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Red Star~

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About Red Star~

  • Birthday September 14

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    California :P
  • Personal Motto
    Don't book a cover by it's judge.
  • Interests
    Art, Animation, Cartoons, Movies, and of course, videogames~

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  • Favorite Forum Section
    Equestrian Empire Roleplay

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  1. Yes! Managed to finish Pokemon White! Now there's only Pokemon X and Y to look forward to! Wait...there's a Pokemon White 2?!?!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sapphire Quill

      Sapphire Quill

      I did also, but yes, you get to connect with him a lot more through it, made me cry throughout it to be honest, great game.

    3. Sapphire Quill

      Sapphire Quill

      I did also, but yes, you get to connect with him a lot more through it, made me cry throughout it to be honest, great game.

    4. Red Star~

      Red Star~

      I'll try to give it a go. N is one of my favorite characters and I still got time before X and Y.

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