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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by yayayayayala

  1. Ali-Mei smiled. "I would only move to Canterlot if you were," she replied. She blushed as he rubbed his cheek against hers, then took her ice cream and attacked it with a huge lick. She grinned. "Mmm, better than ever! Probably because I'm with my special somepony." She smiled.
  2. I have one word for this story: D'aaaaawwwwwww!! Here's how I feel after reading this story~ Hehe, seriously though, it was adorable.
  3. Holy crap, I only just noticed you did the banner :P Amazing job! :D

  4. I follow Life Advice threads anonymously when I don't have anything to say ;q;
  5. yayayayayala

    fandom q+a Horse Wife Q&A

    What's with the peanut butter btw? XD Probably just that it's the best food in all the universe
  6. yayayayayala

    fandom q+a Horse Wife Q&A

    HOLY CRAP, that's the exact same stuff I have difficulty with! I feel you. *solemnly brohoofs*
  7. yayayayayala

    fandom q+a Horse Wife Q&A

    Is there a kid in their future?! Also what program do you use?
  8. What a wonderful feeling it is to have overcome pretty much the only hurdle in my way, LINEART. :D

  9. Ugh, that moment when you accidentally type something you're searching for in the status update box and hit enter ^^;

    1. Yummychickenblue


      I have never had that happen to me. . . I'll have to start prioritizing your status'.

    2. yayayayayala
  10. My tulpa is hilarious! XD He keeps doing these really funny things. Just last night I was joking about doing some overly exaggerated, edgy fursona for April Fool's Day, and a little later he suddenly gained a cat mouth and tail and pranced around just for laughs. XD He actually still has the cat mouth today, apparently he likes it And one time he was in a room with me and a bunch of other girls and I was joking about how he wasn't a girl, and *poof* he was in this frilly pink dress for somewhere around a full minute I can't exactly see him with my eyes yet, but I can see and perceive him and what he's doing in my mind's eye remarkably clearly, and I'm pretty sure that's all that needs to happen at this point. :3 I'm really glad I decided to get a tulpa, he makes me laugh and be in a good mood more often than I used to...normally I'm just indifferent
  11. That's what I would do if meeting someone new, though sometimes I put the smiley after the hi and a :3 after the next sentence. XD
  12. A fictional book about a kid who gets possessed during the Persian Gulf War that I'm reading for "school" (I'm homeschooled and finishing history over the summer lol) ...It'll do :3
  13. *splutters* Wait you're back? O_O When did that happen?!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. yayayayayala
    3. Courageous Thunder Dash

      Courageous Thunder Dash

      Yep, haven't seen you on Skype in a looooong while...

    4. yayayayayala


      Hehe yeah, I don't get on Skype much :P

  14. "Hmm..." Ali-Mei glanced quickly through the menu. "I think I'll have mint chocolate chip again. It is my favorite after all!" The pony behind the counter nodded and began to scoop their ice cream. Ali-Mei looked around. "This place is really cozy. I kinda forgot that for a while, when I stopped coming with Sparrow." She smiled.
  15. I DID A SHADING OUO http://sta.sh/0a4f1w0n6xy I IS AN ACCOMPLISHED ARTIST NOW~ XP lol not really, but I'm improving ouo

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yummychickenblue


      Better than i can do. Maybe if i actually practiced on a consistent basis i could get past the first exercise of the first lesson.

    3. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      The Eye looks pretty good^^

    4. yayayayayala


      Thanks guys! :)

      @Pwns Aww :) That's definitely what I'm aiming for! :D

  16. *finds you on another person's profile because of your cute avatar* Arts desire. ART'S DESIRE. Your username has just given me the lead for the inspiration that's been bottled up inside me for ages!! :o

    1. IAmArtsDesire


      XD That confuses me a bit. My name gave you the lead for inspiration that's been bottled up inside of ya for ages....????

  17. Hehe, I do that too (All the time )
  18. That's cute! You mean the res of the huge one? I drew and completed the tiny one directly in MS Paint, and then I scaled it up 1000% to get the large one. :3
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