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Horses and Horses

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Everything posted by Horses and Horses

  1. I have like such a strong feeling that a lot of people don't even read the Op and just read the title... then just post things they want from any game...
  2. You mean "Watch Dogs" right? The game that was shown at E3 where the guy hacked a whole bunch of stuff with his cellphone and stuff?...
  3. Seeing all these posts makes me really want to rethink a few of my choices xD Oh well. i can't believe I never thought of fast travel... It doesn't have to be in combat. You could choose stuff just because it would make life easier or just because they look cool and would be awesome to have.
  4. Seeing that you picked EVERYTHING from star wars made me laugh for some reason... anyways, You'd literally be the perfect Storm trooper xD
  5. Horses and Horses

    movies/tv Geek IQ?

    Iwas wondering when someone was gonna make a thread on this All I got was 252. And much like the previous guy, the tagline said "What a might Geek you are" Huzzah for Geekiness!
  6. Why'd ya have to say that... You have no clue how much I miss that MGO.... It was sooooo fun ._. Well at least it's coming back with the next MGS game.
  7. That's kinda pushing it.... Well.... i guess. ya could say cheat codes instead seeing as that, if anything, is a cheat. Sure I guess that makes sense
  8. I was stuck between this and fall damage. I don't know but I guess If I ever needed to run away from something, I could go somewhere high and just jump off without having to worry about whatever is behind me being able to chase me. Meh.
  9. If you could have: 1 outfit or article of clothing from a video game for whatever reason 1 game mechanic work for you in real life (like a double jump or no fall damage or something) (THIS DOES NOT MEAN A POWER THAT A CHARACTER HAS) 1 weapon from a game What would they be and why? I would choose: Solid Snakes Octocamo from MGS4 seeing as I think it would be AWESOME to be able to just lean on something and blend in visually and have the outside of it actually copy the texture of whatever I'm leaning on No Fall Damage from various games. I think it would be awesome to not have to worry about getting hurt in case you fall from a high height. Especially since I'm afraid of heights... The Hidden Blade from Assassins Creed. It may be simple but still deadly. And it's pretty freaking cool.
  10. My assault on Dragons Keep was a success! The ending however, made me cry... In other news. Buttstalion looks a lot like Rarity

  11. Damn straight. Those are the times I enjoy most. In battlefield, it feels nice when you're squad is doing well and communicating. I don't get that same feeling in COD. Here, when my team is trying a bit too hard and just want's to win, I just feel bad for the enemy team. They don't get a chance to at least go down fighting. Here I prefer being put into the team that's being slaughtered just to piss off the other team and show them that when someone with skill is on the other team, it isn't so fun and easy. Then they yell at me that I suck just because I did well and that I use an "overpowered" weapon: The Assault Shield. In Battlefield, I feel like if any team thinks, they can win.
  12. I'm conflicted... I don't really know. I enjoy COD since I'm pretty good and with friends I can have fun. I don't "tryhard" though so half the time I go negative or something seeing as I'm just casually playing and I always focus on the objective as opposed to most players. Then... Some punk kid starts talking trash to me for no good reason. Next thing you know I have a swarm and when the game ends, he doesn't say anything and then leaves when I do it again. I hate this. I don't like being forced to make a group of brats or some guy saying I suck and I'm gay for having a pony as my emblem shut up. On the other hand. I enjoy myself when I DO get to play casually since i tend to just joke around with other players in my age range. In Battlefield however, I always play tactically and think a bit more. The difference is that I actually enjoy it here. I love the WAY it makes me think. It doesn't make me get mad or annoyed. It's enjoyable how I communicate with my squad to get by an obstacle. Here though I get more annoyed when my squad doesn't do something necessary. Half the time it's me who has to take a role nobody wants to. I tend to have to change to engineer if there's a vehicle or into a support if we need heavy cover or a sniper if see we need a counter sniper. I feel like half the time it's me doing the thinking. meh... I don't know
  13. I've only had one dream related to ponies.. I think... meh. Anyways. The dream started with me waking up and getting out of bed and apparently I was a pony. I then went outside to see I was in like... a Colosseum for some reason. I didn't question anything. I looked up and in the sky I saw DIscord! I was confused and worried. Me and my Mom, Dad and brother (were human for some reason...) ran and I made sure they got away before I turned and remembered a Legend/Prophecy. I was to awake "The 6" who's power was said to be powerful enough to stop anything. I hurried so I could stop Discord. I made it to a weird Mayan looking temple thing and as I placed my hooves on a step, the ground shook and I heard DIscords laugh in the distance. 6 Pod like things arose from the ground and inside were "The 6".... Then I woke up and was like "DAMN IT!!! I wanted to see the rest!!!"
  14. I take it you collect all things corn. Mainly different types of corn and stuff... that collection sure is pretty... Corny (badum tss)
  15. Damn man. I don't think that so much pony has ever been condensed in a threshold as small as 3 days... lol. Anyway. Welcome to the fandom dude. I'm sure you'll soon find out how awesome it is being a brony and how welcoming our community is!
  16. You have no clue how I would pay for that many caps.... like... a lot... I feel for ya man. I really do. Thankfully my dad feeds my addiction and buys me glass bottled sodas whenever a chance arises so... yea.
  17. As I was cleaning my room and organizing stuff, I began to wonder about any collections other people might have. As for me, I'm slowly waiting for Fallout to happen so have a bottle cap collection >:3 Soon I'll be able to afford a meal in the world of Fallout!!! Anywho..... Any weird/cool/normal collections out there?
  18. that literally made me drop my sandwich and stare at my screen in a mix of confusion and horror.... lol
  19. Well welcome to the forums dude. At least you know how you started and you have it written down now. I honestly don't have a single clue on how i became a brony..... Meh whatever. Anyways, Welcome. Everyone's pretty nice here and like the previous comment, this fandom has a dark side... Don't let anyone tell ya any different though! Have fun dude and enjoy your stay!
  20. For me, it wasn't even a console. I remember always bothering my mom for quarters to go down to this laundramat near my home that had an arcade machine in the back that played a Metal Slug game. I may have played something else in the past. But that's the farthest memory I can conjure up.
  21. Welcome! getting started isn't really that hard. Just make a few posts and things will just go on from there. There are threads about.... well almost anything so I'm sure at least one will spark an interest! Make sure ya have fun and enjoy yourself. i suggest you customize your profile so that people can learn more about you. Interest, hobbies, anything interesting about yourself idk! add an avatar and you'll be all set and ready to post! and before i forget.....
  22. Welcome to the forums! I'm sure that you'll have a nice time here seeing as everyone's pretty friendly and what not. Remember to have fun and enjoy yourself! I'm pretty sure that you'll find people who also love what you like (ya could have been more specific on the games and music ) aaaaaaannnnnddddd.....
  23. It's alright and everyone is nice here, so it is nice as it seems Feel free to make yourself at home here and I hope the forum has everything you're looking for in one! Don't be a stranger
  24. I'm sure that you'll have a nice time here Everyone's friendly here and stuff so don't worry about anyone being a jerk or anything, and finally!!!!!!!!!
  25. PSN: Saoshinkid Send me a message if you want to add me so i know that you're from here and so that we can make sure we have games we can play together and stuff. I'm certain Ill add you.
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