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Red Star~

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Status Updates posted by Red Star~

  1. Booo~ >:3

    1. AmarisNsane
    2. Red Star~

      Red Star~


  2. You like too many of the stuff I like. It's almost scary. :3

    1. Moonlight


      what kind of stuff? : 3

    2. Red Star~

      Red Star~

      A lot actually. Godzilla franchise, GotG, Lego Movie, MK8, Animal Crossing, RE4, Bioshock, Weird Al, Portal 2...just to name a few. :3

  3. Naps help the mood so much. Not during romantic dates though.

  4. *scrunchy face intensifies*

    1. Emerald Star

      Emerald Star

      I love the scrunchy face ponies ^.^

    2. Red Star~

      Red Star~

      It's the most aggressive and adorable expression ever!

  5. Pun of the day: My sister gave me a new blanket made of bees! It sure was swarm~

  6. *scrunchy faces intensifies*

  7. Gasp! Another Star?!?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Red Star~

      Red Star~

      Pun intended?

    3. Emerald Star

      Emerald Star

      XD Nice to see another Star on here.

    4. Red Star~

      Red Star~

      Indeed! It really brightens up the place~! :D

  8. Guess who's back. Back again. Red Star's back.Tell a friend~

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Red Star~

      Red Star~

      Whoa, that does seem like a lot. >_>; Legendary members? What made them legendary? Just pure popularity?

    3. Lisa


      Yeah, really cool members who everyone knew. ;p

    4. Red Star~

      Red Star~

      Ah, sucks that he may be gone. Hope it didn't let down the site too much though!

  9. Well, I've been gone for quite some time. Did I miss anything? *sees over 500 notifications* Apparently...

    1. Flicker Sweet

      Flicker Sweet


      just drama

      pointless, stupid drama

  10. Boos are adorable. They basically represent how I am when I was near my crush back then.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mr F

      Mr F

      dat is pretty cute

    3. Viscra Maelstrom

      Viscra Maelstrom

      Boos are awesome. it's just fun to twist them up into something more evil at times. >:3

    4. Red Star~

      Red Star~

      @Princess Viscra


      Wat... O~O

  11. Ohmygoshness. It was club day today at school. And they had a SUPER SMASH BROS. Club!! Over 30 members with monthly tournaments!! <3 I'M IN HEAVEN!!

    1. idonotreallycare


      Man, I want go to your school.

  12. Throwback Thursday! Which classic video game should I play today? Tetris? Super Mario Land? Conker's Bad Fur Day?

    1. Ruddboy Olaf
    2. Blue Bay
    3. Red Star~

      Red Star~

      If only I had an ancient artifact such as pong to play.

  13. Animal Crossing... Stahp... Lemme do my homework...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Zygen


      *Decide to buy it sometime*

    3. Red Star~

      Red Star~

      You should. It was the highest rated game of the year until the Last of Us, which is also an incredible game. X3 Darn! So many good games! My wallet is gonnaaaaa dieeeee! D:

    4. Zygen


      @red, yeah haha. I heard about it from friends.


      Never heard of last of us, of course from what ive seen in the stores I've been to since getting my 3ds a lot of the stores don't carry many games. GameStop

      Does but theyre not that close by.


      Lots of good sounding 3ds games, it looks like a good library so far, a lot of my money is gonna be gone due to the games :P. not to mention time.


    1. ActFast231


      Damn you and your adorable avatar. Also, I am more of a console gamer, myself.

    2. Red Star~

      Red Star~

      I have it preordered on Wii U. So ya. I get finish the game twice! :D I have PS3 and xbox as well. But I prefer PS3 because I don't have to pay for online. :3

    3. Red Star~

      Red Star~

      Oh and thanks. X3 Scrunchy faces are absolutely adorable~

  15. Oh He-Man. You never seize to amaze me~

    1. Ruddboy Olaf
    2. Nomadic


      Quick this topic needs more talk about He-Man's greatest villain ever, Plundor.

  16. Villain Day?!? I...I didn't even... GAH! How could I forget!? I'll get a villain righty away! Maybe later... *procrastinater powers activated...later*

    1. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      XD I did it before the day even started

    2. Red Star~

      Red Star~

      Lucky! I wasn't on all day! And now it's too late in the day to get a villain for myself! ;o; And I had the most awesome villain ready too! BOWSER! Totally not generic at all... >_>

    3. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC
  17. Something ain't right here...

    1. Jamie


      I know. It's messed up and I haven't gotten roun to fixing it

  18. Barely 2 weeks on MLP forums and I've already started a revolution... Whoops... >_>

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Red Star~

      Red Star~

      Okie. X3 Co-leaders it is! *throws confetti* :D

    3. Flicker Sweet
    4. Red Star~

      Red Star~

      I didn't mean tooooo! D: It was by accident!

  19. I said your name when I figured out how to divide by zero. :3

  20. Your avatar pleases me greatly...

    1. Nohbdy


      I aim to please, fellow soldier of the revolution.

  21. Might I say your avatar looks quite dashing~

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Red Star~

      Red Star~

      Why thank you! X3 Art Streak is really doing an excelleny job with these vibrating avatars. XD Our empire shall GROW! >:D

    3. Erza


      HELL YEAH! >:3

    4. Wolveon


      Where are you guys getting them? ._.

  22. Waha! Another scrunchy vibrating pony! :D

  23. Waha! Another one! :D

    1. Friendship_Cannon


      yea, let´s take this place over :3

    2. Red Star~

      Red Star~

      We will make this place vibrate in fear! >:D

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