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I love Jelly Otter

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Everything posted by I love Jelly Otter

  1. 30 2 characters (20 is the minimum) PS: And no looking in my profile for my age!
  2. Why need to show a screenshot from the show you know? It's like I would go to Youtube, click in any (high quality) MLP episode & I go X.X - that's with this show, compared to anything other, unless all colors are highly compressed there like in MLP. I have a feeling that creators did it on purpose, because the show was originally aimed for little girls who would like an eye-candy super bright cartoon in some 1080p. I think they actually overdid it there to the point you would either get used to it with time or lower your screen settings or, well, put on the sunglasses.
  3. You might worry about it & make it kinda your lifestyle... or you can just deny everything around you / don't care regarding trying to please other's opinions about you & focus on how you want to be only for yourself. And if some girl (or somepony) would find you interesting then they'll stick to you.
  4. They pointlessly & repeatedly fall in love & fall apart until some mid 20s or 30s when they finally get tired up & realize they need to stick now with whoever picks a worn out whore (maybe even with kids already), otherwise they would end up in loneliness.
  5. Nope... 19? 6 characters (20 is the minimum) Stupid restrictions!
  6. It's not. And it's only with watching MLP... otherwise I wouldn't be watching cartoons at all.
  7. None, but perhaps if I'd ask nicely enough maybe I could be an otter on Lake Hoohaw so I can meet my love?
  8. Well, pushing the settings down & up all the time is not as easy as it may seem just for the sake of comfortably watching the show. Besides, it would be hard to restore the ones I have right now if I change something, because I'm so used to current ones, that I will feel inconvenient if won't guess correct the exact ones I had. So I better keep the sunglasses handy, just in case.
  9. Actually you're right there. I too was (and perhaps still) hiding from mine I'm a PB&J Otter fan because I have a fear of feeling embarrassed if I get caught watching it. But it's better be embarrassed for watching little kids' show rather than if they find out that you either smoke or gay or even a pedophile, so "that's why you're on a forum of little girls' show". xD
  10. I don't think it has something to do with my eyes, they are fine. But this MLP has so harsh colors indeed, especially monotone as it's flash, not traditional animation I'm so used to. I don't know whether the advanced bronies have their eyes used to the show, but I'm sure everyone had the same X.X effect they first saw the show.
  11. Regardless of how funny it may seem, I felt a strong need for a pair of sunglasses to watch MLP:FIM. Do you put on them too before you could watch the show just fine? Nah, I don't mean it in terms of being a kewl brony with sunglasses... You see (if you can, actually), while the rest is fine or at least so-so, I found the show to be sorta hard on the eyes. It is beautiful, musical, magic, lively & etc, but apparently the color palette is so wisely picked by the creators that when the episode started playing, I literally was like "OUCH! MY EYES!!!"... Thankfully, my sunglasses were near me, so I managed to survive to the end of it just fine, like if I was waiting for the solar eclipse. Actually, I could just lower the color & brightness settings of my monitor, but lol... after 3 years of not changing them I got so used to it, that only a slight change in them would be unbearable, so kicking the settings back & forth every time just to watch MLP enough comfortably isn't an option at all.
  12. When people will be creative at picking pics of their avatars?
  13. Why it's actually so "dangerous" if your parents find out you're a brony / why you'd keep it in secret? I understand you can keep in secret that you smoke or gay, but lol... "A brony? What's that?"
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