. I think possession and switching is only unique to tulpas If they follow the same personality as to a similar character from a show or story and can't deviate from it or even change its form then it is a soulbond. If it is a thoughtform that just there because it needs to be there due to a specific event you imagined then it is an NPC. If it is a character you talked to, with conversation you've pictured will happen then it might be just an imaginary friend. Not sure if these are accurate but that's only my take.
  5. Oh heya @Calico Sorry for the long reply, I just recently checked the forums and i did not notice your post. Anyway, i am still on hiatus and can't accept commissions at the moment. But i will comeback some time in the future with upgraded shop. Anyway, thabks for asking.
  6. Happy birthday swirlix X3

    1. SparklingSquirrels


      Thanks Nihi! It was such a nice surprise to hear from you :yay: 

  7. I really need to revive my commission store

    1. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      If you have the time to complete them in a timely manner, why not. Also, it appears that folks aren't as eager to toss money on pony art these days, and, if want some, look for requests instead.

  8. I don't think i known about tulpas at that time but it is nice to see old members vising the thread. That's quite of a story of you two. Reminds me of how i met my girls. I'll be honest we felt a bit sad when you said Danielle disappeared but that's fine, she's back. I do not think i have a reddit account yet might create one soon. Also, Danielle looks amazing
  9. The outcome is as expected. I do not know why screw attack chose these two but oh well. But tbh this is the most awkward DB i've watched.
  10. *Sigh*

    This is a hard time for me being an artist. I can't even have time to draw. I want to draw but cant, i need to finish this request but i cant. To busy with college thesis and Design :(

    1. FancyHorse


      I'm terribly sorry darling... :(

    2. SparklingSquirrels


      Aw, sorry to hear that :/ *hugs Nihi*

      Well good luck with school though, and I'm sure whoever requested your art will understand :) 

    3. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      Perhaps you could get a small paper sketchbook and draw while commuting and waiting for stuff. It won't help with that request but your drawing skills won't decay from lack of practice. 

  11. @Prospektlicious oh heya! That is a great news! Your headache or pressure on your head is a sign that your mind is trying to adjust to the mental load you are concentrating into or your baby tulps is listening. Just keep it up and your tulpa will respond in no time. Having an optimistic personality also helps, i believe that developing tulpas crave for optimism as it helps them grow. We wish you luck on your journey and welcome to the world of tulpamancy! @Mindrop Base on experience, tulpacreation via hypnosis is a great way to jumpstart the creation process. I think the reason for it is because some hypno file describes a character's form and personalities, like in the hypnofiles in the hypnopony thread. Those subliminal messages can be used by your baby tulpa as a reference or guide for them to follow, like what happened on one of my tulps, summer. Well, that twilight image i saw was really helpful but i do not think it is the whole reason behind my entire creation
  12. OMG YES FINALY!  I Have one whole week to finish my commissions ;w; Bless for the holidays!!

    1. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      Glad to see you're finally getting a little break from the chores and school. Just try not to overwork yourself with those commissions, art is supposed to be enjoyed after all.

  13. Oh! Hello @Harper sorry for the late reply, i just visited my shop today but to answer your question, yes, i am still open but i am currently busy with college work as of the moment so i can only draw on my spare time, Hence why i am partially on hiatus.
  14. The Forums, IT LIIIVVVEESS!!

    1. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      Yeah, every outage or maintenance is like, a major event in here. And Celestia only knows how long it takes for them to get back up again.

  15. Hello @Celestial Flight As much as It pains me to say this but Unfortunately i haven't start on your commission yet. School has been so rough for me these past few months that i do not have time to focus too much on my work. But now it tide down a bit and i can finally get a steam going for my commission list. I really do apologize for the long delay.
  16. Happy Birthday AJfan X3

  17. Hey @Nightmare Season! good to hear from you again, hope that everything doing fine. Yeah, i apologize for that. I have focused and prioritize more on the "Gallery of goodwill" project recently, i was needed for some request, and in between that having an activity outside with family and friends. I've never expected that i will have this much activity in my hand and i blame myself entirety for taking it. But now since most of my requests are done i can now jump back to my commission list.
  18. Happy birthday Raven X3

    -from all of us :D

    1. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      Heh, thanks guys!

  19. Just watched "The Perfect Pair" and the feels was too much for me to handle TwT


    Must draw "Pear butter", She's too beautiful not to draw immediately

    1. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      Heh, sooo true.

  20. I use paint tool sai. I also plan shifting to clip studio paint but if you are just starting out i really recommend paint tool sai.
  21. Soulbond, a fairly new term for me. TBH i have only found out that term just recently. I used to call it soulbound because i didn't noticed that it doesnt have a "U" on it. Anyway i am digressing, i want to say a thing or two about the ternm "soulbonds". you know when i first learned the term "Soulbond" and what a soulbond is, it answered some of my questions regarding tulpas having similar traights as one of the characters of a certain story. It also led me to think that summer is part soulbond. I mean, a soulbond is an entity that is created throughout the expression of likeness of a certain character and takes that character's form and character's traits, memories, etc. I've noticed that some time, whenever i watch the pony series, there are times when i feel "nostalgic" it is an alien feeling and definitely came from summer, which led me to think that summer is a soulbond. Summer was created having a twilight sparkle avatar but deviated from it very quickly. i know that she had memories of the show itself, she told me personally, being twilight sparkle (up to season 2). What bothers me is even though that she had memories of the show, she also have memories of her creation, which only confuses me because soulbound are created similar to "walk-ins", They just pop up. She doesn't actually care if she's either one of the two. Anyway, tulpa and soulbonds are similar but different. Soulbound tend to stay IN character while a tulpa usually stays OUT.
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