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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by TotalNeon

  1. This was really fun to draw XD I hope you like it! I've made a full image and an avatar for you, lemme know if you'd like something changed about either Pony Fry Avatar I suppose I can have a go at that, adding you to the list He sounds cool XD I'll give it a go! Adding you to the list.
  2. Your request is done! I hope this is something along the lines of what you wanted! It's quite alright you don't have to disappear just so you know, your request is currently second on the list
  3. That's a shame :\ it was quite nice Role playing with you! Hope to see you around the forums, and have a good year at school!
  4. If you have a picture reference already, you can send me that, if not then a description is fine Hello! I've been away this week and I forgot to tell anybody :\ I can't remember how far down the list you are, but I assure you that I have been completing requests in order of time requested I just looked through the thread, and I'm quite sure I haven't finished anyone's request who posted after you, sorry for the wait any confusion I've caused
  5. Argh, sorry guys, forgot to tell everyone I was going away for the week. I'm back now XD reading through your posts
  6. Not really exactly like the show XD I'm quite off in a few places there, I draw them a bit too square and their heads too small and their legs too thick XD but I'll take it as a compliment anyway Can you resend that link? It's broken for me But then I'll be happy to take the request! You're already on the list Also, just a side-note, Orion is actually my favourite constellation XD so yay
  7. Your Request is done Hope you like it! I'll see if I can come up with something for the mane style Adding you to the list! Sure, sounds good Adding you to the list! Hi Dsanders! Great to see you again! I remember you from the welcome thread I wouldn't say this is one of the best request threads, but I'm glad you like my art I do accept multiple pony requests at the moment, so fire away I also apologise if it takes a while to get around to your request :S the list is still growing XD Again, nice to see you! Aww thanks a tonne! I'm glad you're happy with it I'll give it a go, I'll send you a rough sketch first for this request before I vector it because of the nature of the drawing XD Adding you to the list!
  8. @@Durandal, @@Moonlight Fire, @@Frosty V, "You should have been paying attention." Driftwood stated harshly to Soothing. "Are you both alright...?" He softened his tone a little, remembering that these two had just been on the edge of death. He spotted Moonlight's huge wound and nodded at Jaeger's suggestion of getting it bound fast. "Moonlight, you're good with medicine right? What kinds of herb would be good for that wound you have?" he motioned towards it with his hoof. He started to wring out the blanket with his foreleg and teeth, but it wasn't dry enough for the ponies to keep warm in it. "Could somepony spare a blanket for these two? They need to get warm before they catch something." He turned his head away and muttered "we've barely started and we've already had two nearly dead..." Driftwood looked over at the river again, remembering the stones up where Soothing had fallen in. He recalled that they still needed a way over the river... somepony had suggested felling a tree on the other side, perhaps there were other ways across, too?
  9. Your request is done! Hope you like it! Your request is finished! I hope you like it! Sure! Requests are going insanely slow right now because I've been quite busy, but I'll add you to the list! Sure, I'll add you to the list too
  10. Driftwood braced himself, clenching the blanket in his teeth and prepared to catch the ponies. They were thrown into the mock net harshly by the river, Driftwood felt a bead of sweat form on his brow, the ponies weight was a little unexpected and he nearly let go of the blanket. He started to pull the blanket towards the bank, keeping an eye on his companions and making sure not to drop it.
  11. @@Frosty V, @@Moonlight Fire, @@Durandal, Driftwood ran after Jaeger, who was flying towards the distressed ponies in the rushing river. He skidded to a stop and stood by the bank when Jeager flew just ahead of them. Driftwood's cart full of shells still attached, some of them spilled out as he suddenly stopped. The ponies were tossed mercilessly in the waters, Moonlight's hoof outstretched to Soothing Serum. "Hold on!" Driftwood called, he looked around, a little panicked, trying to find anything he could use. He opened his knapsack, wrapped neatly in a roll was his fleece blanket he'd brought along. It was large, big enough to catch the ponies in if he worked with the other pegasus. "Jaeger! Grab this!" He tossed one end of the blanket to Jaeger and kept one part between his teeth. If Jeager complied, then they could catch the ponies in the blanket as the water sped them towards the pegasi.
  12. I spent £40 on SimAnimals when it first came out, I hadn't read any reviews of it or anything, I just thought the idea sounded cool.... it was awful, I think it might have been the worst game I've ever played.
  13. @@Fox801, Neon looked at the floor and kicked away a bit of dust, thinking to herself. "Well, if you really want to help me that much, then I suppose you can." she shuddered at the thought of a music concert, that would just be too much like the home she grew up in. Noisy, ponies screaming and rolling around, can't hear a word anypony is trying to speak to you... "I'm not a big fan of music, unfortunately..." she paused "but I know you have a nice singing voice, and it'd be a shame for you not to use it since you like to sing..." she gritted her teeth "I suppose we could put on a music concert" she couldn't believe what she was saying, but Music Note was such a happy, helpful pony she felt like she owed it to her to let her do something she liked.
  14. I'm glad that you like it I must draw ponies a bit rounder or something I didn't really notice, but I'm glad you like it anyway
  15. The caravan inched along the long road to Canterlot, their journey leading them still through the forest. They remained silent for a good while and eventually reached the River in the Woods. The trees in this area were fewer, but taller, and bore no fruit. Before the entourage of ponies lay a raging, rapid river, pouring relentlessly over jagged rocks and parts of trees that stuck out. The river was rather wide, not small enough to brave crossing by swimming, and would surely sweep anypony who stepped in away. This was quite a dilemma, for no bridge was in sight. Driftwood stood motionless by the rushing waters, contemplating a way across. Studying the water, he saw something that looked like smooth, rounded stones that did not give in to the river, they stayed in one place. They were circular and quite tall, out of the way of the water's reach, and were all identical in shape and size, only large enough for one pony to stand on at a time, and with proper aim, could be jumped from one to another. "I don't like this." Driftwood said, "can anypony see any other way across?"
  16. Yeah I submitted a ticket yesterday, I hope I can get the problem sorted out soon you can't see anything on that first page thanks to all the weirdness :S Edit: the OP is fixed now! Your request is done! Hope ya like it Your request is finished! hope you like them! Adult Foal I've finished your request, and I've given her a cutie mark based on your description too Hope you like it! Summerfall Cutie Mark
  17. Normal: Porygon Fire: Charmeleon Water: Totodile Grass: Grovyle Electric: Luxray Ice: Glaceon Fighting: Breloom Poison: Beedrill Ground: Flygon Flying: Zubat Psychic: Mewtwo Bug: Ariados Rock: Kabutops Ghost: Duskull Dragon: Bagon Dark: Murkrow Steel: Escavalier Favorite type: Steel Least favorite Type: Psychic
  18. I like his N7 jacket. Seriously though, he seemed a bit shallow in EQG. Had a really "token boy" vibe present in lots of girl shows He just wasn't very interesting, and that's bad considering he had a thing with Twilight Sparkle, a main character.
  19. Oh wow this is an amazing idea! I see you have lots of requests right now, but if you get around to it I'd love a theme song for Total Neon if you want to know about her, there's a link in my signature
  20. http://mlpforums.com/topic/66362-free-art-requests-for-practice/ Okay, so I don't know if it's just me, but my original post on the above thread is completely messed up I'm not sure how it happened, but I can't edit it because the edit button has vanished mysteriously. I thought it was just a processing error or something with the browser, but this is the only post on the forums that does this and it's been like this for a whole day. Anybody got any idea how to fix it? Thanks
  21. Dog Ears has an interesting design so I decided to give him a shot hope you like it! Right, cool they all look really nicely designed unfortunately the list is broken right now (and I can't find the edit button, it vanished) so I can't add you to it but I'll just go through posts until it gets fixed
  22. The second picture is great! Can't see any major problems with that one, the first one is a little bit anatomically incorrect however, his right leg is a bit too short and his neck looks a bit weirdly angled near the bottom you said that you drew these with your finger, so I can imagine that that's pretty difficult :S You might want to check out some anatomy sketches like this one When you watch the show, try to study how the ponies move, and interact with the world around them. That's where you'll pick up proportion and perspective on the characters Other than that, really good so far!
  23. Driftwood had been watching how the other ponies behaved while they talked. Bardic and Serum were having a conversation about Saddle Arabia, it seemed to be an interesting talk, but what Driftwood found more interesting was the way it was being exchanged. Particularly, he noticed that Soothing Serum was a little bit... odd. It was a collection of little things rather than one big, foreboding feeling, but something about her didn't seem right, the more he observed her, the more he felt uneasy. Something to do with the way she talked, like she was being interrogated, she was on edge. There were lots of things that could provoke such a response, but for now, he decided just to keep a close eye on her. No doubt if she was hiding something, it would be brought out in time if it was important to the caravan. "Alright everypony, let's go." he set off walking into the forest, and the caravan followed, slowly but surely getting closer to their destination.
  24. Thanks! I'm glad you liked it! You're welcome I'm still open, but I'm going pretty slowly down the list also the OP seems to be a bit broken, not sure if that's just me... gimme some reference pics or descriptions of the characters and I'll see what I can do Thanks a lot I'll have a go at chubby Luna XD
  25. Sure Futurama's great I'll add you to the list. Your request is finished hope you like it! sorry if I made her white stripes a bit too bold, I went a bit crazy with it
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