Prepare yourselves for a mediocre list of bronies (or pegasisters, whatever your prefference) that I bitterly despise....
And before I start my "vent" I should mention that, no I actually don't mind or care about cloppers (so long as they aren't hurting anyone with it). I mean sure it's not something I'm into and I don't much like the idea of it, but who are we to judge? There are plenty of worse things they could be doing..... However these bronies are the ones I actually dislike:
Bronies that are constantly seeking attention (particularly the ones that are up in peoples faces and, incidentally are the ones who end making people hate the fandom).
Hypocritical bronies, the ones that preach "love and tolerance" but rarely ever actually tolerate haters....
Condescending bronies, the ones that believe that they're better than you because they watch a show about ponies. Note: this also applies to just about every other fandom.
Outrageous Rule 34 bronies, we have all come across one at some point - posting obscene pony pictures and art where it isn't appropriate. For what it's worth, these aren't the same as harmless cloppers that keep to themselves about it.
Bronies that forget the show is made for little girls.... I think you know what I mean by this one, there is a reason why bronies exist, because we happen to like a show that isn't convential for it's target demographic. Hasbro shouldn't have to change the show just because the bronies think they should.....
Sorry for the rather long vent everypony, just trying to make a point.