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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

Power Ten

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Everything posted by Power Ten

  1. Luke met her gaze, fascinated by her eyes rather than repulsed. <She's clearly not blind, so what's with the weird eyes? Is it a disease? Genetic defect? Whatever it is, they are beautiful eyes. Too bad the girl behind them is just another snob.> Luke blinked and snapped out of his trance, realizing he had been in a staring match with her for about 30 seconds now. He took a deep inhale and covered his cheek again, trying to speak. "I... sh-sh... not..." he let out the breath in frustration, not used to talking this much. (rarely speaks because of physical limitations) He pulled out a piece of paper and the new pencil from his plastic shopping bag and scribbled on it briefly. When he was done, he stood up, walked over and handed her the note, then walked back to where he was and sat down again. He pulled out another piece of paper while she read the note, and began to sketch a close up of her eye, not caring if she saw it or not. The note said, 'I am here because this is where I want to be right now. I didn't interrupt you or try for your attention, why are you taking such an aggressive stance? I'm not with those people because they are not my friends, and I do not have "friends". So now, I am here, confused and a little bit insulted. You can try to mask your reasons for not wanting me here, but it's clear. No one wants to look at a dirty hobo.'
  2. A small fish swam around under Luke, occupying his attention for the briefest of moments with its glittering scales before he heard someone splashing around over to his right. It was some boy pulling himself up out of the water. He considered helping him, but then again, what could he possibly do to help? He decided to ignore the boy, but before he turned back around he noticed some well-groomed girl giving him the evil eye. <Just what I need; some snobby rich girl looking down her nose at me> He thought bitterly. He heard her ask why he was there, and then demanding that he leave. The nerve of this girl! Luke breathed out a sigh and turned to the Luce, trying to mask his frustration. He brought his hand up to cover his right cheek. "Already? What do you mean? Why do you think you can tell me what to do?" His voice strained with the last words, causing him to take his hand down and pant a little. <These are the worst kind of people, think because thier daddies and mommies have lots of money, they can just act like they own every square inch of the world.> He stared back to the ocean, glowering.
  3. A surge of memories hit Luke in an instant as he said those words. (a shadowy figure punching him in the face, shouting "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!? WHERE IS HE!?" Another moment, Luke is holding a body lying limp in his arms. "Not you..." he begins to cry, "n-not you... You w-were too pure... Y-you weren't l-like us... Why?") Luke snaps out of his memories, noticing tears beginning to form in his eyes. He blinks them away angrily and runs out of the store. He stumbled out to the sidewalk and began to sprint off somewhere, anywhere. He didn't care, as long as the past didn't follow him there. Everything became a blur; colors and sounds blended into an indiscernible mess as he ran. Eventually, he stopped. Wether it was exhaustion or will, he wasn't sure. But it didn't matter, he was done and calm again. Anger and fear were replaced by an empty sadness. He took a moment to look around. Noticing he was at a dock, Luke took a seat at the edge, not noticing the girl ten paces to his right (Luce). He lifted up the bottom edge of the handkerchief up to get a deep breath of the ocean air, but in doing this, he exposed a very dark spot on his right cheek about an inch in diameter. He let the cloth fall back down to cover the lower half of his face again and gazed broodingly at the horizon. <Promise me you'll try to leave it all behind. Because I've elected hell, lying to myself>
  4. Luke reflexively jumped back a bit when the girl bumped into him. He quickly whirled around to see who had bumped into him, breathing a bit heavily. You couldn't really blame him; with the upbringing Luke had, surprises weren't exactly a good thing. He saw it was just a shy girl trying to apologize to him. He lowered his fists and breathed a sigh of relief. He brought up a hand over his right cheek. "Sorry" was all he said before he put his hand back down. Something sounded a bit strange in his voice. Maybe it was the handkerchief tied around his face, maybe it was something else. But something just came off as a bit strange to Sasha. Luke heard Horus's interaction with the cashier and scowled under his mask. He grabbed the cheapest pencil he could see and approached the cashier, who was now trembling in fear. She held out the items Horus told her to give him, but Luke shook his head, bringing his hand once again to cover his cheek. "I'm not a thief or a beggar." He said with some difficulty. He held out the pencil and gave her the crumpled up dollar bill he was holding. "I still have pride."
  5. Luke's eyes darted amongst the passerby as he slowly shuffled through the town. As a building to his left moved out of view, a beautiful seascape was revealed to him. He stopped mid-step and admired the view. As Luke stood still on the sidewalk, a group of teenagers was fast approaching. Most of them simply stepped around him, but one especially distracted kid ran right into him. Luke's hand reflexively went up and tried to push the offender away, causing a small static spark to be transferred to the teen. The kid stumbled backwards slightly and gave Luke a rotten look, whispering "deranged bum" to his mates as he hurried past. Luke clenched his fist in anger and debated wether or not to floor this kid, but then his usual collectedness came back and he breathed out a sigh of frustration. <He's right about one thing: I need a bath> he thought sullenly as he caught another whiff of himself. He remembered the seascape in front of him, and made to grab the pencil and notebook from his plastic bag, only to find the pencil had snapped in half, and he didn't have a sharpener. He looked around in hopes of seeing a convenience store or something, and to his surprise, there was an art store right behind him. Luke checked his back pocket to find a wrinkled old dollar bill. He clenched it in his fist as he opened the door to the store. The cashier gave him a disapproving look, to which he responded by pointing to his mask, shrugging and waving the dollar bill. She eep'd and ducked back behind the register. Luke simply shrugged and walked over to where pencils might be. <damn, these are some expensive pencils!> he mused as he looked over the selection.
  6. As the last of the passengers departed from the train, Luke quietly moved out with them, taking care to avoid contact with any of the others. He looked down at the shopping bag clenched tightly in his left hand to check that all of his belongings were intact. Inside the bag was a wrapped bundle of cloth which seemed to contain several objects, as well as a pencil and notebook. His eyes flicked around at the others on the platform, and he swiftly departed, heading nowhere in particular. Luke took a deep inhale through his mask, enjoying the unique small town smell. He couldn't quite place it, but the smell made him think of home, of comfort, of times when his life wasn't a living hell. He stood there, not wanting to break away from his little moment of peace, but he knew he had to go before he got too reminiscent. He continued his aimless wandering, not quite sure why he had agreed to this whole thing in the first place. Someone had just dropped a letter in his bag as he was leaving the homeless shelter for the morning. Maybe he wanted a shower and some food that didn't taste like grease and piss. Maybe he wanted a warm bed. Or maybe he wanted to escape from his old life and start fresh. <Fuckin' a, what am I thinking? I just accepted an invitation to a place I've never applied to, or even heard of!> He thought irritably. Luke caught a whiff of something nasty, and mentally facepalmed when he remembered that the source of the odor was himself. <I was probably thinking hot showers...> his stomach grumbled <and food> Character - Luke - Power Ten -
  7. the only man who could turn me gay... Damn you, Robert! (And you, Ninja!)
  8. So... What'd I miss?

  9. - -@Apollo - -@Toothless the Night Fury Skullbuster -@Smokey the mudkip Love you guys too. It's nice to be back in a place where I feel welcome. Just been dealing with some stuff. Depression, suicidal thoughts, school is driving me insane, girls, and my little brother's friend died recently of cancer. It just feels nice to be in a place where I can forget about the world a while. So my answer is all you guys.
  10. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/overdrive-brass-tacks-r185 A light brown unicorn walked up behind them. "you know, it isn't very polite to take what isn't yours. If you wanted to trade for my firestarters," *he used magic to levitate the rounds to himself* "you could have just asked" he frowned slightly while tucking the rounds into a small ammo box on his flank. "you the guys from the camp blitz?"
  11. The computer quickly shut off as Jacob tried to hack it. It refused to turn back on when he tried to power it up again. A cold voice came from behind him. "Colonel Ten might not have briefed you, but you keep out of the west wing unless accompanied by authorized personell." Jacob turned around to see a white mare with a light blue mane wearing a labcoat. (Looks like this: http://ask-frigiddrift.tumblr.com/ )
  12. Would you like some diabeetus? No? Too bad, you just got it.
  13. 15 yogstars I can't see it very well on mobile though, so http://i.imgur.com/2fq06.gif
  14. Sugar Plum x Apollo/GildaShy/whoever he is now
  15. "K-Bar gave her orders, and those are to move to here, Firebase Frost. I was stationed here a few years back, but nothing much happens here." A particularly cold gust of air buffeted the ponies, causing Ten to shiver. "let's g-get in to the b-building over there" he indicated the large metal tower in the middle of the platform. It was about 20 meters tall and made completely of a frosty grey metal. The top was completely flat, and several AA rocket pods and a large barrel of a cannon could be seen from Ten's viewpoint. "I never understood why this base was so heavily armed for being in the middle of nowhere. The majority of of OUR army doesnt even know it exists.". Ten grumbled as he punched a combination into a keypad, growling when no response came from the device. "piece of shit!" he muttered as he punched the combination in again. There was no response. "OPEN, DAMMIT!" he shouted as he slammed his hoof into the keypad. The keypad dinged, and the heavy metal door in front of them slowly moved up with the loud screech of metal on metal. A warm rush of air rolled out to meet them from inside. "head to the bunk area to the right and set up your stuff. You should find winter gear in the hoof lockers." Ten waved them off as he went to go look for the CO of the base. (the base is pretty much empty, so you guys won't find any soldiers in the bunk rooms or the mess hall.)
  16. 9.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 The Russian judge was not impressed.
  17. Ten glanced over to the map as a warning light indicated they were running low on fuel. "lucky timing again" he muttered as he eased of the throttle, causing the helicopter to descend below the cloud layer. As they cleared through on the other side two things happened at once. The first is that anypony standing near a window was greeted with a breathtaking view of a snowy mountain range, along with a frozen lake directly below them. The second thing was that a great wind buffeted the chopper, causing it to shake and be tossed around by an invisible force. It took all of Ten's concentration to keep them on track to the large metal platform, not unlike an ocean oil rig. As they descended, he hit a button to depressurize the cabin, which was quickly filled with biting cold air. They soon touched down on the small landing pad in the northeast corner of the platform. "welcome to firebase frost"
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