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About Denim&Venöm

  • Birthday April 27

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    JukoDDT / Neigh Slayer

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    No Drugs. No Alcohol. No Smoking. Hardcore Straight-Edge XXX
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    Wrestling, Anime, Heavy metal, Kaiju (giant monsters), Furries/Anthromorphs.

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  1. Welp. I just learned that my Grandpa passed away. A bad fall paired with his cancer diagnosis and a myriad of other undiagnosed issues finally did him in. Like Lemmy Kilmister, just one thing wasn't strong enough to bring him down. 

    We weren't close. Haven't spoken in years. Living half a country a part. Haven't seen him in almost eight years. He was a private guy. Not very sentimental. Pretty stoic. Probably an introvert. Guess it runs in the family. I see a lot of grandpa in my brother. They probably would've gotten along.  But I do feel for the rest of my family who knew him best. My dad is putting on a brave face, grateful that he got to see him one last time a few months back. They may have been distant, but he was still the best dad my dad ever had. My aunt is taking it hard. He was a step dad to her, but also the best dad she ever knew. My grandma is taking it even harder. They may have split but he was the one she regretted parting with the most. Seemed like they buried the hatchet at the last reunion. Hit hardest of all was my Grandma in law, who was with him for over half his life. She'll need the help more than anyone. Don't quite know how to feel, as I'm pretty distant from it all. Maybe that's for the best. I didn't know him that well. I do wish that were different. A lot of us do.

    So yeah, give my family some strength if you can. 

    Rest in Power, Grandpa D. Your legacy is living on. 

    1. DJ Wolfe

      DJ Wolfe

      Very sorry to hear about his passing. :(

    2. Tacodidra


      I'm sorry to hear about your loss, my friend! :( May he rest in peace. *hugs*

    3. Sparklefan1234
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