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I love Jelly Otter

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Everything posted by I love Jelly Otter

  1. Happy Happy Happy Joy Joy Joy

  2. Good moanin', brawnies! <3

  3. Sharing happy moments with my girl <3

  4. Do explain why? Not that I'm affected by that, but curious to know full opinion rather than just "it sucks".
  5. Hugging Jelly, eating chips/crisps.

  6. I once did so on other forum that no matter of it's apparent seriousness was actually full of absolute fun & ridiculous content in the depths. I'm sure this place is no different. So, if you remember some topics that are funny, hilarious, pointless, or anything else - please do share a link so all would have the same fun reading them as those who had fun participating in them some time ago. You might wanna provide a some catchy description or intro, decorate it, etc.
  7. Jelly Otter <3333333333333333333

  8. No. I can say I love Jelly Otter for over 10 years already & it started when I wasn't a preschooler.
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