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Everything posted by HeartFeltPuma23

  1. Hi Silver,welcome to the forums,I assure you that you will like this place,lots of nice and kind people are here,see you around the forums!
  2. I'm super late,but,happy birthday! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HeartFeltPuma23


      They are all the the article,there are videogames,music cds,light novels,there is everything on evangelion,even baby toys (no i'm not joking) it has made Anno rich as hell,and he probably still hates it. Oh,and also shaving foam and food.

      Then there is this: http://goo.gl/aIbWnq a anime about Mr.Anno and his wife,the only thing left that he needs is a real eva ._.

    3. Obsolete


      I heard about the Anno anime yesterday and thought it was a joke. xD

    4. HeartFeltPuma23


      It's real and I want to see it XD

  3. *Yawns*

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. HeartFeltPuma23



    3. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      sorry guys, i let myself go XD

    4. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt



      *random video*

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. HeartFeltPuma23


      "I smell something...Shinji..did you just crapped yourself...again?"


      And that isn't all,you will arrive there when the Instrumentality is starting! Don't miss the chance to see the apocalypse from its starting point!

    3. Obsolete


      What an honor. I will get to see everyone get hugged and turn into fecal matter. :P


      Neon Genesis Evangelion, from the makers of Conker's Bad Fur Day.

    4. HeartFeltPuma23



      That is one of the greatest games in history XD

  4. If Fluttershy asked me to hang out with her I will probably remain there shocked for a few minutes,and then burst out into a "YEEEESSSS",and in the end I will do my best to treat her like the lady that she is.
    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. HeartFeltPuma23


      Wow,mi dispiace,ma sembri essere una persona forte (e sono più che sicuro che tu lo sia) sono sicuro che riuscirai a superare questa "prova" per cosi chiamarla

    3. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      bah sono così da sempre.. ci sono abituato

    4. HeartFeltPuma23


      Beh,che dire allora,buona fortuna

  5. Well..Today's episode was a bit odd...but in the end it was a great episode,one of the best in this entire season in my opinion.

  6. The new banner is fantastic!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. HeartFeltPuma23



      Could you give me the link?

      I'm a lazy ass I know XD

    3. ~StatesTheOblivious~



      Just google yay ponies. Yeah, I think it was that, I'm not up to date with them, to be honest. ^_^'

    4. HeartFeltPuma23



      I'll do that,thanks! ^^

  7. Amen. That is really all that there is left to say. Somebody had to say this and you have make a really good job explaining it all,and let's face it,you are a popular member so at least a bunch of people will read this. I salute you. *tips hat*
  8. I should really go to bed... Goodnight everyone!

    1. Obsolete


      Good night, Puma! :)

  9. Fucking dark souls 2...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bojo


      The feeling when you hate and love a game at the same, one of the best feels ever! Hope you're having tons of fun :D

    3. Magpie


      I'm not sure if it's more difficult or not, seeing as I'm new to it as opposed to dark souls which I've beaten over and over.

    4. HeartFeltPuma23



      I'm just hating it,when I finish it I'm going to burn the CD in the name of Talos (a god from Skyrim)


      Trust me,it is more difficult,to beat a boss I had to die 12 times,with the boss of the first game I died only 2 or 3 times

  10. This episode was really good,and Luna was awesome as always :3 And this,this is hilarious X'D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      poi essendo nella croce rossa è ancora più bello XD il mio capo ha la mania di offendere a bomba i minorenni ubriachi che fanno finta di essere maggiorenni XD


      a carnevale:

      "quanti anni hai?"


      "TUA MADRE!" xd

    3. HeartFeltPuma23


      Lol il tuo capo sembra una brava persona XD

    4. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      è un figo fidati XD

  11. http://kolshica.tumblr.com/ Cool fursuits,the bad thing is that probably inside there are two males XD
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      ah io sono contrario all'antro XD ho provato anche a disegnare in quello stile, ma se noti in tutti i miwi disegni sono tornato allo stato "pony standard" XD non lo sò, si ammetto che certe art furry sono magnifiche, però non sò.. non è che mi attira questo gran che :) niente in contrario ovviamente! e per quelle suit... si.. muori dentro li... XD magari vanno bene se fuori c'è meno 30 gradi XD

    3. HeartFeltPuma23


      Beh,a ognuno il suo no?

      Più che altro,io mi chiederei da dove diamine vedono,da quanto ho capito molti occhi sono fatti di vetro,e la testa non ha buchi

    4. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      teoricamente i buchi per gli occhi non sono sugli occhi veri ma più giù, tra la giuntura del collo.. ma non saprei dire :)

  12. Sigh...Goodnight everyone..

    1. Obsolete


      Good night, Puma. Hope you feel better soon. :/

  13. I suppose that it depends on where you are going and who will be there,my relatives would have looked at me wrong if I had those boots on at a wedding,and they wouldn't look good with a suit XD
  14. I send a friend request to her 3/4 weeks ago,I tought that she was a member that comes and goes,and instead this happened,I feel really sorry,for what happened,and for not having a chance to talk to her,I wish I could have done something,may she rest in peace.
  15. Good work! I really like the big hair,it is something that I've never seen around,keep up the good work!
  16. I usually wear boots,mostly a pair of duty boots or those beauties: I don't really like other types of shoes,but if I have I will wear other types,based on the occasion,be it a wedding or something else (it isn't really polite to go to a wedding with biker boots XD)
  17. This test doesn't seem too complete and should be more complex and have more choices to be optimal,but I've made it and got white: Your Aura Is White! Personality: Cool and calm, but not laid-back, whites are the ultimate in class. Whites are one of the best at what they do, and they don’t make a show of it, but they get the recognition anyway. White’s always getting the job done, always making the perfect play, never demanding the credit and always getting it anyway. With a wink and tiny salute of acknowledgment to the crowd, everyone will always remember you.You are neat and immaculate in your appearance, in the presentation of your home almost to the point of being fanatical. You are far-sighted, with a positive and optimistic nature. You are well-balanced, sensible, discreet and wise. You are cautious, practical. You tend to have a great deal of self control. You are confident, poised and self-assured when at your most positive, but can also be very choosy and fastidious when the mood strikes. You can be very critical of yourself and others. You are self-sufficient and a loner. You may appear to be shy, but you do have strong beliefs about most things and love the opportunity to air those beliefs. Love Life: You see love as an adventure, and you find most wo/men dull. You need someone who challenges you! Yellow: Way too outgoing, they are way too annoying to take you on Red: Always complaining about their love life makes you just want to smack them across the head and say “SNAP OUT OF IT!!!” Pink: To prissy and stuff can get annoying really fast Blue: No like green? That’s fine Blue is just the same just a little bit of a realist. Purple: Their standards are way too high for white to reach! Orange: They may be like yellow but something about them completes your day! Perfect Color Love Match: Green is THE PERFECT MATCH! Just like white they are really down to earth, and are the perfect soul mate for white Friendship Color: Blue Auras are perfect to fit your qualifications of what you call a "Friend". Color Opposite: Your color wheel opposite is Pink. Pink is too outgoing to fit your personality and may annoy you just a smidge. Words that Describe White: Naïve, Innocent, Neutral, Shy, Serious, Stubborn, Ethical, Honest, Self-Important Purpose of Life: To Make a Statement, and Succeed in Life
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