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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

Snowy Storm

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Status Updates posted by Snowy Storm

  1. feels good to be back, hi everyone

  2. wow the error page isn't letting me do anything. I'm sort of suck on the main page

  3. season 4 tomorrow. Lets do this!

  4. I feel like writing poetry. I have so much emotions built up.

  5. Flow with the music. hear the harmony of the night. Let your steps be guided by the flow of the wind, move as the water flows, hold your resolves like the earth, Let your passion burn as the fire, Let your soul and Spirit be your Freedom.

  6. Galacon Was great I'm going next year hopefully

  7. And so here I sit as I cast the the stone of the past in the lake. With every bounce and splash it makes a memory of the past comes to me. Sometimes it is beautiful, sad, happy, painful, anything really. Still we must gather our selves and forge new stones of the past so we may cast them in to the lake of memories and watch the memories we leave behind.



      Truth through poetry /)

  8. oh dang..just did something really stupid... I'm in a lot of pain, not sure what to do.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nuclear Neurotic

      Nuclear Neurotic

      Fudge...Just what were you trying to cut to make the knife fly like that?

    3. Snowy Storm
    4. Nuclear Neurotic

      Nuclear Neurotic

      I'll take your word for it.

  9. ok i've just burn and scarred myself I have work in three hours. What should I do. can't really work at my best with a burn on my hand.

    1. Nuclear Neurotic

      Nuclear Neurotic

      Oh snap. D: How bad is the burn?

    2. Yamato


      Walk it off.

  10. I got so many hours at work.. feels good to have the afternoon off today and the morning tomorrow.

    1. Nuclear Neurotic

      Nuclear Neurotic

      Well that's good. c:

  11. So yeah I'm playing my game and I unlock and event. I'm like Yeah! I read the name of the event -Righteous Beheading- I'm like 0.o

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Snowy Storm

      Snowy Storm

      It's called record of Agarest War 2


    3. Snowy Storm

      Snowy Storm

      sadly there was no beheading

    4. Nuclear Neurotic

      Nuclear Neurotic

      "Sadly" is an understatement. XD

  12. Yes and Yes

    1. GeneralDirection


      Don't drink the bottles under the sink. xD

    2. Snowy Storm

      Snowy Storm

      Shippers ruin lives

    3. Drago Ryder

      Drago Ryder

      Honestly, I don't really mind.

  13. My god this is just... just... To cute for words!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Snowy Storm

      Snowy Storm

      um... Just to make this clear, I did not kill him. Fluffle puff killed him.

    3. Dsanders


      *Comes back alive. Haha this is like the new Nyan Cat!

    4. Drago Ryder

      Drago Ryder

      Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing on Rainbows x10


      It's so fluffy and catchy.

  14. Well I through my own arty party... is that bad?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ~Squishy Skies~

      ~Squishy Skies~


    3. Snowy Storm

      Snowy Storm

      No I wrote my status wrong. I should have said Threw not Through

    4. ~Squishy Skies~

      ~Squishy Skies~

      Good point. No worries. We're all malfunctioning units of matter. Can't be picture perfect 100% of the time.

  15. guess what. It's my birthday and I have no one to be with. Well I guess i'll buy my-self a Ps3 for my birthday... that ruined the surpise.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ~Squishy Skies~

      ~Squishy Skies~

      Happy Birthday! I hope you have a swimmingly good time! ^_^

    3. ~Lawful Jordo~

      ~Lawful Jordo~

      Surprise! And happy Birthday :P

    4. Blue Moon

      Blue Moon

      Happy Birthday!

  16. Oh dear Moon you're beauty is unrivaled in the night sky. The light of the moon Lights up the sky and give the Night an aura of beauty

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Blue Moon

      Blue Moon

      I quite like the moon as well; it's so pretty. :3

    3. Lightning Shade

      Lightning Shade

      I looked at it with a stupid telescope once, you could see the craters......

    4. Night Shine

      Night Shine

      Oooh...I wish I could see it; the FREAKING CLOUDS dun blocked it where I live. >_< Oh, and by the way...HAPPEH BIRFDAI! :3

  17. changing the banner again? that was fast.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shiki


      Thank you. o;


      @Snowy Storm - Well, sometimes not every week for various reasons. But still, usually.

    3. Snowy Storm

      Snowy Storm

      This very impressive. Just another reason why this forum is so cool.

    4. Snowy Storm

      Snowy Storm

      Sorry I meant "still" not "this"

  18. As much as I love my friend sometimes I just want to choke him so badly!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Snowy Storm

      Snowy Storm

      He know I love to travel, and Yet he talks about his travels all the time. Like he's been to places like Japan, France, England, Germany, Hawaii, Brazil, Peru. Sometimes as much as I want to listen to his stories I hate that he got to do all this, while I've been only to Central America.

    3. Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Sir.Flutter Hooves

      I would choke him to if I were you. That would make me so mad.

    4. None42069


      Isn't that what friends are for?

  19. Good night everyone.

    1. Ruddboy Olaf

      Ruddboy Olaf

      Good night!

      Sleep tight!


    2. Unpredictable Ranger
  20. And so the passage of time goes on. Life carries on and our friends and family go on as well. I Look to them and see many things. Is it I who has fallen behind while they have moved so far ahead? or is it Them that have fallen behind and it is I who misses them. I filled with sadness as I watch everything I once knew, followed, and loved fall apart and fall behind... I'm sorry, i'm a little sad right now.

    1. ~Sole~


      Its okay, everyone gets depressed sometimes. Just keep moving forward, and always remember to smile. If this sounds corny, its because it is :)

    2. Just some guy

      Just some guy

      No need to be sorry mate,we all get in a little rut every now and then.We can always look towards tomorrow for a brighter future. :)

  21. I wish you all a good night rest and may you all have sweet dreams.

  22. And so the wind blows as the flow of time runs on, never stopping, never resting. I watch from under the flow as time goes on, and see what we have done and left behind. Breathe. Release. And open your eyes to the past and future. May you find peace in knowing you are now and you are important to those around you. You are a part of there flow as they are a part of yours. Never stop for time will leave you behind.

  23. I don't have a good poem to write tonight... well here goes one. peace by night and alive by day. so must the day go on and fade into night. As once again the night wraps in me in her gentle hug i feel the world grow silent, grow slow, as for the moment, second, before i grow still in her loving embrace. I know that day is coming and so i must bid a farewell to night and her gentle embrace, but for now i want to sleep and sleep is what i crave. I crave for you all a warm embrace in the ni...

    1. SCS
    2. Snowy Storm

      Snowy Storm

      ... i don't know. I feel i could have done more, but i'll work on tomorrow's post instead


    3. SCS


      Sounds good.

  24. Oh blessed night and peaceful storm, bring us the waters of the sky to replenish the barren earth. Fear not the beauty of the night and storm. Instead Watch as the land soaks in the life water and become whole once again. I bid thee all a restful and wonderous dreams. To all I bid thee all a farewell. Sleep is calling me and so i go.

    1. SCS


      Did you write that yourself, or is it a quote? Either way, it is beautiful.

    2. Snowy Storm

      Snowy Storm

      I wrote it myself. I simply love poems and I love Shakespeare.

  25. I wish you well night's rest

    1. Orablanco Account
    2. Mightymags


      And the same to you, friend. :)

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