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Status Updates posted by GrauWitz

  1. Donald Trump. He wants to go after China, he wants to build a wall between the USA and Mexico (and make Mexico pay for it), he wants to forcefully take all the oil from the Middle-East, he attacked one of America's most beloved war heroes, and he believes that vaccines cause autism. And he's ranking high in the polls? *facepalm* >.<

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Moved to Elsewhere

      Moved to Elsewhere

      Bernie Sanders FTW.

    3. Moved to Elsewhere

      Moved to Elsewhere

      Donald Trump is a comedian and Hilary Clinton is just Obama 2.0.

    4. Nerdy Luigi

      Nerdy Luigi

      As I look into Bernie Sanders's viewpoints, he's looking more and more like the best candidate in both parties. He'd be a great president from the sounds of it.


      Donald Trump is the most hilarious waste of time I have ever seen grace the presidential race. He probably would be George W. Bush except even worse. I would see nukes in our future with this laughable candidate as president. Of course, every single running republican is laughable in a similar manner, but none a...

  2. Sooo, the Iran Nuclear Deal has ended with the USA and Iran coming to an agreement. I still don't trust Iran, though. To me, it's still the same corrupt, devoutly Islamic country that treats women, homosexuals, and just pretty much every citizen horribly.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sky Knight
    3. Sky Knight

      Sky Knight

      It does also strike a major blow the USA in terms of Iran and her allies since Iran can now offer great protection with their nuclear arsenal now. It's all part of a better, brighter and safer Middle East. Not so much an improved way of life per say but a improved frontier for them to be independent and not straining on our western economies in terms of humanitarian aid and radicalism groups.

    4. Mr F

      Mr F

      I feel the same way towards Israel. Now those people REALLY cannot be trusted.

  3. I love you, Fizz. <3

  4. I know it's still July 3rd over in the United States. But since it's July 4th over here right now, I'd like to say Happy Independence Day, America! :D

    1. Nuke87654


      Thank you very much :)

  5. Watched the new episode and.... *sigh* First Saddle Arabia, now Yakyakistan. That's the second country with a horrific human rights record Hasbro has ponified!

    1. Wayzer


      Ow come on people it's just a kids show :o it's not like they intended something with it >.< I mean just count the references to China in some kids shows, not exactly the most human friendly country either

    2. GrauWitz


      Hmmm, fair point, Wayzy ^^

  6. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-33301181 If I had known about this beforehand, I would've travelled to Dublin in a heartbeat! :D
  7. These guys are so lucky to be alive! XD
    1. GrauWitz


      What do ya mean not exactly? Hammond, May and the camera crew were about to be attacked by rednecks! X3

  8. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-33297625 I salute this woman! The Confederate Flag needs to be BURNED!!!
    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. GrauWitz


      Hell, even the Finnish Air Force uses the Swastika. I believe Polly told you this already X3

    3. Wayzer


      Yeah he did actually :o

    4. Spartan


      The southern states wanted to keep slavery yes, but the north wanted to tax the hell out of the south and a bunch of other polical nonsense. Believe it or not, slavery was not high on the list for the south at the time of the succession

  9. Well, looks like the US Supreme Court legalised gay marraige nationwide! Well done, USA! My respect for you has skyrocketed today! :D

  10. *sigh* My closest friend is on holiday in Italy. It has only been a couple of days so far..... but I just miss him so much! :'(

  11. I wonder what Mao Zedong would think of present-day China....

  12. What I would give to have a loving boyfriend.....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      This is something I tell myself everyday, but..eh, love just doesn't seem like something that is meant for me.

    3. CheeryFox
    4. Wardaddy


      Sometimes a person would be better off alone, but that's not to say you should adopt that lifestyle. I'm just giving advice based on my experience of life.

  13. Oh wow, only 25 more brohoofs until I reach 1000! :D

    1. JonasDarkmane


      Awesome :D *Brohoofs*

  14. Mike Huckabee. He's transphobic, and a couple of his endorsers are child molesters. America, if you elect HIM in 2016, I will lose all hope for you

  15. Commander Tangent and Spreelly, you are truly awesome friends! I love you both :D

    1. JonasDarkmane


      It is wonderful that you have so awesome friends :D *Hugs*

    2. GrauWitz


      It is indeed! :D *hugs you back*

  16. My uncle, who lives California and whom I haven't met in over 2 years, visited this week! I was so happy to see him :D

  17. One more week, and I'm officially on summer holidays! :D

  18. What a cute banner! Well done, Vinyl Scratchy! :D

  19. I'm back! Sorry, but I was very busy. Studying and all that ^^

    1. JonasDarkmane


      *Huggies* Welcome back :D

    2. GrauWitz


      *gives you huggies aswell* Thanks :D

  20. My feelings towards Frozen in a nutshell
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      He's Creedy, and V is Frozen.

    3. Wardaddy


      You Frozen fans just never learn, do you? Your goddamned film may invade people's lives to its hearts content, but GrauWitz and I will turn up our noses and make Elsa and company kiss our unimpressed asses.

    4. GrauWitz


      Gentlemen, I want that snowman found, and I want him to know exactly what summer really means. England Prevails

  21. Hey! Irish people DO NOT say "Top of the morning to ya!"

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wardaddy


      Or if you're a Corkman, we say "How are ya?" and stuff. But yeah, we are not exact copies of our stereotype.

    3. NothingIsEverything


      Top O' the mornin' to ya! They're after me lucky charms!



    4. Miles


      Tip of the iceburg to ye!

      ~ Vikings


  22. Thanks to past experiences, I absolutely hate soccer and I am prejudiced towards anyone who plays it and I get into a sour mood whenever soccer is talked about in a positive light. I can't help it. It has been implanted in my brain by my horrible time in soccer training

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. GrauWitz


      Ireland is pretty sports crazy aswell. But it's more rugby and hurling than anything (which I also dislike)

    3. Verily British

      Verily British

      I was rather fond of rugby, to be perfectly honest as long as it wasn't football I was happy. Ah well, I never have to do PE again, thank goodness.

    4. JonasDarkmane


      Well, I used to play a lot of football, was rather good at it, but I lost my love for it after an... incident *Shakes* Don't like being around others that play it :(

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