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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by TotalNeon

  1. "Superfluous" is my favourite word I'm not really sure why, I just love using it. It's fun to say Soo-per-floo-uhs! Somepony said "ominous" too, that's a pretty nice word as well
  2. @@Fox801, "I didn't have enough money for the train ride here to look at the house, I could barely afford the trip here today..." she said, nervously laughing. "I just bought the house so I had an excuse to get away from home, really. I think it'll be fun to fix and paint, and everything... I hope so anyway." A dusty old kettle sat on a counter in the kitchen, "I don't really trust the fireplace... so I'm afraid I can't make us any tea." She said, trying to remember the sort of manners ponies use when they had guests over. She realised that Music was actually her first guest ever. Music said something about getting ponies to help her fix up the house. "I-I wouldn't want to impose on anypony..." she began, "bu-but I suppose I wouldn't want to turn away the help of a friend...." she said thoughtfully. Music was pretty much her first friend, and she wasn't entirely sure if it was normal for friends to help each other fix houses... but if that's what Music wanted to do...
  3. The other ponies soon began to wake, and pack their things. Driftwood had already reattached the cargo cart of seashells, and strapped on his knapsack. The caravan was ready to move on again, towards the river in the woods which would hopefully lead them to the other side of the forest and a little further into their journey.
  4. Probably Gilbert Gottfried. Just because Gilbert Gottfried. His voice is just hilarious, I don't even know I can't really think of anybody else despite all the cartoons I watch
  5. Alright, your request is done! Sorry about the arms, I struggle drawing humans crossing their arms let alone ponies I've prepared for you a 150 x 150 avatar with a blank background, and I'm sending you the original image too so you can edit it as you desire Hope you like it! Edit: Hang on, I forgot the flag Avatar (With Flag) Original Alright, cool! Adding you to the list!
  6. Yeah this has been really fun so far hope it doesn't die D: I'll get the next post up in a few minutes
  7. Hey guys, I was wondering what you thought of assuming the other ponies woke up so we can continue the quest?
  8. It's no problem I'll take on this request too, adding you to the list I'm about to start work on yours, and an updated image would be fine, but the image link is broken D: could you please resend it? thanks
  9. Oh that really sucks I absolutely adore that show, and those were two of my favourite characters, they were really good voice actors. May they rest in peace.
  10. Driftwood took an apple and started eating it. "Those of you who are awake, you'll want to start packing up your equipment. We're leaving as soon as everypony is awake." he walked over to his shelter and kicked it over, then covered up the remains of the fire pit with dirt and leaves.
  11. @,@@Frosty V, "Good morning." Driftwood replied. He looked at Jaeger when he asked what the plan for today would be "we're going to be getting as far as we can through the forest today, we'll probably get out if we can cross this huge river near the border of the woods." He motioned to the area on the map showing the forest they were in along with the river. "I haven't traveled to that area of the forest before, so I'm not sure how easy the river will be to cross. I'm hoping for a bridge of some sort."
  12. After talking for a while, the ponies gradually drifted off to sleep, while some kept guard during the night. The dawn came with the morning chorus, and the quietness of the forest was broken by the singing of birds of all kinds. The fire had dwindled away and was now only a smoking pile of ash and bits of wood. Driftwood had been awake all night on watchman duty, in the morning he was collecting apples for his sleeping companions as a quick breakfast before heading off into the woods again. He had arranged a pile of apples, there was enough for 2 per pony by the time he had finished, so he began to nudge his comrades awake.
  13. Sorry I probably should have informed everyone that I'm not online on Sundays I'll make my post now
  14. Driftwood looked up from his map at the question, deciding to add his reason also so that perhaps he wouldn't be asked again later. "I got a message this morning, inside my house on the wall, that just said 'Meet you in Canterlot' along with a very old seal I used to use." He looked around at the other ponies "that's when I ran into this group... I need the answers to my questions, that is why I'm going."
  15. Driftwood had been watching the fire, and did notice that it was slowly dwindling away. he went over the the small pile of assorted wood the group had collected and fed the fire with some of it. The ponies around him seemed tired, but none of them were able to sleep. Most likely they had got all worked up about the trip ahead of them and were too excited to settle down properly. Driftwood went over to where he had laid his knapsack and took out his map. He decided that instead of staring at the fire, he would try to find an efficient way through the forest tonight so the group would be ready in the morning.
  16. Driftwood watched Lightning drag himself into his tent, disappointed that there weren't enough ponies willing to play with him. Driftwood didn't care much for the idea of playing games, but he did feel a little sorry for the pony. He didn't seem a lot younger than himself, but he did seem to have a childlike mentality and an innocence about him that made his upset form a little unnerving. Thinking no more of it, he returned to his place at the fire and sat down, trying to see how much he could make out ahead of him in the dark. @@Moonlight Fire, Not long after he had set himself by the fire, Moonlight Fire had come out of her tent and was now lying down looking up at the night sky through the trees. Bardic apologised to her in case he had been keeping her awake, Driftwood only looked into the flames and listened to them.
  17. @@Spiritual Nightmare, Driftwood noticed Lightning Chaser talking the ear off Bardic, who appear to be trying to write something. "Lightning, I think I'm ready to... play." saying it made him realise how foolish the whole thing sounded, but better to keep a pony like Lightning occupied rather than risk the nerves of his new companions so early on their journey. He stood up "just, tell me what I'm doing and I'll play hide and seek."
  18. @, Lightning Chaser had wandered over to Soothing Serum, letting Driftwood listen to Bardic's song. It was soothing, and filled the camp's atmosphere with a sort of magic he could not pinpoint. "I've camped in many a forest over the years, but never have I had the pleasure of listening to singing like this." He said, not quite realising what he was saying, as though he was spellbound by the song.
  19. @@Spiritual Nightmare, "I've been to a lot of places, I just haven't had time to learn about little foal games..." That said, Driftwood was strangely intrigued. "I'm guessing that you hide and seek in the game hide 'n' seek" he said to Lightning bluntly. "Perhaps I will if some other ponies join. I don't think I have the energy to entertain you by myself."
  20. @@Spiritual Nightmare, He narrowed his eyes at the hyperactive pony. "A game? What sort of game? I don't know any games." @@Moonlight Fire, Moonlight Fire then approached him with some sort of herb, asking him to eat it to soothe his wing. He took the herb, and looked up at her. "Thank you." he said flatly, eating the herb. It took a minute or so, but his wing was starting to feel better.
  21. @@Spiritual Nightmare, "I broke my wing not so long ago, it's still healing..." Driftwood explained, looking at his wing. "but other than that I am fine." Dusk was soon becoming night, the sky could be seen a little through gaps in the trees above. Driftwood looked up. "Our mysterious friend in Canterlot seems to think we will make the journey, or perhaps he wants us to die on the way." He stopped talking and looked at Lightning, then continued. "I doubt that though. I think we will survive if we are careful, most of the ponies here have experience in long distance travel, if that eases your thoughts."
  22. @@Spiritual Nightmare, "Fine." he replied. Of course, he wasn't fine, not physically anyway. His wing ached and felt stiff from lack of use, he just wasn't much for conversation, not that he disliked the company of Lightning or the others. He didn't feel as uneasy as he expected he would earlier in the day, the group seemed trustworthy, but Driftwood preferred his head over his heart and decided that he would stay up tonight. There was now a little gathering around the fire, some in tents, some by the fire pit itself. They all seemed to be winding down and relaxed.
  23. Sure I'll add you to the list now a lion mane should be interesting... Your request is finished! Hope you like it! Let me know what you think
  24. @@Spiritual Nightmare, "I made a shelter, just like everypony else." he replied to Lightning, becoming more used to his giddiness. He looked at his right wing, and tried to stretch it out, but it hurt when he did so. He saw the strange unicorn they had left behind coming into the campsite. "Oh, it's you. Welcome back into the company." he said, resting his head on his hooves in front of him and stared into the fire. It was now dusk, and the air was filled with the smell of burning wood and foliage. As the ponies around him chattered, Driftwood observed the group. They must have all had quite interesting lives, he had half a heart to ask everypony where they were from, but the thought of initiating a real conversation was not one he entertained for long. Instead, he continued to look into the embers.
  25. Driftwood returned to his companions' camp with a bundle of branches tied around his back, he leaned to the side dumping them all on the ground in an open space near the other tents. In the centre of the tents, it seemed that one of his comrades had built a fire pit. He was about to suggest that they use his lighter to light it, but Whiterunner offered his magic before he could. He started to construct a shelter from the branches, using an old method he had learned long ago which had served him well over the time he had spent traveling. After a while, he had a small, dry shelter. He laid his blanket on the floor within it and went to lie down by the fire pit.
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