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Victoria and Co.

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Status Replies posted by Victoria and Co.

  1. I have my Special Somepony! My widdle kissy-wissy snuggy-wuggy sugar bear!! <3

  2. NIGHTY NIGHT. I'm leaving the forums, forever.


  4. I <3 Daleks. I don't think the feeling is mutual though. I think they hate me. All they say is exterminate. Still, their fantastic!

  5. I spent the whole day with my new girlfriend. Gary is one happy pony.

  6. My avatar is just about the greatest thing in the world.

  7. Well, guess you could say that I have found my "Schmoopie Poo."

  8. Well, guess you could say that I have found my "Schmoopie Poo."

  9. Well, guess you could say that I have found my "Schmoopie Poo."

  10. Well, guess you could say that I have found my "Schmoopie Poo."

  11. Well, guess you could say that I have found my "Schmoopie Poo."

  12. Well, guess you could say that I have found my "Schmoopie Poo."

  13. Dear Princess Celestia, today I learned that Yahoo articles are full of shit and thier community is a bunch of butthurts, so therefore, I am deleting my Yahoo membership Your faithful student Mordecai

  14. My rabbits keeps sneezing :o

  15. I haven't felt like this in a long time... Extremely warm and fuzzy, and happy.

  16. Off ta bed for me. Night every body. Pleasant dreams. Or nightmares. If you're into that sort of stuff. Then Nightmares would be pleasant. So Pleasant dreams everybody. ;)

  17. A younger Pyro, after struggling with a difficult early life, created a fantasy world to which he/she/it could escape to in times of stress. Later, Pyro was hired to fight for the Mann brothers. Unlike the other classes, Pyro still had a sense of morality so stress continued to mount and the Pyro had to rely more and more on its fantasy world to cope. Soon, the lines became blurred for the Pyro and he/she/it could no longer tell the difference between its fantasy world and the actual one.

  18. A younger Pyro, after struggling with a difficult early life, created a fantasy world to which he/she/it could escape to in times of stress. Later, Pyro was hired to fight for the Mann brothers. Unlike the other classes, Pyro still had a sense of morality so stress continued to mount and the Pyro had to rely more and more on its fantasy world to cope. Soon, the lines became blurred for the Pyro and he/she/it could no longer tell the difference between its fantasy world and the actual one.

  19. A younger Pyro, after struggling with a difficult early life, created a fantasy world to which he/she/it could escape to in times of stress. Later, Pyro was hired to fight for the Mann brothers. Unlike the other classes, Pyro still had a sense of morality so stress continued to mount and the Pyro had to rely more and more on its fantasy world to cope. Soon, the lines became blurred for the Pyro and he/she/it could no longer tell the difference between its fantasy world and the actual one.

  20. I didn't know Canada had a day dedicated to it.

  21. I <3 this site. No idea why I'm saying this. Absolutely.No.Idea. Poop

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