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Feather Spiral

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Status Updates posted by Feather Spiral

  1. Holy shit I haven't been in here in well over a year now. I'm all over the Discord server chat though.

    Been having a bit of a dry spell in creativity, and going to therapy lately too.

  2. On the path to heal myself and finding some form of balance in my life. Progress is slow because of everything else going on, but we'll get there eventually.

  3. I've had irritated throat for four years now, not to mention my decline in motivation and attention problems... do I just go ahead, either resume studies or find a job, and simply hope I do well?

  4. Got my first COVID vaccine dose, about four-and-a-half-ish hours ago. Doing alright.

    Well - I am a bit tired, and had a light headache earlier. But, I don't know whether that was the shot or just due to poor sleep last night.

    1. Feather Spiral

      Feather Spiral

      It's next morning, approaching noon - that is, it's been almost exactly 24h

      My shoulder hurts, it's like a bruise - as I was told it would be. I'm also really tired, had bad sleep again (and the starting pain didn't help)

  5. Getting my first COVID shot tomorrow towards noon!

  6. Gonna begin exploring ADHD as a possible cause for all of my troubles this past decade or so. I really can relate to a lot of the symptoms described, so I think we're on to something here.

  7. I just got back from a long walk around the block

    really needed the oxygen and warmth... and UV to make some vitamin D

  8. man I really suck at this "stay in touch" and "check on communities" thing, don't I

  9. Oh dang I haven't been visiting, have I

    Things were so hectic, I haven't made time/energy for any community besides Discord (and sometimes tumblr).

    Anyway, today is Teachers Day in Turkey. So if you know any Turkish buddies who teach, show them recognition by letting them know how important they are, and brave for facing responsibilities that parents became too scared to shoulder, with next to no support from higher-ups.

    1. Feather Spiral

      Feather Spiral

      ohi yes stuff is alright thank you

      That avatar reminds me of something but I can't for the life of me remember where and when I saw it on the forums

  10. So around three weeks ago, after the last Windows 10 update (installed without my okay, or even forewarning) . by barely-one-year-old laptop quit booting up and the HD went corrupt beyond repair.

    I spent all that time using my old-as-fuck lagtop, with its plethora of hardware and software problems. Hinges holding with just tape and packaging wire, brightness stuck at a specific level giving me migraines, video images freezing up every other second (while audio continues)...

    Finally I'm back on the recent one, with a new HD. I got most of my files, plus all of my bookmarks, from the cloud.

    All I gotta do, is redownload all of my apps, and games. I don't remember all of them, but here goes nothing I guess.

    1. EpicEnergy


      You got a better one now though, at least I hope. :twi:

  11. Reflux sucks so much.

    Well... technically it's the opposite of sucking, but... y'know.

  12. Do y'all ever just... have a whole entire face of your tooth break clean off? Cause apparently I do...

    It doesn't hurt or anything, but it did scare me when it snapped. Now it just feel weird, and cuts my tongue a little when I run it across the broken face.

    It was the backmost one, either a molar or wisdom tooth?

  13. Hey, birthday and Ween at the same time? I hope you had an exceptional (and spoopy) one!

    So uhh, I baked you some pumpkin cake... but Trollestia ate it, sowwehhhh~

    1. TBD


      Thanks! Hearing people scream is all I asked for :orly:.  One cannot resist devouring their own creation that's what I always say. Happy Halloween!

  14. I really love how every reaction is either Discord cosplaying a pony or the actual Derpy herself... she's that irreplaceable :muffins:

    1. CypherHoof


      Our empress Derpy (wielder of the Twilycane, high muffin of the order of the muffin) is one of the first fanservice successes; despite being an animation error to start with, she has become a symbol of ponyville's acceptance of those who are different or less able, which I think was meant to be a role for Scoots with her flight disability, but she got totally upstaged by Derpy :)

  15. Welp! mom's cooking some turkey in the oven, hope it turns out well. We'll be having champagne, and bûche de Noël for dessert too.

    Hope everypony's having a great New Year's Eve... and a very happy New Year for those who're already there~

  16. I wish all my fellow dorks a Merry Hearth's Warming Eve~

    1. Rikifive


      Merry Hearth's Warming! :rarityhat:

  17. Everyone here is like, "I just got a new niece" and "plz check out this animation I made" and "you can be a better person if you just believe in change"

    Meanwhile my most notable thing in life is that I've been coughing on and off for two years, and only now started trying to get my life back together instead of waiting for the illness to go.

    1. CypherHoof


      That's fine - not all of us need to be first violinists, we can just sit at the back pushing wind though our trombones :)

  18. Urgh... had a fibroscopy yesterday and the entirety of my airways hates me. Now I'm also a bit ill, probably due to poor sleep and friction with that flexible tube.

  19. There really isn't much fanfare about it but, happy Men's Day to my fellow males, who often don't get the recognition they deserve for their hard work and sometimes lose a lot of well-being (even life) to very high expectations.

  20. Woah... that was a random triple award just now but thank you nonetheless! Here, have a balloon:balloon:

  21. The Gallery Of Goodwill confuses me a little... what's the premise, exactly? Why do they need all those intermediates that I can't wrap my head around?

    I actually considered joining the team, making art to make people better is an idea I can get behind. But all information is split between several threads and I just can't get a simple, global view of the whole thing.

    There are departments like Public Relations and Request Management, Sponsor role to ensure legitimacy of requests, even a balance sheet. That's clearly more than simply an art request subforum where person A says they feel down and person B proposes to do something. You guys are serious about this, you wanna make sure person A is genuinely feeling down, which I'm not sure how you're gonna do?

    To be truthful, I've been feeling quite terrible myself, and since people on the Discord don't care much, I could also benefit from it. But again, all this talk about Sponsors having to "liaise" with requesters to make sure it's genuine, it's turning me away tbh. I can just go back to online friends to let off some of the weight, but that won't help me feel refreshed.

    Thanks in advance...


  22. Gonna be taking a flight to Turkey this Saturday, and spend the whole rest of the month there.

    With my ongoing sickness, I don't feel ready for all the socializing and administrative work awaiting us. I just wanna lie down and recover for good, play games and read books, maybe cuddle with a big fuzzy guy. Maybe I could've even finished this whole Mythospective thing, if it weren't for the "vacation" (just the epilogue to finish and the whole trilogy is done).

    1. Photon Jet

      Photon Jet

      We hope you'll have a safe trip. Just remember to keep yourself safe.

    2. Feather Spiral

      Feather Spiral

      Thank you... I'll try my best.

      But it's not gonna be fun, with my 37.5 °C fever tonight despite all the medication. Being sleep-deprived isn't very compatible with having to wake early tomorrow, either.

  23. Happy International Men's Day to my dudes!

    Believe it or not, an International Men's Day exists - and that's today, 19 November. Believe it or not, we men have some serious problems that need to be addressed but tend to not be.

    I know the ladies have their own issues, hence we have International Women's Day to raise awareness. So I'm sure there'll be no problem doing the same for men, no matter what we blame their issues on.

    1. Feather Spiral
    2. PlzDelete


      Neat! I highly support both women's day and men's day. A problem I see with men a lot is that people seem to automatically assume they are all uncontrollable pervs which isn't right. I've met a lot of guys that barely think of anything really racy. Even if some do have a perv side, a lot of them have self control despite what people say. Women and men are equal as people. That's how I feel at least. 

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