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Red Star~

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Status Updates posted by Red Star~


  2. Nighty night~ *leaves a box full of donuts on the night stand. 100% vulnerable.* >_>

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rockymoo



      *looks for a chocolate one*

    3. Standard User

      Standard User

      *licks the remaining donuts*

    4. Flicker Sweet

      Flicker Sweet

      *puts the donuts in the fridge*

  3. Why hello there Pika. Might we have met somewhere before? :3

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. drawingpandapony


      That's ok!:) What do you draw? I draw anime and ponies! :D

    3. Red Star~

      Red Star~

      Well, of course, I draw ponies, but I also draw cartoon characters, designs, and I try to draw anime. X3 still trying yo get the hang of it though. XD

    4. drawingpandapony
  4. Your avatar is mesmerizing...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ~Silver Essence~

      ~Silver Essence~

      You got me dude, and yes, I do find her attractive, but not to the point where I think. X)

    3. Red Star~

      Red Star~

      You know what I'm thinking? XD What if my OC had the sexy eyes gif and Rarity had the scrunchy face vibrating gif. XD

    4. ~Silver Essence~

      ~Silver Essence~

      That would be funny. Try it.

  5. I thank you for adding me to your friends list! Keep on tail waggin'~

  6. Bed time kitties. *purr*

    1. DubWolf


      Vibe and scrunch on reddie!

    2. fimdash


      I want to cuddle with a cat right now cause of this status

  7. Hiya! Just wanna say THANKS for adding me to your ever-expanding friend list. :D

  8. Your username is Scootalove and your Avatar is Alicorn Twilight. I like you already! :D

    1. Show previous comments  47 more
    2. Red Star~

      Red Star~

      Aww...sorry to hear that. :/ hope things work out there.


    3. Scootalove


      Eh, it's okay. Enjoy your Steam! :P

    4. Red Star~

      Red Star~

      Thanks. I will. It was a blast talkin' with ya. G'night. X3

  9. I thank you for adding me to your ever growing list of friends... sir...mam...sir. OwO;

    1. Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Sir.Flutter Hooves

      You are welcome my friend! Glad to have you on board my friends list!:D

  10. Well, bed time I guess. See you folks tomorrow. Sleep well, and don't let the parasprites bi-- GAH!!

    1. Swick (ded)

      Swick (ded)

      You just made me decide to watch 'Swarm of the Century'. :P

    2. Red Star~

      Red Star~

      Glad I could be of service~ :D

  11. Yes! Managed to finish Pokemon White! Now there's only Pokemon X and Y to look forward to! Wait...there's a Pokemon White 2?!?!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sapphire Quill

      Sapphire Quill

      I did also, but yes, you get to connect with him a lot more through it, made me cry throughout it to be honest, great game.

    3. Sapphire Quill

      Sapphire Quill

      I did also, but yes, you get to connect with him a lot more through it, made me cry throughout it to be honest, great game.

    4. Red Star~

      Red Star~

      I'll try to give it a go. N is one of my favorite characters and I still got time before X and Y.

  12. I've only played the first Ace Attorney and yet I call myself a fan of Apollo Justice. Feel free to slap me. >n<

    1. Ruddboy Olaf

      Ruddboy Olaf

      *sips coffee*


      *throws at Red Star*

      You fool. That coffee was cold.

    2. Red Star~

      Red Star~

      GAH! ME?! I...you... *wipes coffee* Thank goodness it wasn't hot...

  13. First driving lesson today... I'm bringing a helmet next time...despite how it will do nothing for me... >_>

    1. Blue Bay

      Blue Bay

      C'mon, how hard could it be? :D


    2. Red Star~

      Red Star~

      I could barely make a left turn without going into another cars lane without hitting off their side view mirror. I was just real nervous. :/

  14. <--- My face, when you brohoofed my post.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Red Star~

      Red Star~

      Somewhere between fanboy-gasm and utter astonishment.

    3. Rockymoo


      But alas, I'm afraid I'm not Trixie. Just a hardcore admirer. :(

    4. Red Star~

      Red Star~

      Oh I know. That makes two of us. :3

  15. I am me, you are you. Not sure how to respond to this, do you?

    1. Jokuc


      I'm on a horse

    2. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      A freakin' horse.


    3. Red Star~

      Red Star~

      You two have won my respect.

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